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the small printcess

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Status Updates posted by the small printcess

  1. mmm yeah, but we seem to be talking a bit more now...


    What an exam :eek: major kudos to you for doing exams like that, I seriously hope you get the marks you want for it. It sounds like a lot of hard work to do!


    :chuckle: Okay I will post something on the FF thread soon... speaking of, I still can't believe what Alex twittered about - blergh! :chuckle: about the unicorns; it's okay! you don't need to apologise!


    Let me know which Muse songs you don't like that might be played and I'll write out something I like about that song like we use to do a couple of months ago ;)


    Oh and have you heard of that Augmented Reality program on the main website? To view it you have to buy a tour program and only then can you access it. What a rip off :( Muse management and Warner are asking for too much money from the fans.


    Oh and I saw this in the paper today. It's part of a review for the new Twilight soundtrack:

    Muse continue to put Matt Bellamy's ever-growing voice ahead of the songwriting for the disappointing Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever), but it's an absorbing electic listen from then on in.[/Quote]
  2. It was twoish months ago :stunned:


    I'm glad FF (or anything for that matter) made you feel less stressed :p Oh jeeeez what were your exams about that you had to remember so much!? :stunned: Post something in the FF thread? Sure, I've got two months to figure something out... wait no one month... no wait... what month are we in? :facepalm: I need to go check a calendar, I have no idea what date it is.


    Nick's looking for unicorns? Okay luck to him then. :p I have no idea what you are talking about, but it sounds funny and I hope Nick finds what he is looking for :chuckle:


    FF, yes... I've watched Abso and Hullabaloo these past two days while writing my essay so that leaves FF for editing it tomorrow and then Radiohead for... whenever... or the other way around :p


    Which Muse songs?

  3. x1pAdjo0uCo2H0RPWNU2yQUUkMo41xLRzJojKY0rLf5Q-0Fn1fWGRHgugVgisIg_yXV7e5kY4AIwVFn6W093Uppi6uayqTVxuglA2IOgqfNzch_JshLXWooPgA1_2_wojd8gkEnuPdE3mCxW_8sf6nzPQ-2WjoNSxQL


    Alex: So... Nick... did you hear, Erica has exams coming up!

    Paul: Oh really?

    Nick: Yes and yes... I heard... I hope she does really well in them.

    Alex: We better wish her good luck!

    Paul: We also have to wake Bob up.

    Nick: Meh, Erica's more important

    Paul: More important than Bob?

    Alex: At the moment, yes. The more pressing issue is how are we going to wish Erica luck?

    Nick: We can just say good luck.

    Alex: Okay that's what we'll do.

    Alex, Nick and Paul: Good luck for your exams!

    Bob *wakes up*: I just had a dream that you guys were unicorns and were playing that new Muse song using spoons.... wait... that wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare.

    Paul: More like a night-unicorn.

    Alex and Nick: WTF? Lame pun!


    Sorry, that was a lame pun and a lame caption. All I wanted to do was wish you luck for your exams *hug*

  4. All in the name of entertainment on TV :chuckle: I wonder what convinced Nick to feature in the show :p


    All this just seems like a coincidence that the computer / internet decides to have a massive meltdown a few days after we decided to not talk on MSN.


    I found this whilst researching for one of my essays (on Galileo and the impact of the invention of the telescope). How FF relate to that topic I have no idea but it turned up and it was an interesting read :LOL: Here's the link It should take you directly to the article and if it doesn't then you can plug in page 72 in that little box to find it. Oh and then I found this... you'll have to plug in page 43 to see the actual article on Thom... this link just takes you to the review of his album. Hope those are somewhat interesting ;)

  5. It's not like a virtual hug will help but... *hug* I hope that eventually happens soon.


    Seeing Nick almost be flattened by the mayor was the worst bit because it looked so uncomfortable for Nick.


    I'm sorry about replying so late... our internet has stuffed up so badly that it made our computer crash. (I'm using the computer at the library).

  6. Hey... hope all is well considering last night.


    I totally did not understand any of those two videos but they sure were very funny. Hilarious. What a battle of the bands! :chuckle: Nick looked great in his Scottish gear :LOL: and the band leader's expressions are some of the funniest bits of the two videos! Thanks for the links to both of them!

  7. I'd recommend listening to any one song just to hear what Phil sounds like. Then if you like it you can listen to some more and if you don't then you can just wait till Radiohead release their next album. It's no biggie :p


    :yesey: Phil does look the same, I don't think that's offensive to say.

