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Status Updates posted by KesMuse

  1. How did I know? lol

    I've just got into them recently. It takes a lot to get me this obsessed! Fantastic band. Muse will always be my favourite band, but Placebo are definitely a close second. :)

    You're a Without You I'm Nothing fan, then? Do you like any of their newer stuff? :)

  2. You like Placebo?

    K x

  3. Pula. On the coast. It was pretty gorgeous.

    lol Obviously. :p

  4. Mmmm

    Kewl... same. Going on holiday tomorrow. Croatia. :)

    Yeah, I'll be reading my eyes out. I haven't had the chance to sit and read a good book for ages.

  5. lol

    Yeah... And I checked every day! D-':

    lol Don't worry about it.

    How be life then? All good?

  6. lol that's probs not the best motivation in life, but, k, i get your point. :)

    Yeah, it was ok. Had sunstroke or a migraine or something. Anyway, that wasn't nice.

    But i'm into history, so it was goooood. Liked all the ruins and whatnot. :)

  7. lol


    Hey, maybe. People keep saying that to me recently. I can't decide if it's a good thing or not...!

    Thanks, I'll try to enjoy myself. lol I've only just got back from a week-long scholl trip to Greece. :)


    Cheers, thanks.

  8. Hey, you! When did you get so cynical?!


    lol Yeah. I'm going up to Scotland to visit him soon, and i'm gunna try and get some gigs up there, because otherwise there's NOTHING to do in that lazy village. They need some entertainment. Besides, they all know me. It'd be nice to get some little performances or pub shows going. That way when I next come up, they'll let me do it again. I don't know, but i think it's worth a shot.

    Cool. Whereabouts is Farnhman, man? i wanna go! lol I'll check it out. Sounds epic.


    Yeah. Uber-creepy, but cool. lol

  9. It's all about the music. Without a shadow of a doubt.


    lol I'm gunna wait until my birthday to get some more money off my Grandad, so that i can afford to go and look at some. I'm gunna see whether the music shop near me stores them or not. If not, there's always the one in Croydon. I'm dying for a new guitar. I like the way fender-style guitars handle, but the tone on my current aria is SHOCKING. It's disgusting.


    Oh ouch! lol But that's cool. The only person I know is my cousin, but she's not into Muse really. She follows tthe Manic Street Preachers around the world and sees some other obscure bands as well, but she hasn't seen muse since we went to see them at Teignmouth. :/

  10. lol shush, you!! I'm in by the way. He loves my voice. Get in! lol


    Yeah, there's this properly sexy black night guitar. it's a les paul and it's... ouch. I want. But i don't usually play les pauls and they handle differently, you know? i don't care, i still want it. I'm trying to persuade my mum, but she's not keen. Oh well, she can't stop me - it's my money!


    No way!! What?! How come?! my parents would never let me go to reading&leads or glasto or t in the park or anything!! Apparently 14 isn't old enough. Let me guess; you've got older siblings??

  11. lol I know, right? He's gorgeous. Gotta admit, I kinda like him. D=


    lol I always forget birthdays. My mates hate me for it. lol That's sad. I can't afford much more. My mum doesn't want me buying any more guitars, and it's pissing me off. i've got two. I want more... because I'm a selfish, greedy bitch. But it's a guitarist thing, you know? I just... want more. It's so bad, so greedy, but it's so natural..

  12. aww, ok, sure.

    do you want me to repost my last reply to you?

  13. lol great! The fittest guy in our year just asked if i was up for jamming with him at some point. Said he needs a rhythm guitarist and vocals. :D Yay!!


    lol yeah, know what you mean. I've never got any cash! =/ lol

  14. What the fuck???!!!! Tell me all about it!!! Now!! lol


    WahWah! It's a little bit low quality, because, y'know, the best wah pedal is a crybaby and they're REALLY expensive. Like... ridiculously so. Not that I wouldn't spend the money on it! It was a present from my aunt and uncle, so they wouldn't have wanted to spend as much, which i completely understand. So yeah, i'm gunna change the battery in it and see if it's any better. I'm grateful anyway!


    I'm pissed now that u've got a band and i haven't! So I'm gunna go ask my mate to jam next weekend. lol I mean it now! Seriously. Once you've got a drummer you can ask around for other members. When it's just you, you feel a bit silly doing that. :rolleyes::LOL:

  15. lol i was kinda shy to ask too, but i just bit the bullet and did it. I'm gunna ask if she's up for jamming some weekend soon.


