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Status Updates posted by sdxfcg_ersxdtcfh

  1. That sounded like a nice night :) I've never seen that film, so ashamed :facepalm:

    My phone was a shite one anyway, I'll be getting a new one at Christmas so I suppose it's all good!

    I'm fine, thank you, just very tired and hungover :chuckle:

    How are you keeping tonight? :D X x x x

  2. Ah, sure I'll come back to it ;)

    Hmmm was at a party last night, it was okay but I lost my phone :( Did you have a good night? :happy: x x x x

  3. Aha thankoz :D I'm clicking register but nothing is fucking happening :LOL: I'll keep trying ;)


    That's good to hear :happy: I'm good, yeah... Feeling optimistic since tomorrow is Friday :awesome: X x x x

  4. Last minute shopping FTW :awesome: Awh, fuck your ex :chuckle:

    Yeah he's so cute, the little 'OH, SHIT! :eek:' :LOL: I think I will join that actually I really do support the two babes... Hopefully those ads won't be there for long :stunned:


    Haha you're grand, rambling is healthy ;) X x x x

  5. The thoughts of Christmas shopping :facepalm:

    I'm okay, thanks. Drained though! How are you? :happy:


    Oh, and: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_816kkuQ10

    Just in case you haven't seen it :p

    X x x x

  6. :LOL: I actually got a good six hours in last night :awesome:

    Ooh nice! Those jumpers are essential... particularly this time of year, can't believe it's December already! X x x x

  7. Them days are needed sometimes. It's disgustingly cold :( It's so icey :eek:

    I'm okay, just trying to get myself sleepy, I'm not the best at sleeping :chuckle: x x x X

  8. I'm glad to see a Jedward fanatic here :happy:

    Oh you must it's the shizzle; yeah hopefully I'll find a Hills friend here :chuckle:

    How was your day? :D X x x x

  9. That's good to hear :happy:

    Yeah, it's the same here. I bet you the rating have just plunged right down :LOL:

    You should watch the Hills it sucks you in :chuckle: I'm still searching for another Muse fan who watches the Hills :chuckle: x x x x

  10. They're too cute :happy:

    Awh, are you okay? How did you manage that?

    I did indeed! Do you watch the Hills? :awesome: x x x x

  11. I think they're innocent sweethearts people are just so mean these days!:phu:

    Hi, Sinny :awesome: I'm fine, just waiting for The Hills to come on :p How are you? :) x x

  12. You'll be getting a nice reward then :eyebrows:

    Ah, I know the feeling I don't even have a lot of money :eek:

    Still something to look ahead to, though :happy:

    I'm going to start some work now :( I'll talk to you later :happy::kiss: x x x x

  13. :D:D Can't wait! And a nice break from school :cool:

    What are you getting from Santa? :p:chuckle:

  14. Awh no poor you:( *hugs* :kiss:

    Yeah, it's awesome :cool:

    Christmas isn't too far away :eek:

  15. Ah niice :happy:

    Why couldn't you sleep? :(:supersad:

    Haha, thanks, I was mini for Halloween :awesome: x x

  16. Hey, hey, hey!! :D

    I'm fine, just eating breakfast :)

    Me too :( I've so much work to do :mad:

    You're looking lovely in your picture :happy:

    X x x x

  17. Glad you do! They don't deserve the abuse they get... they're babes lol :happy:

    Hello to you too, I'm Jeni :happy:

  18. Oh defo will or plugs if he's feeling really mad :LOL:

  19. At least he does a decent job on covering up the bald patches :LOL:

  20. The chap is well groomed!:LOL: Such a hottie though :chuckle:

  21. Dom converting... I bet you he'd LOVE it :p

  22. It's his own fault the secret's out, really ;p

  23. Hahahaha his secret is out :eyebrows:

  24. Haha, he sure does! He IS a woman, really... :shifty:

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