  8. :chuckle: I only watched the first one... it was nice :)


    I guess those are the breaks when you are in a band... your main priority is the band I would think.

  9. All I can say is go Phil.. that's philenomonal :chuckle: Okay I can't say I totally like the style of music, but Phil does have an awesome voice :D It's cool and all but as long as Radiohead are recording :happy:


    Thanks for the link!

  10. :chuckle: Ha ha ha


    Yeah no work in the next two days... that I can do :yesey: or eerrrrr not do.... whatever :LOL:

  11. Your undertitle is so cute! :awesome:


    I don't know if I have a headache right now... how am I suppose to realise that I still love him? :chuckle:


    We all deserve it :yesey:

  12. I can't think of an undertitle so I decided to use a random lyric from a song iTunes is randomly playing.


    :chuckle: Yeah I think he looked his best there in those vids :p


    Holidays woooho!

  13. So then it isn't classified as dancing :chuckle:


    Awwwwwwwww what a nice picture of them, they all look so happy :happy:


    Ha ha; goofy Alex, please make way for a smiley grafted Thom...


    I'll miss our avatars in a funny way too.


    And here is your prize for completing that challenge ;)







  14. Ha ha perhaps... I like moving to the music yeah... in my chair... doesn't necessairly mean I'm dancing by definition :shifty:


    ARTY-DANCY-ROCK! Ha ha take that FF! :p

  15. :p It's impossible to know of all the bands / artists out there! Delphic are this British Alt-dance group. I managed to get a hold of three of their songs from this magazine that gives out free music downloads of new / old / alternative artists. It's where I got A Community Service Announcement by Jonathan Boulet (you commented that it was a super long song title on MSN). I love that song now :p


    FF are more dancy-rock (dare I add art to that? :chuckle:) in my eyes.

  16. Twenty minutes is super long :yesey: in any case, FF should leave the trance/dance genre of music to the experts (like Delphic :awesome:).


    5000 words... each! No plagiarism allowed of course! We can see if there is collusion between the essays too :eyebrows::p

  17. Ha ha yeah.


    20 minutes is extreme... I'd be happy to listen to it all if FF justified why I should in a 5000 word essay with full academic referencing - nothing from Wikipedia please.




    :chuckle: Your Lucid Dreams mash-up sounds awesome!

  18. Or maybe they play Lucid Dreams for so long to bring it into a different, dance / trance genre of music because they failed to "change their sound" on their last album like the wanted / promised to.


    :yesey: Yeah that shirt we saw was badly designed.


    I'd want Outsiders to end the show... I always think of it as a fantastic closer... and if they played Lucid Dreams, I'd want it to be like that other version we have instead of the normal album version.

  19. In the critic's defence... 20 minutes??? That's a bit excessive... but yeah on the other hand... it's Lucid Dreams :awesome:


    One bad review makes for no change in my opinion :)


    Ooooooh another DVD... interesting!


    That picture is alright though I can't say I actually like it. It's a bit to cluttered for my liking.


    :) Glad you found that article!


    *hug* thanks for all that!

  20. :chuckle: Gotta love Doris.


    Like a monobrow then?

  21. I think Doris is having problems too because on my profile page it says;


    Last Activity: 2009 09:53 PM

    Current Activity: Viewing Attachment PMT 47:FROM THE BACK! United States of Mattasia


    I have been here since 2009 but have not been in the PMT since.... I can't even remember. :facepalm: for Doris.


    :p I dunno... mentally draw ugly things on him?

  22. I am on MSN! It says I'm available and everything... no one else is on MSN!




    Okay so ignoring Alex is out... maybe you could mentally picture him as ugly? Like reverse psychology?

  23. :p I guess you could ignore Alex..... that might work, it might not.


    It's not really going to because I'm heading to the LB and will probably quote you, reply to you and refer to him.

  24. :p I don't think I can teach you :$


    It seems like Alex loves every other place but Australia especially Brisbane. What a shame.


    :phu: to Alex the 40 year old!



  25. Okay... please don't take this the wrong way but I kinda laughed when I read what you wrote about your dream... I know I shouldn't have because it sounded like such a sweet dream... but the fact that me and a bunch of people were paparazzi was kinda funny to me :$:unsure:


    I think that's an awesome dream to have (minus the paparazzi). What do you think it meant?

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