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lensip max

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Status Updates posted by lensip max

  1. Took you up on that lol ;)

  2. 'Tis :happy:


    Oh -- and because I forgot to click the funky little MQ button in a thread somewhere -- you're right about the Black Cat anime being ossum :yesey:

  3. It was pretty good :happy: Ate waaaay too much chocolate, but good, still :D


    I think I'm going to pizza-face as a result though lol

  4. Someplace wonderful where people dance in the streets and it rains lemonade...


    Not really. Just across town lol. To like, this old crumbly mansion which has been carved up into 20 something rooms and is way way closer to the centre of the city and stuff :D


    It's not that exciting though haha. I just really need to get out of my current flatting sitch ;)


    Did you have a good easter?

  5. Not really lol. I'm moving next weekend so I need to go get BOXES from the supermarket, but other than that I'm just recovering from the first quarter of teh uni year :happy:


    And yourself?

  6. Omfg! This is out of the blue, but I saw your sig and was all :awesome: black cat :D


    That's all lol

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