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Super Sammy!

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Status Updates posted by Super Sammy!

  1. Fail :LOL: you posted on your own page! I had to search for it! :eek:


    What is the topic you picked for enjoyment? :unsure:

    I picked Classical Studies, dropped out half way through the year :LOL: and next year, I picked Food Technology :awesome: although, I have a feeling that I'm gonna have to end up dropping it :\


    Yu-Gi-Oh was something fun, but only for a little bit. Once the series stopped here, and people stopped swapping cards and all, it kinda died! However, Pokemon always lived on, mainly because it was basically the first one, the rest just mocked the idea of Pokemon! :noey:

    I was never one to ever really get into the trading cards... But when I got my first couple of cards, :awesome: it blossomed!


    :LOL: yeah, I ask for help, and I kinda know in my mind that I've already made a decision :p mum just doesn't bother to answer any questions I give anymore that are related to decisions, because she knows that neither me, my sister or brother ever take her advice! :chuckle:


    I'm like, 6'2" :eek: and I'm not exactly what people would call 'skinny'... I'd say I'm just a little shy of 'fat', luckily I have a little height to balance it out :yesey:

    I can eat as much as I like, because I don't care that I store it all :LOL: I blame the fact I'm ridiculously unactive and unfit :indiff::p

  2. Of course with another Mac! Once you Mac, you never go back.


    I don't pay for apps either, fuck off. Viber is free, hence the reason I promote that further. I think I've paid for one app ever in the four and a half years I've had iPods/iPhones.

  3. Your friend still has money though! My parents aren't rich either, not at all, but I've got money and fancy shit. However I'm lazy and really slowly saved up to get everything I've got. Next purchase is replacing Mr Sparkle!


    I'll bug you about Viber another time. Whatsapp costs a dollar I think, fuck that.


    Also omg it's so fucking hot here. I actually got sunburnt today, I never usually do

  4. Do you have Viber or Whatsapp? I'm not really big on them, but was gonna say we could still text and stuff if you wanted.

  5. I know you know, I am just emphasising the point :phu: if it's in Auckland, don't worry. You have to have a bit of money to go there. The most expensive hall here at Massey was like $259 a week, whereas the hostel I was going to in Wellington which was an absolute SHITTER was $300 a week. You'll be fiiiine, as long as you don't miss all the orientation stuff then you'll be sweet.


    Three weeks until I leave today. :(

  6. You're going into the halls at uni, right? You'll meet pleeeenty of girls there. It's much easier to connect with people who are on a similar intellectual level.


    This said, I was in a hall for rich kids who had their uni paid for by mummy and daddy and as such were all dumb fucks. Don't make that mistake. :noey:

  7. I'll be first on your list, thanks. :)


    But really, have a vent to Uncle Sammy.

  8. Well, the thing is, this is my last year at school :LOL: I don't really have another chance here, especially to do why I was trying to do. I'm always picking at myself for the little things I do wrong though, that's just me. If I didn't point out my flaws, it'd make me too self-centred :eek:

    I have plenty of happy songs :happy: I listen to them when I don't really want to talk :yesey:

  9. I can pull through this week, I'm just disappointed at how a few things have turned out this year :( I was over-reacting last night of course, I just am a bit annoyed at myself for digging my own hole.

    Thanks for the message :happy: I'll cope, but I've just got to rebuild my motivation a bit now.

  10. Nothing, you're just the youngest person I've ever seen on the board! :yesey:

  11. Are you really 10 years old? :chuckle:



    My friend does music tech, Nick :happy: he's bloody good at it too, he gets basically straight Distinctions :chuckle:

    The subject I thought I'd be rubbish at, Biology, turned out to be the subject I did worst in :LOL: and then there was English, I don't fucking know how I managed two Excellences this year... :confused: possibly even one more!

    (NZ system is stuffed, it goes Not Achieved -> Achieved -> Merit -> Excellence... Excellence is basically the equivalent of a strong A/A*, Merit is an A/strong B, Achieved is just a pass, and clearly, Not Achieved means you suck shit :awesome::LOL:)


    I had a deprived childhood, we didn't have a computer and internet until I was 8, even then, I was barely allowed any time on it :indiff:

    Never had a Playstation, never had a Gameboy, never had an Xbox... Now I look back, I'm kinda glad I never got any of that stuff in a weird way! Sure, it sucked that my friends all got that stuff, but I look back, and it doesn't bother me, to be fair! At least I had a life as a kid :p can't say the same anymore...


    I love my parents :happy: I'm glad I have two awesome parents, and I'm not afraid to admit that! Kids moan about how awful their parents are, when to be fair, they wouldn't even exist if it weren't for them... Plus, I appreciate anything my parents do for me ^_^ I suppose I'm a good child in that sense :p

    Don't judge ANYTHING by your BMI though! :O if I was to go by that, I'm severely obese :LOL: now, I know I'm big, but...