    Noice! lol I got an acoustic, a pedal for my guitar... a dressing gown or something... lol i was only really interested in the music stuff.

  16. Cool. Hampshire's really pretty.


    Do you have a teacher for guitar? Maybe if you don't, it'd be an idea. If you do, then I don't know what to suggest.

    I know, same here! I finally plucked up the courage to ask a girl I know to jam with me at some point. She plays drums, but she's only been playing for about a month or so. I kinda asked her because she's still learning. If i got a drummer who was amazing, i'd feel really stupid. lol I can't wait. She's told me to ask again in a month or so, because she doesn't feel like she's good enough at the moment, but at least this is a start.

    Happy New Year, btw. What did you get for xmas?

  17. Don't worry about it. I've been rushed off my feet too - it's that awful time of year.

    Is that down south? New Forest area, right?

    I'm obsessive about it because I get put down so much. Every time I tell myself I can't do it, I feel all the more determined to prove that I can. I will.

    Why's that? What changed?

  18. Purley, South Croydon, Greater London. That's the best way to describe it. I don't even know where you are!

    Yay! I'll tell you as soon as! lol I swear, I'm going to get somewhere with this if it kills me.

  19. I'm better at it thatn i thought i was!

    Yeah, i'm desperate for a band! If i'm ever on your side of the country, we'll have to jam some time! lol

    I'm stuck solo too. I wish i could get in a band... *sigh* I will though! Eventually! I will.

    Yeah, it's alright. I know the basics.


    And good luck to you too!

  20. lol

    I do play live a bit. I'm teaching a mate of mine to play guitar. She's great. Hopefully we'll both get better at guitar and can form a band with a mate of mine who plays drums. If all goes to plan. If not, a friends of mine - in the year above me at school - is amazing and has made a forming band in her year promise to have me as their singer. Would be pretty cool. But they might not form. It's a bit hit-and-miss with boys!

    I play at school whenever i get the chance, but they don't like us to play at the xmas concert. But i get to play at everything else!

    Cool! Grade 7?! Wow... I'm really not that great at piano! I got to grade two and then got a bit bored with it. I can write basic tunes on it though.

    Plug in Baby's great! It's nice and easy and i'm not that great a guitarist, so it's ideal. I'm getting better though. I'm getting better. I'm playing for an assesment in music next week and i'm not quite ready yet! Wish me luck!

  21. As you should!

    You know, Hayley Williams (of Paramore) was signed to a major record label at the age of 14.

    I'm going to have to get myself noticed at some point soon, or i will feel like... like i've wasted my life. I'm a musician at heart and I need music - and to play music - to stay alive. Surely with passion like that I can push myself until some talen scout finds me? I've got a great voice and i know it! And i can play guitar fairly well... I want a band!! I want a band!

    Do you play any instruments? I don't remember if I've ever asked you.

  22. how strange


    Whey!! High five! lol

    Me too. Everyone else in my year is turning 15 and i'm still 14 for another 10 months. lol Oh well. It's a good age.

  23. lol

    why wouldn't they be allowed?


    Whey hey! Happy late birthday! lol

    How old are you?

  24. It was epic!! I loved every moment! My ears hurt like hell (I've had an operation on them recently, remember), but i didn't give a shit - i was just so ecstatic to be there! lol

    I know! It's so annoying! I've been finding online pics to jog my memory. The bit i remember the most is when bliss came on and i jumped up and down like a loony! lol that was SO the best bit!

    The mosh pit looked great, but it did rain a bit at the beginning, so at least we were dry.

  25. lol it was awesome! i was in block 206, row 7! awesome!! my poor ears though!! it was so painful! But so worth it!

    I went totally ballistic! I was jumping up and down and singing along... i almost fell down the seats! lol I was so tired, but i kept jumping around and dancing. I wasn't as bad as the person behind me! lol

    The guy a few seats down from me kept looking up at me... weirdo... even my mum said to me afterwards 'creep'. He seemed to watching me, so i just glared at him until he looked away, but it was weird. lol freak

    Nah, i sat. Except, i didn't sit... i sort of stood in the seating area. lol

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