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Status Updates posted by Nadia1234

  1. Adelaides been pretty much normal actually, we had a big of rain over the last week but we seem to be unaffected by everything! Thats good it's not too bad, I know it's horrible, so many people :(


    I start on the 28th too! And yeah I have orientation this week, but there was a nursing/midwifery specific one last week so I ceebz with this one! Ohhh tell me about it, the enrollment was sooo confusing! Thats awesomeee, I've finished everything too! I get thurs and fri off, but I just had to leave it free for clinical placement in the middle and end of the year! Are you excited for uni? :D Orientations good though, it calms your nerves a bit (well for me)!


    Thank you :happy: I know, I know, It's been a while :LOL: Me too, I love seeing the yr 12 statuses on facebook this year I like laugh on the computer :chuckle:


    :LOL: I've seen a couple of bad ones on the net, but haven't met anyone with anything wrong (like I would know anyway :chuckle)


    :yesey: it'll be awesome!


    You're very welcome :awesome: did you have a good day/night? Get any good presents? :D

  2. Herro, that's pretty much the same for me ahaha, sounds like things are good at the moment! I am thank you :happy:


    Wow you're enrollment started heaps before mine, the first time I actually have to go to the uni is next week! How is everything going with all your uni stuff anyways? When do you start?


    Damn, that sounds pretty aggravating, stupid teachers aha Yes true that :D Yes I got first preference, Nursing at flinders :happy: Yayyyyy! Congrats! :dance: jesus I remember when we where talking on here about starting year 12 :LOL:


    :chuckle: that would be pretty funny, I guess you couldn't trust them for getting tattoos in different languages then! ahah


    Eeek I know, it feels like so long ago, so long until they come again :(


    That's good then! Mine was actually really, really great thanks! Yess I think it'll be a good one! :D


    Ohhh and HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY!! :dance::party::awesome:

    18 finally! Hope you have a good one! :D

  3. Yeah that's it! And meeting new people, new experiences and routines etc! aha it shall be awesome! :happy:


    Yeah it's a bit stupid, tourism in particular, got my major checked 4 times 2 different teachers, and I got decent marks for my other shit, don't know what brought my grade down :confused: That sucks, bloody teachers ha! Thanks heaps, same too you! :D


    Aha yeah that's what I was thinking, probably do a Contiki tour or something! :LOL: yeah you can never be sure with translators ahah! Yeah for sure, will be a good experience anywhere.


    Me tooo, definitely the highlight! Wow I didn't know you where going the 15th too! that would have been amazing! :D I know it sucks, so long away :(


    Thank you I had a heaps good day, same too you! Did you have a good day? :xmas: and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :party::dance: Have a good one? :D

  4. That's alright then, it's heaps hard to tell what you would have gotten ey, well for me anyway! It's the best feeling everrr, yeah I was never a big fan! Got a good feeling about uni though! :D


    Oh wow that's awesome, it would have been such a relief! Oh wow that's amazing! Congrats! Thanks heaps :) I did alright, not as good as I expected cause I got scaled like a bitch + did kinda bad in subjects which teachers told me I was doing well in :rolleyes: but I got the scores I needed for my uni courses! So I'm happy! Yeah I'd forget about it for a bit, then someone would bring it up and my stomach would drop :LOL: Aha they did!


    It sounds so amazing! Yeah the history would have been the best part! :D Was there many people who spoke english, or would it be better to travel with someone who spoke chinese? :chuckle: I've always wondered that aha. Yeah I'm hoping to go overseas at the end of next year too, long overdue for a trip, but yeah, I don't have any money at the moment too ahah.


    I KNOWWWW! best thing ever! :LOL: me too, I had tears in my eyes when Matt was doing the solo ahah. It was beyond brilliant! And when sunburn came on! GAH! My friend and I managed to get barrier too! It was crazy everyone running up those stairs though :stunned:


    Yes I got a car from my dad, and this amazing bracelet from my brother and his girlfriend! Yes and heaps of festivals too! It's awesome :D (although I have yet to use my eighteen privileges to go to a gig yet). Yessss! not long now!

  5. :LOL: it was ages ago now hey. Sounds like you did well, you probably did better then you expected on your maths one too! :) Me too, haven't really been missing school at all lately, it's so good not to have to worry about anything hey!


    Oh wow that's awesome! Did you have to send in some of your work or something? Maybe that was a bit contributing factor to you getting in or not :D That's so good though, must have taken a load off your back! Yeah Psychology seams like it would be a really good career/course and if you find it interesting then it should be really goooood! Hope you get in :) Oh wow! I think we find out ours on wednesday! You must be heaps nervous, I know I am aha.


