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Status Updates posted by cutemuse

  1. I'm here! Just don't hang around here so much these days... :(


    But how are you? :kiss:

  2. Ok. How long you've been a Muse fan?

  3. Umm... New Born, Take A Bow, Unintended, Citizen Erased... Now.. :D Yours?

  4. Good, celebrating my birthday today, which was on Wednesday :D you?

  5. Haha I did :D I will :happy:

    Thanks :) Same to you :happy:

  6. Fine thanks, going to eat candy and watch some movie.. :happy: Oh thanks I will listen them, now I just don't have time :)

    Well school started on Wednesday :) And I've been very tired.. :sleepy:

  7. Yey that was very night remix :happy:

  8. Happy New Year :happy:

  9. Fine thanks :happy: I almost kissed my cousin yesterday, I'm so crazy that I almost kissed him, cos I don't know what's wrong with me.. I'm so in love with him :D Haha yeah I'm kinda odd.. :) But you?

  10. Hi, voted you :D


    Same to you :happy:

  11. Merry Xmas to you too :D

  12. Merry Xmas to you too :happy:

  13. Aww thank you :happy: Merry Xmas and Happy new year too! :)

  14. Haha :LOL: Well I would too... :D Haha I got some Xmas present from Muse :D :D I'm listening to it now... Aww :happy:

  15. Yeah!! So quickly... :stunned: And next and next year... Then I'll be something 50 or something... :D

  16. Yeah! It used to be only children's disease, but now adults may get it too...

    But it's very odd, I don't feel at all like it'd be Christmas tomorrow... :eek: It's dull becos I've always been so in ecstacy when it is, and now I'm not.. :D Stupid... :(

  17. Well... They said in radio, that those hospitalguys said that everybody should just often wash their hands, to not get the infection... And antibiotics don't help, it gets off with rest or smthn... :D But you may get some inflammation in your brains or something... I had to take some of these words from dictionary :LOL:

  18. Hahahaa :D That was cool :LOL:

    Ah, no more school this year :happy: Fuck here in Finland, there's some virus, you get blisters on your throat and mouth and everywhere, and your nails may drop... I mean it's awful, here in Finland :D I hope I won't get it... I had last night fever, it was so awful, now it's gone tho :D

  19. Sin City ok :D

    Hah :D Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio were great in it :yesey:

    Oh and Muumit<333 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ne3dsRV47E and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UrNlRGAnw4

    You know these? :D Love it<33 Finnish of course :LOL:

  20. Well... I've seen Rear Window, Psycho and the Man Who Knew Too Much.. I like his films, but I can't say I'm his fan tho :D I haven't seen any of your fav films :D My favs are... Almost Famous, It, Hayao Miyazaki's, Mrs. Doubtfire, The Party, Gilbert Crape, Becoming Jane, Blast From The Past, Disney, umm................... There are so many of them I can't even remember :D

  21. Well cool :D On Saturday my friend came to us and we went to movies, The Day Earth Stood Still, fucking best movie :D And then we came back here and watched Psycho :LOL: And on Sunday we watched some Hercule Poirot thing and Hauru's Moving Castle (or something) and Runaway Vacation and Mrs Doubtfire :D So... I saw many movies on weekend :D And... I'm going now to watch Becoming Jane, I just bought it and it's just so great romance... nd stuff :D But what kinda movies do you like?

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