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Noel Gallagher

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Status Updates posted by Noel Gallagher

  1. Noooo I'm sorry, come on don't be like that. Smile my dear :)


    Haha aww you, well I am sure it is fake. I totally see what you mean actually, so don't worry I am sure there's none of those such bugs creeping about.

  2. Hahaha I'm sorrrrrrry! :LOL:


    But seriously, it can't be real...surely?

  3. I wonder if this is real?....





  4. I know, I know :LOL: Like I take anything to heart. Was just otherwise inclined before replying. You can wind me up all you like, I mean I do it to everyone else.

  5. Yeah, middle class kids can never handle drugs.

  6. In that case, go drown in a pool of your own vomit.

  7. I'm sorry, please find someone in your angsty soul to forgive me.

  8. Background, simple as. And don't be a baby. Take a joke!

  9. Errrr we're all working class? :erm: Because we both hate middle class, indie kids. However obviously I don't hate you, so there are exceptions. And did you? I thought you lost haha. And stop being a dick, you should want the famous Swindon to win promotion.

  10. I've made more money than you ever will dick 'ed. Yet am still working class. Me and my mate Dan had a good laugh at you expense yesterday :p


    And I am doing fine as it happens, how are you keeping. Gutting about Bournemouth.

  11. Alright you middle class cunt.

  12. N'awww we must get one you know :D we have to!


    Just adorable, almost as adorable as you :happy:

  13. Haha it is..it is :p...:D


    Aww well it's just the truth you know? just can't help it :happy: Haha yeah maybe, maybe we'll just be living together by then and making excuses to avoid each other at all cost :p haha buuuut I doubt it my dear, I'm happy as I can be with this you know :D. But cool, will be on in 1 minute my dear :)


    Oh haha, well you'll have a great time regardless you know, so go have fun! :D And yeah tell me about it, I do the same to be honest...always makes me seem like some relic :LOL: But cool, as I say will be just one moment my love.


    Aww that's adorable though really...aww you, mwaaah! :happy: I actually got it through and tried replying as the boards was being a dick, but it didn't go through. Will just have to text it later if I'm myself feeling clingy haha. And yeah that's the last one my love.

  14. Aww really? yeah I didn't get anything through. Damn thing! Did my ones work earlier?

  15. Exactly! no doubt we will be pissing ourselves :LOL: That said would we actually find the time? haha.


    Aww I know you are, of course I do...and yeah tell me about it...what a sucker I have become, only with you though. Just can't help it I suppose *sigh* :p So yeah we both do it all the time, one of us should write back something like "As it happens I'd rather not...." hahaha. And nice one, well I am free whenever there, can get on now if you like :D


    Well nice one then, you should do...should be a good one regardless of how long/short/drunk you get :D always nice to catch up you know. So yeah can get on now, maybe just go make myself a drink and can get on in like 10? :happy:

  16. Oh I don't know, it looks good to me....hilarious in fact haha :D


    I am teasing, just giving you a hard time as always...come on, has to be expected now. So don't give me the whole ":(" face again...please. I'm sorrrrry :). And I know, I know...just saying is all my dear, you're right we have though of course. And I'm not being silly, just an automatic thing to type, you do the same to me...don't mean anything by it of course. But that sounds great you know, go do what you need to do and let me know :happy:


    Aww well that sounds good, maybe you should you know if you think it'll be a good time :) Don't worry about me, we always find the time somewhere. So go enjoy yourself! :D

  17. Really? that is amazing....any idea what it is? definitely need to track this down, maaaaaybe before January :D


    Oh you know I'm only teasing....kinda :D Welllll as it happens I am looking forward to catching you, have been all day you know? Gutted I wasn't around more all day since you were having a lazy one yoursel! But that sounds good, let me know then dear when/if you'd like to talk and we'll sort it :happy:

  18. I was only teasing anyway my dear, it's a great video :LOL: Will have to come up with something pretty special myself now haha.


    Yeah but don't worry, I'm use to you just ignoring me these days :p But that sounds good, like I said I expect I am around or a bit yet so do what you need to do and let me know :happy:

  19. Hmmm be all mysterious then :phu:


    And I know I've just text you, buuuuut I'll save you texting back :p. Let me know what you have going on as I am now in for the night and pretty much free whenever :)

  20. :LOL::LOL::LOL:


    How the fuck did you find that?

  21. Ignore that, I get what you mean. You mean like North American Asia so Oriental. Maybe you were impregnated my Kim Jong-il?

  22. I would love someone to explain to me the point of this...






    And sorry Klein...you were beaten to it...





  23. But you're half Asian...right?

  24. Ah well nice one my dear and well that sounds good, can't really see them stopping any time soon :D


    Ah ok well that's cool, go get some rest and I'll catch you when you're awake if you like? But no I will be fine, get off at like 5-5:30 and I'll be able to catch a good couple of hours, but we'll see how it all goes :) And ok ok, well I will aim for this weekend dear, depending on what's going on. But I'd like to do it for you. And yeah! must have be caught up in their system crash so just left hanging, will try again tomorrow my dear. Haha that has true, was kind of busy but on a social scale...so cannot complain at all :D


    OK sounds good, go go go! and I will catch you in a bit :happy:


    I know, I know...I'm sure I will be ok, just have to get a decent sized place to live first haha and then you can have whatever you want :D So yeah I've been one over, definitely lots to talk about though...no doubt cover it later. It is lovely yeah...maybe soon as well:happy:

  25. Yeah haha, I reckon it's just the app playing up. I'll just send you a test text in a sec if that's ok, just to see if it's not working properly my end, so don't worry about sending them again my dear :). I'm pretty sure it'll be ok though and I'll still be able to bug your fine arse with texts :D


    Aww you, feel free to sleep if you'd like to my dear? It's up to you of course just don't want you being over tired or anything. But of course I would love to catch you as always :). I'll probably just aim for the usual, maybe like 5ish or something my time...so just fee free to sleep beforehand if you need it, I'll be ok though as only have 2 hours of college tomorrow :D But yeah sorry just wanted to get it done, but I do have the weekend to do it! I phoned that visa company as well...although that turned into a disaster, I was put on hold for 53 minutes and then got cut off..apparently their lines crashed. Typical :LOL:

    But that all aside it's been an alright one as always so thanks :). But cool, that sounds great..as I say I am indeed about and of course would loooove to talk to you, so just hit me up! :happy:

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