    Yeah hopefully :) Aw wow glad you had an amazing time. Zomgg the Forbidden City, that place actually looks so amazing, and the Great Wall, woooooowowwwowo you're so lucky! I've always wanted to go to China, you've made me want to go more now :chuckle: Awesome, traveling really does seem the way to go :happy: Yesss there where lot's of stories to be told from that weekend ahah, yeah it was! EEEE I knowwww, it's soooo good!


    It's going to be amazing!!!! Feels like so long ago the tickets came out and stuff hey, it's finally happening! yayayayya


    Thank you! :D Nah that's fine, I don't either really! Aha I know! It's actually been pretty good so far, not long now for you though!

  6. Herrrooo, I'm good thanks :) How are you going? Sorry for the late reply again :chuckle: How'd they all end up going?


    That sounds heaps good, a couple of my friends are wanting to get into creative writing too! And psych is always a good choice! Yeah me too, not long now till' we find out! When's the time for you? I think I find out results early next week, but people keep saying different things :\


    Aha yeah I was :) I did alright I think, have no idea about bio, but I'm pretty confident about psych! Aw glad you had a good time! Yeah it turned out really good actually, twas a good day! and the actual graduation was alright, venue was a bit too small and the speeches where annoying/boring, ah well. That's sooooo awesome, how was it ? :happy: Schoolies was actually really amazing, pretty much had the best time of my life! Better then I was expecting I guess :chuckle:



  7. Hiya!

    Aha Thanks! :happy: Sokka ftw!

    Hope you're well :)

  8. Ayyy I know, just be pleasent :phu: Aww good job, that's amazing! Yeah you should be, I think I'd faint if I got that kind of mark :chuckle:


    Yeah it's coming up now, It's atchally so scary :stunned: Yeah I put my uni ap in last month cause I thought it was the deadline, but terns out it was this month haha. I did nursing for my top three then behavioral science, psych and stuff, pretty happy with that. What did you end up choosing?


    Yeah my terms been going alright too (excluding bio), finished most of my investigatives and just have crappy assignments left. That sounds heaps good, I think I'll just be crying through all the speeches haha. My friends and I have to organize the graduation assembly at out school, should be good. That.is.awesome. Travel for sure! Better then a bunch of drunk idiots! aha Yeah I'm going, should be alright I'm hoping, but eh.

  9. ohhh me either, they are so annoying. Yeah I love trains too, used to catch them all the time when I was little but its not really a big mode of transport in my suburbs. I think the thing that is so annoying about busses is the asshole bus drivers, don't really have to deal with the drivers in the others. Have you got it back yet? I bet you did good.


    ohh goodo :happy: yeahhh but once you see that connection its so fricken good haha.


    eeeee :D Yeah thats the only think I'm bumed out about, but how much of an effin' weight of our shoulders when its finished ay. I can't wait. Me either, it'll be nice for a change/fresh start :happy:


    Yepppp, this terms the worst too :'( Thatss heaps good! :awesome: Not the best actually, spent most of the time whining about how much homework I have and then not doing it, fun! :chuckle: Yeah graduation is going to be fun. Are you going to schoolies at all?

  10. aha I know :chuckle: yeah it was a bit sucky but I love the trams in Melbourne, so much easier then busses! ahhh soundsss good :D 2 months! That is such a long time, you'll almost be finished the year ahah yeah I'm not, I got a 10 in my mid year report in it, but he only included tests and no practicals (which I got all B's on) so I should be on a higher grade.


    oooh sounds goood! Yeah I'm always a bit useless with working out computers and laptops when you first get them. Getting them connected to the internet is fricken annoying, I think I remember whining about it when I first got my laptop :chuckle:


    eeeee so exiting! :D I know everyone says you'll miss it (I probably will) but its going to be awesome having that break after school and before uni. lolz ohh yeah for sure :yesey:


    awesome, you must be on holidays now then! I am too :D same here, school is actual so tiring! haven't done any hw yet though :erm: Ahhh okay, graduation is going to be so fun.


    haha same here

  11. it was really good thank you :happy: did some shopping, went to the museum and the imax, twas fun! Though we stayed in Dandenong, was alright but there was no tram stop so we had to catch the train, which would have been good if they weren't doing track work. So we had to go train bus train everyday, twice a day :chuckle: Did you have a good long weekend? Exams where alright, passed all of them bar biology, which was unfortunately a miserable 30% :noey: ahh well, only worth about 4%.


    yayyy! how exiting. Ahh yeah there;s so many for laptops, can't go wrong really. Though some of them are just so expensive :noey:


    I knooww! its really good the year is going quickley, only like 14 weeks left of school :stunned: Wooo! :D Yeah was a bit bummed about that, my friend can't make it to melbourne, she's a huge fan along with heaps of other people I know, ahhh well. Yeah that would have been annoying, they announced it hell under wraps too, even if I could have bought it I wouldn't have been able too since they really announce it :wtf: Yepppp, its going to be awesome!


