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Status Updates posted by hysteria4444

  1. Ohhhhhhyeahhhh! :D

    Like seriously, I dont know what im gonna do if the there isnt some muse news soon...

  2. Haha i know i have it all figured out now! :D

    Im listening to muse night on radio1!!! its aweosme!

  3. HAha it was really long today! 2 and a hlaf hours :/

    Okay cool! I just got it, ahha im still trying to figure out how to use twitter...

  4. okay so I just looked and you do have a twitter :D im following you im tayregels

  5. Hey I just got a twitter and i requested you! :D

    Im tayregels

  6. Cool! Is it reallly hot?

    Nothing much, just got back from swim practice :(

    Oh and I also just got a twitter, :LOL: do you have one?

  7. Yeah! :D

    So how is everything?

  8. AHHH ME TOOO! :D Thatd be great!

    Im actually learning how to play that on the piano now!

  9. HAhaa I know i love it!

    Ugh muse needs to post some more news or something!

  10. Oh I know! we finally have a white christmas! :D

    Its weird today though, its like on and off...

  11. Hahahahah good luck with that!

    Omg its snowing soooo much here it wont stop!

  12. True! White christmas' are the best! :D

  13. HAhahaha Santa doms beard was great :LOL:

    Yeah those girls were very unexpected, lol made me laugh :rolleyes:

  14. Hahahahahahah omg thats hilarious!!!

    Santa Dom was awesome, wow that made my day :D

  15. Well now its actually starting to snow!!!!! :D

    Ohyeah i forgot that its summer down there!

  16. Yeah! and its actually starting to snow now!!!!! :D

    Oooooo i want to see that video! Why is it funny??

  17. Hahahahaha okay!

    My christmas is going good! Got tickets to see muse in chicago!!!!

    How about you?

  18. MERRY christmas to you too! :D

    Have a nice day!

  19. Merry Christmas to you too!!! :D

  20. Hhahahaha nice! XD

    Its raining here! Im really mad cuz i want snow!!!!!!!!


    Are you going anywhere over break?

  22. Cool! :D

    Nahh just staying in town... :/

    I want it to SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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