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Status Updates posted by sdxfcg_ersxdtcfh

  1. :chuckle: Yeah I've a fair idea of what to get everyone, getting around to it is the problem :awesome: Woahh that's a lotta money :stunned: So it must be possible? Yeah good thing you're friends ;)


    I'm okay, thanks. Had a physics exam today but I'm home now it's all good :happy: How are you? :) X x x x

  2. I was very wild :chuckle:

    Awh, poor you! I'm sure it was worth it though! My weekend was relatively boring but I went shopping and got some new clothes and a pair of shoes :happy: All set for Christmas? :LOL: X x x x

  3. Yep. And they all seem to be so narrow minded... :mad:

  4. Thanks very much!

    Ah, what do teachers know? Most of them haven't even got a heart :LOL:

  5. The sweeter, the better :cool: Had a lovely caramel latte yesterday, went wild and got extra too :chuckle:

    I admire extraverts they have talent! :LOL: I'm good today, feeling a little dopey though :LOL: How are you? Have a good weekend? :happy: X x x x

  6. Poor you :(

    Lol I have all my Christmas tests next week too but I don't care my head is to high up in the clouds for that :)

  7. Nah I wasn't on speed or anything haha I'm just really bad when it comes to sleep :LOL: I'm gonna knock myself out with something later on though :LOL:

    Oh Caramel Latte is my usual :cool: Extra caramel if I'm feeling outrageous :p Yeah that caramel stuff is good :cool: So over priced though!

    Haha rambling ftw! You must be an extravert then :happy: X x x x

  8. :LOL: Cooking is a task :LOL: Love Starbuck's though :p The Christmas cups :happy:

    Of course I don't mind you rambling :chuckle: I like people who talk a lot otherwise it'd be dead without them! :D

    My day was okay. Didn't sleep last night... literally :LOL: So I'm wrecked! How was it for you? :happy: X x xx

  9. That's good to hear :)

    It was okay, quite tiring, though

    How has yours been?

  10. I'm just after seeing them :eek:

    Love Matt's trousers :LOL:

  11. Can't wait for that now :D:LOL:

  12. Oh I feel silly now I really know fuck all about them superhero things too :LOL: Haha so you're lazy too :awesome: I've tried to kick the habit before but it's pretty much hopeless :LOL:

    Mwahahaha that's great you get that sorted out I'm sure it saves a lot :cool: And ramble all you want it's all good :cool:

    I'm not too bad thanks, a little cold though, poxy heating :mad: How're you? :D X x x x

  13. Mud is no fun!

    And neither are colds take some tablets :)

  14. I'm sure we could warm each other up :awesome:

  15. Awh it is very cold:( I hate this weather! :mad:

    I'm good thanks, also cold :LOL:

  16. Thank you for the add :happy:

    How're you?

  17. Rain sucks! And the cold, oh the cold! It's actually painful :(

  18. Freezing :(

    Yeah I'd like to see a bit more of that :LOL: Too bad it's only December :mad:

  19. Awh I hope you find a new one that's a million times better :happy: I'm sure of it!

    I'm okay, thanks! Just trying to warm up it's freezing in this house :stunned:

  20. ......................... Bbz :awesome:

  21. Hello, my bbz! How are you? :happy: X x

  22. He plays Venom if I'm not mistaken :) I never ended up getting that hot water bottle, I'm a lazy fuck :LOL: How was your Monday? Not too bad I hope! X x x x

  23. Oh and that character who Topher Grace plays I think he's dead in it now though :LOL: But he's niice :p:chuckle:

    Awh, that's sweet! That's love for ya :LOL: I actually was planning on getting off my arse to get one lol... not happening anytime soon :p X x x x

  24. You can't have a Batman movie without the Joker, even I know that :eek:

    That's nice, tell your boyfriend I hope he's okay! I'm sure you're doing a great job :happy: My day was okay, went into town. IT WAS FREEZING :eek::LOL: X x x x

  25. Neither have I, ut from what I've heard I've been missing out :chuckle: Yeah I have my eye on this Sony Ericsson one :LOL: Ah, sure it's getting late. How was your day? :D X x x x

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