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Status Updates posted by HYSTERIAc

  1. ты в контакте есть?

  2. ууу а что за авария? не слишком серьезно, надеюсь?

  3. aaaaaa i can't wait for new album any longer!! i want it now, i want it now, last chance to lose control(:

  4. as you have noticed i'm registered here, so i like rock music(: speaking about my favourite bands except MUSE they are Placebo, Paramore, Oasis, Coldplay, and others.

    the same question to you(:

  5. wow your own band? cool(:

    by that time i'll be playing the guitar perfectly and i'll join your band haha!! keep place for me!!

  6. i study at linguistic university - and it is not in my native town((( so now i live far from home(( it's my dream to be able to play the guitar - and i'm learning doing this))

  7. hey)) tell smth about yourself. I see u r a student. Where do u study??

  8. i pass my exams now((( awful time for me began :(

  9. hi! how is it going?

  10. Hi! Haven't seen you for ages :) How is it going? I see you like Paramore, i like them too:) by the way, what are your ''hopes and expectations'' for the new album? As for me, i'm eager to listen it as soon as possible!

  11. ???! ??????! ??? ????? ??????? ??? ??????????? ?????, ? ????? ???????? ? ?? ???????????)))))))) ?? ?????? ?????? ?????, ? ???? ? ??????? ?????)))

  12. ??????! ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????????? ??????? ???????????? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ??????? ???? ??? ????? :)

  13. Русские всех стран, объединяйтесь!:)

  14. ого да тебе повезло!!)))) я кстати уже после того как скачала дискографию поняла что их песни слышала раньше. вот например Hysteria была в рекламе духов insolence от Guerlain если не ошибаюсь.. ну и New Born тож помню))

  15. привет!! насчет твоего предложения-за!! я смогу сегодня часов в 9-10 по москве. кстати я не из Великого Новгорода, а из Нижнего Новгорода. это на Волге, не путай))))

    я MUSE впервые услышала в Сумерках, там была песня Supermassive Black Hole, ради нее чтоб узнать кто поет скачала все саундтреки к фильму - и все.... понеслось...

    короче, сейчас слушать больше ничего не могу.

    вживую их никогда не видела к сожалению, только на экране. у меня все их концерты есть. а ты на концертах была?

  16. хе хе привет земляк))) ты из какого города? я из Нижнего Новгорода. давно muse слушаешь?

  17. hi!! well unfortunately i've never seen MUSE live(((( only on DVD)) and you? speaking about expectation for the new album... i heard it'll be only in autumn! and music will be mmm... rock of course but with elements of classical and even symphonic music. i'm eager to hear it!

  18. yeah i totally agree with you)) i can't choose only one song. All the MUSE's songs are my favourite)))

  19. oh i totally agree with you!! it's impossible for me to choose only one favourite song) i can say all the MUSE's songs are my favourite)))))but at the moment i enjoy listening to the songs from the album Origin of Symmetry))

  20. hi!! how are you? i see you can play the guitar)))))) i learn to play it too)) is Megalomania your favourite song?

  21. I'm from Russia. Don"t pay attention to my awfull grammar)))))) i see you're the indonesian. tell me smth about yourself:)

  22. hi!! well, what i can say about myself. I'm a student at linguistic university, my main hobby is listening to MUSE))))) what is your MUSE's favourite song??

  23. hi!! Say happy birthday to me :))) Tomorrow (April,29) it was my 18th b-day and i'm of age now))))) and how are you? Do you really play the guitar?? A bass-guitar?? I see you're a student. Where do you study??

  24. hi!! my favourite songs are Feeling good, Starlight, Map of the problematique, Plug in baby, New born, Megalomania and so on.. And Nysteria of course:) And how many female fans from Russia do you know? (:

  25. Happy B-Day, Sean!!

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