    I'm not THAT big :p

    I need to get a bit more fit for the Big Day Out! I've got four weeks to get relatively fit for it :LOL: otherwise, poor Sammy will die :supersad:

  13. Ohai, you're new :awesome: WELCOME TO THE BOARD!

  14. I had a wee operation, but I'm all good now :p


    :noey: this year, I picked my subjects based on what I thought I would do well in, rather than what I would enjoy. Oddly enough, the one topic I picked for enjoyment, I withdrew myself out of half way through the year :LOL:

    Next year, I just haven't allowed myself any of those subjects again :p


    I can't say I was ever a card collector myself... I remember I was allowed them, but I never really bothered! I was more of a Yu-Gi-Oh card collector myself, I still have my awesome deck, which I occasionally pull out against my brother, just to prove I'm still totally :awesome: at that game :p

    I have a tendency to freak out about decisions, ask EVERYONE for their opinion on what I should do, yet, no matter what people say, I still usually go against whatever most people have suggested, or just go against what I've said :chuckle:


    I'm a giant, it doesn't matter how many bubbles I have inside me :cool::p

  15. Sorry about the late reply, I was away at the hospital for a couple of days :eek:


    The physics teacher here is very dull, at best :indiff: she's not a very excited person about anything! I can't learn from a teacher who doesn't want to teach :phu:

    I don't need physics for what I want to do anyway! And if I do need it for what I want, then I will simply not do that, that's how much I hate physics :p


    Meh, I know I'll toss and turn all next year over what I should/shouldn't do because I'm so damn picky! :mad: if worst comes to worst, I'll just live at home with my parents and become a full-time Pokemon nerd :chuckle:


    Oh, I can drink Coke any time of the day, I swear I've grown immune to the caffeine and sugar levels of it :p I drink it before bed, and it does nothing! I drink it when I wake up, it does nothing! So, I go nuts when I drink it and don't care :D

    Sadly, I don't quite know when to stop :stunned: there's a few times when I've drunk whole litre and a half bottles... :noey:

  16. I think they only moved up the slightly more clever people because they thought we were the ones who could handle it :chuckle:

    Physics :noey: if there is one subject I hate the most, it's physics :LOL: I just don't like it at all! I get the maths side, but that is it :indiff: once you start talking about energy and all, :noey:


    You're only 16 though, like me :LOL: we don't need to grow up yet :awesome:

    I just need to start making life decisions :erm: I'm going into my last year of secondary school :'(


    :LOL: Well, I rarely ever have the two together, when I want a caffeine hit though, but something sweet, that's when I do that :p

    Or, just drink Coke... :LOL:

  17. It wasn't because I was too clever, I think it was because there was too many people in our year :chuckle:


    Yes, they're so awful :noey: I'M BEING FORCED TO TAKE IT! I hate it, so much :(

    :noey: I'm such a nana and a geek these days :LOL: I miss the old Sam, who didn't give a rats arse about anything :'(:p


    I love hot chocolate too, but :phu: IT'S NOTHING WITHOUT A TEASPOON OF COFFEE TOO :awesome:

  18. I was 15/16 for my first year of A Levels then :cool: I got put up a year way back, now I'm a shitload younger than everyone else :chuckle:


    Indeed, calculus is basically applied mathematics, it focuses around gradient functions. I really do hate calculus, but I've been forced to take it :LOL:

    I can see myself swapping and changing all year, sadly :erm: however, I shall try to stick to those ones and avoid screwing up my timetable :chuckle:


    I drink tea, but I find it rahter boring :p coffee is where it's at! :awesome:

  19. I'm confused about the differences between college and everything over there, so I'll just smile and nod :LOL::yesey:


    Well, I just finished Year 12, which I do believe is the equivalent of A-Levels :p going onto my last year of college, scary, scary :eek:

    Next year, I'm doing kinda geeky things, Calculus, Statistics, Chemistry, Biology, :awesome:, and then there's Geography and Media Studies :LOL:


    I'm a zombie in general, the caffeine just makes me turn from monster to zombie :chuckle:

  20. Maan, I must say, good on you :p

    I'm too lazy for showers in the morning, hence the reason I just shower at night! I don't eat breakfast usually, I just get caffeine into me in some form :p


    What do you do at college? :awesome:

  21. :chuckle: I still am a MuseLive twat at heart :phu::pbut not really!


    6:30? STUFF THAT! :LOL: I wake up at 8, and I think that's bad enough :eek:

    Then again, I get a ride to school anyway :p

  22. :LOL: As much of a historian I am, I also love me some science and maths :yesey: and I'm quite the whizz on the computer :D

    I'd switch places, but I love my bed :phu:


    And MuseLive is the 'enemy' forum :LOL: it's another Muse forum, basically where there's a whole bunch of video and audio downloads of...nearly everything!

  23. I was still a bit of a noob, so I was too scared :LOL: two months later, I came back, spent a few days here, then migrated over to MuseLive :noey:


    At the moment, we definitely get better weather, yes :p it's summer :awesome: (well, close enough to it :p)

    New Zealand is verrryyyy overrated, I don't like it here because I'm such a history nerd :LOL: NZ is craaap for history :p

  24. Better than me, I randomly joined, and then was too scared to post for like, two months :LOL:

    Damn you for going to Wemberly though :indiff: I live in New Zealand, I can't go :supersad:

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