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lensip max

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Status Updates posted by lensip max



    Living there


    As in, it's not been a hospital for like 25 years but it's still not got internets or phone lines, though the rent is muy cheap.



  2. i love you

  3. :eek:


    Bitch :'(


    I love you for evah and this is how you treat me?


    Fair weather friend, Sara, fair weather I say! :noey:

  4. Hell yeah :D


    Oh nice! I've family in law and journalism (judges and editors mostly. They of the mad skills and long careers) so I can appreciate that though I don't want it for myself (I want to be an anthropologist)


    And I say go out and travel before you come back. Aotearoa isn't going anywhere anytime soon, after all.

  5. Ooh nice. What're you looking at studying?


    I'm heading for Canada and with luck working my way down through to Central America by December. Then I'll have to come back and, y'know, actually finish uni, but for now I'm taking a break for the very good reason that my scholarship's run out :chuckle:

  6. Oh sucky. High school or uni/college/etc?

  7. Oh yeah? School?


    I myself am taking a gap year and heading out into the bright beyond in May :dance:

  8. Duuuuude!


    Nice macrons on the Auckland! :awesome:

  9. KAND you're amazing :kiss:

  10. Hey totally randomly - your signature is gorgeous.

  11. I'm sorrrrryyyyyy :'(

    Well, I'm going to Canada for sure, and we're probably buying a car while we're there, so hopefully if we have visas they'll let us throughhhh :awesome:

    Lol. And then you get that thing when you get off and your legs feel all funny because they've been wrapped around a massive animal's back :chuckle:

    No wonder jockeys stand up...

  12. Argh I didn't reply again?

    *melts into puddle of fail*

    Lol more like I'll give it to you when I'm in Cali. Because even if you know where I live, I'm travelling first ;p

    Yeah mum's good now. Just, y'know, convalescing.

    Nice horse, btw :awesome:

  13. Lol. Staying in tragic motels and tragic distant relations' houses and wandering around big town/small cities where there seem to be like, insanely attractive guys just wandering around as well (though apparently there was some sort of car thing on while we were there) is where!

    My bro bought me new clothes though which was epic *twirls around in sparkly black minidress*

    Suckyyyyyy. But worth it, right? :p

    She's like, on interferon therapy, and she ended up getting pneumonia (in midsummer - le failllll) and really bad anaemia because of it. But she's out again nowww so no worries.

  14. Oh babe... treatment? =/

    Wednesdays are terrible because you know you've still got another half week to goooo.

    And sorry to have taken so long in replying - my mum was in hospital last week so I didn't exactly have internet access lol.


    For what it's worth - I'm glad neither of us stayed that way!

  15. Oh god lol. I came to my senses - my friends had an intervention in not so many words: 'Lenny, you're getting awfully emo' and I was all :eek: and... stopped.

    Oh damnnnn. Yeah, falling in love is on mine as well. Le fail.

    I won't hold it against you. Just don't go pulling an I Don't Like Mondays any time soon okay? :kiss:

  16. My list of fail includes (but isn't limited to) eating a particularly fateful bowl of lamb vindaloo curry last June, my borderline emo phase, my self-absorption (in case you hadn't noticed :p) and how much time I spend on the internet :awesome:


    There are only like, three 3D movie theatres in this entire country though! And I'm nowhere near any of them...

  17. lol

    It made the top 10 Most Fail Things I Have Ever Done list..

    Actually, I'd better say top 5, because I found it waaaaaaaay too funny. Considering what we were actually doing :facepalm::LOL:

  18. Awww sucky. It was nice talking with you on skype though (your loss, my gain :p)

    Pity about the moolah though

  19. Lol. Spray tanning would turn me into an oompa loompa though!

    Yeah it's meant to be like HOLY FUCK AMEZZIN :eek:

    Have fun lovely!

  20. Oh it really is the best sunblock haha. And neutrogena generally is da BOMBBBBB.

    I get red in the sun in like 20 minutes haha. I build up a tan by like, just being outside, rather than exposing myself to concentrated bursts of sunlight.

    Nooooo! The nearest movie theatre is like, miles away from where I live :(

    I trust that you have though?

  21. Hahaha. Sun is sooooooooo good... even when you have to wear neutrogena spf 85 shiz when you go out in it (it's lies, what people say about all brown people not burning - my dad has skin the colour of cinnamon and he goes all peely all the time!)... but the vitamin d is totally worth it.

    Oh sorry to hear about the floods :s It's been flooding here, but only 3 hours away.

    Business is good (oh I'm so punny :awesome:)

  22. Lol it's cool babe, I do it all the time.

    I'm okayyyyy. Bit sunburnt but that will give way to an epic tan, so :dance:

    And you?

  23. I know that film! They play it here every year at christmas lol.

    I'll keep that in mind haha.Problem is he's uh, friends with my older brother...

  24. Lol... I'm sure you must be able to - or else all the surfers who come here from overseas would have to buy their boards when they're here...

    Yeah, he did! I didn't realise either lol. But I was at his house, and I was all "Oh sunflowers :awesome:" and he was all "gardener jargon modesty".

    Think I'm in love :chuckle:

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