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Status Updates posted by cutemuse

  1. Oh OK :D I was too lazy to watch your profile.. :LOL:

  2. Oh :(

    Well yea :D Umm how old are you?

  3. Hi! I'm fine thnx :) you? :happy:

  4. Hi!! :) Fine thnx, just yesterday watched Psycho, so I'm verrrryverryy fine :D You?

  5. WOOOOWW :eek: :eek: :eek: YEY :D Thankies, that's great :yesey:

  6. Yey hey :kiss:


    You got my e-mail? :D

  7. Umm where can I find it? :D from youtube? :D what words...? :)

  8. WHAAAAATTTT???? :D why the fuck I didn't know about that??? :D gotta check it out :) A movie about Muse?? The band Muse??? :D I'm out you see :p

  9. NO!! What??? WHAT IS THAT??? :D

  10. OH :D Haha well.. :D My teacher, I mean that teacher who's my class' own teacher, she has Supermassive Black Hole on her ring tune, and her mobile has rung few times, and I always recognize it :D And one day I had my Muse t-shirt ( which I bought in Stockholm :D ) and my teacher saw it and said "And Kamilla has one of my favorite band's T-shirt :yesey:" :D :D I was like "Yeasshh :D" :D

  11. Aa yeah :D In school we have every morning some thing, on school tv there comes always some music in the morning, and one day there came Muscle Museum - Muse and I loved it :D The I baught Showbiz and now I love Muse :D

    Well it was last year, I've been a Muse fan for about a year or something...:rolleyes: Dunno if it's new or not so new fan :D You?

  12. Noo!!! When Muse were in Finland, about year ago on 17th October, I wasn't their fan yet. :( What a shame... I hope they would come here soon... You?

  13. Cool :)

    Yea I've been 3 times to London. And I love it :kiss: I've been too to Sardinia twice, Sisily, (they belong to Italy) France, Norway, Sweden (many times) Estonia :D But I don't remember anything about France or Norway and two times in London... :D Cos I was so little :D

  14. YEY AWWWH now I can't wait for it :D :D Yey I now it's gonna be so great :kiss:

  15. Hah I know cos it does here too. I'd like to move to London, cos I LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE that place!!!!!!! :yesey:have you been to London? Or anywhere else? :D

  16. Not yet, cos it's coming here 2.1. next year!!!! :stunned Fuck.. Have you seen it yet?

  17. Yea. Is it a good or a bad thing???


    EDIT: Huh it's a good thing :D

  18. Welllll it's cool live in here :D This is nice place to live :yesey: What about there?? :)

  19. Finland :D You're from Indonesia?

  20. Nice name, never heard of that though... :) If I should choose one Muse song I love the less, it would be.... What's its name... "paradise comes at a price that i am not prepared to pay...." I can't remember its name :D But yeah :happy: I love al of them :yesey:

  21. Wellllh... Knights of Cydonia is great. So is Showbiz, Unintended, Take a Bow, Butterflies and Hurricanes, Invincible, umm... THEY ALL ARE SO GREAT :D But now.. the faves are those :happy: Yours?? :happy: What's your name btw? I'm Kamilla :D

  22. Wow, that's great :)


    Nah, I would like to have... Hah :D


    Muse.... It's so great band... I love it so much....:(

  23. Cool you have a band? :) What do you play? Bass? Guitar? Drums? Vocals? Rock? Punk? ?? :D

  24. Yeah :LOL:

    Well dunno, eat candy cos it's friday :D And on Sunday I'm going to Sweden, with 7 other pupils.. Some school stuff u know.. And we live there for about a week and live in some swedish-finnish pupils homes.. Sry my bad english :D Oh yea those pupils were here 2 months ago, now it's our turn to go there... Oooh I can't wait to go to that ship whatever boat :D :D Viking Line :LOL: With my friend... :rolleyes: What are you going to do?

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