    Aw damn, they always seem to spring the hard exams and things on students at a stressful time. Yeah I'm sure you did really well :) Wow that sucks they changed the format, really confuses you when they do it. Ha I'll def agree with you on that one. I can imagine, at least its all over for a while, like the eye of the storm :shifty:, well not really :chuckle: Yeppers :D Thats alright then, hopefully the holidays will refresh everyone, I'm exited too :happy: I'm good thank you, bit swamped in school, don't really know where I am with everything atm :erm: But I just had my year 12 formal which was really fun!


    yeah same ere', don't really have time to keep up with it ay.


    Sorry that was a long one haha

  12. so sorry for the late reply, just got back from melbourne and had exams lately :noey:


    yeah its quite annoying haha Aw cool did you get one then? :awesome: new laptops are fun :D


    haha it seems so long ago now :chuckle: buuuutttt are you going to rod lavor on the 14th? I'm going :awesome: got my tickets on thursday eeeeeee its going to be so cool. Ahh yeah its kinda growing on me now, not really my cup of tea but eh.


    ha I'm guessing they are finished now so how did you're exams go? Aw damn, maths is always so annoying :noey: How you going in it now? I got it :awesome: its pretty cool I must say :cool: That sucks hell bad :( I would be pretty annoyed. Thats good :) How are you lately anyway? Hope you're well :happy:




    haha woo, its pretty much only been a year for me, only started posting a year in :yesey:

  13. Happy Birthdayyyy! :awesome:

  14. that would be hell annoying, mine just turns off by itself and doesn't read the sims sometimes :erm: I worry about it haha. Aw damn that sucks, yarr maybe you should :)


    Yeah hes said it a few times :D I'm getting quite impatient now, just want to book everything and get it all sorted :indiff: yessss I am exite, hopefully its good :happy:


    thanks :happy: yeppp its really annoying, nothing happened cause you can't prove it, but meh hopefully she won't do it again.


    :chuckle: yeah thats sucks, you seem to have lots of things to study for :( I know ay, its getting ridiculous, studying is the annoying one, I just can't do it well :noey: oh wow, its coming up quickly :stunned: ha Thats alright, I knows I knows :) I'm pretty good at the moment actually, I'm pretty far ahead at school so thats good and I had a good weekend which helps haha :happy: noooo :mad: june the 1st apparently, ah well not long now. How are you matteh?


    haha thanks, I've changed it again, I love the one now :chuckle:


    eee I've been on the board 2 years today :awesome:

  15. I knowww me too, my phone is an absolute piece of crap atm so I'm going to try and save haha.


    yeah I know you get into the swing of things so quickly ay. :D thats awesome toooo! :awesome: Me too, so bad. I'm praying those are the dates though because they don't clash with exams or schoolies.


    Yeah thats what I do to, try and get every question answered :happy Crazy fuckers i know haha: I passed the test though! by 8 marks :chuckle: quite happy. A couple of people cheated though, one saw all the multiple choice and copied them down, only got one wrong. And theres the teacher going "I've never seen this in my 17 years of teaching, you should frame it!' :rolleyes: like in years 8 - 11 your like aw cool they cheated, wish I did that. But now its like, how effing annoying that they don't put in any work but get an amazing mark. :mad:


    Yeah same here I wish I was back, look at the photos and its like *sigh* thanks. :chuckle: aww, it was a while ago now. That sucks Matt :( year 12 is a bitch. You should try and take breaks, you need them every now and again (easier said than done I guess) Oh wow :stunned: thats quite early in the year, as if they would put it on you guys already, seems like a lot of pressure. Thats the stuff, just try and stay positive, you're a smart person :) Hope you're doing well.

  16. yarrr it is :noey: lucky I don't have an iphone, though they do look awesome.


    thats pretty much the same as me, its like I wasn't doing much, but I'm still tired :rolleyes: I KNOWWWW!!!! soooo happy! :happy: yeah ay, such a massive relief. I've decided to go to adelaide and melbourne shows :party:


    haha hopefully, though we got to look at the test for like 5 minutes today, and it looks sooo hard. I just wrote down random words that I saw in the questions for notes, but I can't even read the shit. Gonna have to study so hard. Yeah I know what you mean, most of my year 12 teachers like me but I had a couple who picked on me, but then they like the loud ones who talk back? arghhh. Thats heaps good then :happy: yeahh ay aha


    hahah, goodo me too :D nahhh I didn't really, this weekend :rolleyes: I'm back at school now, we had year 12 retreat this week, was sooo good, love my year :happy: aww that sucks. Yay! We get them week 6, ceebz. nm really thanks, still recovering from retreat haha. Got much planned for the long weekend?

