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Status Updates posted by musex

  1. Yes , I'm going now and I posted the wrong way , of course .

    I've followed your tip. See you . Take care .

  2. Oh , you are so right Setty !!

  3. Here people are totally crazy about hot samba and having fun . We'll have a short school break from Monday to Wednesday. It's a pitty I have test correction to do .

  4. Well here Carnival is heavily celebrated but I don't have enough energy for too much partying these days .

  5. Yes , we must think about music and the way it sets our souls alight :happy:

  6. I think these remixes are a bit useless but it's the marketing industry working ... .

    Prague's lyrics are very promising , he seems totally commited singing that song .

  7. Oh , I really feel this relief as well .

  8. I've been really busy these days , not much time for aMUSEment here .

    Btw , I think i will love PRAGUE .

  9. Hi Setty ! How are you ???

  10. Olá , como está tudo ?

  11. If you decide to listen to the 30s songs , let me know about your opinion . Kisses .

  12. Hi ! No I don't have the single I just listened to the 30s songs and it's adorable to me .

  13. Thaks for the picture Setty ? How have you been doing ?

  14. I see you'll have an intense night ! Have fun and don't work too much . Kisses .

  15. Eh Mariana , não vai dar para ajudar porque infelizmente não vou poder ir devido ao trabalho . Desculpa .

  16. Oh , Oh , Matt licking his keytar in Osaka ... he needs a girl now !

  17. Olá , sê bem-vinda ao mundo dos Musers fanáticos .

  18. I really hope he wins but the Domettes are working hard as well . We'll see , let's keep on working .

    Enjoy your night , see you tomorrow. Kisses to Nicole .

  19. Yes , put him to sleep first ... :LOL:

  20. Hi Nicole I saw that one too . They were so tired and the gig was on that night . What had they been up to ?

  21. Thanks for the lovely pic Setty . I hope you're doing better these days . Kisses .

  22. Olá Aninhas ! É um prazer ter mais uma amiga Muse portuguesa . Eu sou de Ovar .

  23. Oi ! Conheço alguns aqui , tudo gente fanática como deve ser !

  24. Olá ! Nice pics .

  25. Olá outra vez . Moro em Ovar e amo a banda e o Matt é um Deus virtuoso .

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