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Status Updates posted by you.sunk.my.battleship

  1. that is a fair point you raised. Hmm i must ponder on this for quite some time.

  2. lol you gollywog...wait gollywogs terrify me. google it =o.

    A super race of butter. hmm. that would require a super race of cows, and in turn a super race of farmers.

    so i suggest advanced jam?

  3. Toast population control. We are breeding a super-race of toast.

    If we applied the same theory to muse fans, we could create the super-fan, complete with Muse-Radar,

    Advanced Musical Ability, and Matthew Bellamy like hair and heigth. And the world would be a utopia of music and colour and vibrancy, and the economy would be better.

    *eats another pack of tic tacs O.o*

  4. BAm bAM =) Toast Holocausts =(

  5. Ah. Touché. Hammer sandwich:eek::'(

  6. lol yours is nice too. "ro ro ro your boat" hehe

  7. I here you are from ireland. me too :]

    I am currently a bogger. Dont hold that against me lol

  8. Ah i see. I shall order the bread in amounts of millions lol

  9. -stuffs her gob with toast- lol

  10. I heard that rumour too. and may i ask, how did you get to be a toaster *shifty look*

  11. :)Oh im good thank you. how are you? bollywood films are great alright hehe

  12. Most definately a mac. I heard his band is quite good. Do religious people count as groupies then:$ ? he and Muse should do something together.

  13. I bet God gets great signal up there.

    I should steal it from him.

    god@gmail.com lol

  14. I didn't mean to whine lol

    Your dance will end up on Godtube -.-

  15. *pushes you back to your own profile with a sweeping brush*

    health and safety. Sleeping people constitute a trip hazard

  16. *sings jiggily puff song* hehe

  17. I vaguely remember that one. to be honest, I only remember random things from pokemon like the Jiggly Puff song(of which i do an awesome impression):ninja::ninja:

    And I always wanted a pokeball :$:$

  18. Is your avatar a pokemon? I cant work out which one it is.

    My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard

    And they're like, " ya wanna trade cards".

    Damn right I wanna trade cards. I'll trade you this.

    But not my charizard 0.0...

  19. Well it's no less silly than the Matts hair appreciation society thing lol. It was born out of sheer boredom hehe :)

  20. QI is a great show lol..theres an elephant in the room :]

  21. Guten tag! wie geht? I dont speak French lol. German, or English, Or Irish, depending on my mood hehe.

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