  17. Happppyyyyyyyyyy Birthdayyyyyyy! :party::awesome:


    hope you had a great day :)

  18. sorreh for the late reply, the internet has been effing slow latley so I've been on my ipod and its a retard haha.


    haha me too :chuckle: they have :indiff: I know, I hope it speeds by so quickley, spesh with all the work we are going to be doing this and next term. ARGHHHHH I cannnnnnnnnnnn't wait for muse to come :dance: it is going to be so amazing :supersad:


    yeppp! Yeah I was kinda not expecting it to be so different, really annoying. I'm so scared for my bio test, the teacher doesn't like me very much anyway (no idea why :erm:) so I think if I fail the test he'll have it out for me. Thats awesome, my friend hell likes accounting. Yeah thats it, it is though, I hear my old english teacher shouting at her class and I'm like phew aha, shes a psycho haha.


    it loooks awesome :awesome: awww dang kids hahaa, sounds fun 120 eggs is heaps :D that was me a while ago, still have some in the frige haha. I've beeeeeen good, left all my homework to now so getting stressed :chuckle: I saw Kick-Ass today, sooo good! how about you matt head?

  19. your welcome, haha glad you had a good day! :awesome:


  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY! :party:


    ave' a great day :)

  21. thats good :) aha I did, yeah it is a nice feeling, I only had 2 lessons and the rest mass and clean up, wasn't going to go for that :| myyyy god I haven't done anything grrrr :chuckle: yeah it did, we only got like 2 left :stunned: thanks bud you too :happy:


    niceeee work, B's always look nice :D


    :chuckle: how cute, I should probably do that too haha. :chuckle: same here wooop. yeah hopefully


    yeahhhh I know :rolleyes: and like they take it easy for the first half of the term then its like BAM, sometimes I wish they'd keep it consistent. Yeah I think its the tests I hate the most in yr 12, I can handle most course work, but they are sooo hard this year :( Yeah kinda feel that way too, but then again you just want it to end, aw, do you think it'll be hard? Yeah it seems heaps hard, one of my friends is doing it, shes already done so much of her major thingo, like 3000 words + all this other crap :stunned: Yeah I can see that. Kinda wish I did english coms though, just for the feeling you get when you get a good mark in english :happy:


    is that the one on ds? looks awesome :awesome: thats goood then. You too :D I did one toooo :) my brother and I get so competitive :chuckle: how was your day?

  22. zomgggggg tayla!!! eeeeeeeee :D

  23. very good fankyou, how about you? :) thats good then, same with me, I decided to take off today though, such a slacker. haha I should probably do that too, waste so much time on here :noey: aha me too, I'm on here a bit, don't post as much anymore, to hard to keep up with aha. Pretty good thanks, SO glad this term is over, had so much due on the last two weeks, and heaps of tests too :erm: got lots of stuff to do thiis holidays, but more time :happy: how about you?


    wooooo, thats a B ay? good job :happy: yeah I know its really weird, aww well as long as you get the good ones.




    nice I love those days :happy: though you never know what to wear. Its heaps sunny here atm, want it to get rainy and cold already ahah. Yeah I know ay, its not like they hand make them or anything :erm: ahh well we have retreat first week, that second week we get them so its aight :happy:


    yeah they love to cram in everything before the holidays don't they :indiff: pretty good I guess, I think I passed the tests, and I handed in all the assignments, so yeahh :happy: meee too :( I have my major biology test second week next term so I have to study like hell +lots of stupid assignments. I'm actually looking forward to doing my womens studies one, I think its my favorite subject. Are you doing english studies? wow I am so glad I didn't choose that.


    awesome :awesome: we have only had one person term 18 in my grade so I haven't had many 18ths yet, next term :D:chuckle: pokemon is win, though I don't play it much now I used to heaps. Nahh not really yet, just the usual crap, chill sleep, nothing big or anything how about you? looking forward to easter? aha

  24. haha yeah I know :( you only have one? I have two weeks left, lucky you haha.


    yeah I know ay


    nice, I should really start doing that, considering buying a planner thingo :chuckle: I think thats what I'm going to be doing at the end of this term :noey: aw, at least its only a feeling, don't worry about it, I'm sure you did fine, have you got it back yet? I know the feeling, its really annoying. haha that reminds me of my friend giving her tourism assignment to her friend at another school, and he got 4 out of 30, but then she ended up passing it haha.


    :party: ah well matt, you where a good competitor :yesey:


    though that one where brian and stewie travel to different dimensions is a classic :LOL:


    damn :( ah well its still pretty warm (in adelaide dunno bout melbourne haha) :LOL: okay I won't ask, but thats heaps good you could just get anything, we had to get something to do with our first or last name.


    yeah it defiantly would be freaky to look back on the photos.


    has your school stacked on all the work at the end of the term, I'm actually drowning in assignments at the moment, and all these end of term testes :stunned: and this holidays we have to find a business to do our major investigative on ;'( hows it going anyway matteh, this is a lot easier in the holidays :chuckle:

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