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Everything posted by Sarah.Plug.In.Baby

  1. hopefully cardiff dunno yet i think i gotta get steroephonics gig outta the way first then start planning my next one :LOL:

  2. Awww Good :):p

    lol my talking guitar has been talking to me alot lately :yesey: xD

    howz morgan ? :D

  3. Parris !!!!!!!!!! God it feels like ages since i spoke to ya :(


    Im Good thankies :D how are ya ?

  4. Lol

    how are ya now anyways ? :D

  5. yey your still here :D

    did you see the pictures after ? if not i'l post them in a bit

  6. i liked donna xD she was funny :D didnt martha fancy your hubby too

  7. Oh god i hope its not rose too :stunned: i really dont like her anymore :noey: she was allright with christopher eclestone (:happy:) but i dont like her with david i dunno why i just dont

  8. me is having guitar lessons now :D my teacher seemed really pleased i liked muse yey! :LOL: and then in my other music class my teacher was playing these songs to us for and assesment type thing and he played B&H i was like :eek: and then he recomended the whole class go see them and my friend ricky shouted SARAH HAS and it turns out my teacher went to the wembley stadium show i was sooooo jealous :LOL:

    Damn who's the new assistant ? does anyone know ? or isi just that i cant remember xD

  9. School is much better for me 2 now :D the only bad thing is more course work :(

    what daveh is'nt with you ? where'd he go ?

  10. Good to hear :D

    i is awesome my friends just left we all had a really random sleepover lol

    yeah no probs i'l send it to ya in a pm now :D

  11. Yey !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *supermassive huggles*

    How are ya ? its quiet around here without ya :supersad:

  12. Oh shit i missed ya again :(

    I miss ya Maria :kiss:

    come back soon

  13. Heya netty hope everythings going okay :D miss ya allready :kiss:

    did text ya but now ive lost my phone :rolleyes: lol only me

    Hope to speak soon

  14. Heya Charlie was wondering you know the kaiser's small venues tour would you happen to know which ones closest to wales ? coz im shit at geography and none of them seem even remotly close :S or isi just me ?

  15. :yesey: i think its coz theres so many different people here from all over the world and stuff
  16. Yeah the muse forums is soo much better than any of the other ones ive been on :yesey: people are much nicer

  17. Hahahaha Lol i see ya met Charlie then :happy: yeah i met her ages ago on the KC forum and she was the only one i made friends with really the rest of them were older and not so nice :noey: sorta like there was a status quo there the longer you had been there and the older you were the more respect you got it sorta sucked and no one talked to each other :(

  18. Yeah i read isi True ? i quite like them too their new stuff is awesome :yesey: i guess people are like "muse are far too good for that" :rolleyes: i mean c'mon people never improve if they dont have help from anyone else right

  19. drop by if ya get the chance i'l introduce ya to everyone its not quite the same as the Kaiser's board here speaking of which YEY NEW ALBUM !!!!!!! next year i must finally see them :yesey: in ma im a chiefette top :D

  20. Pornogenic Matt Thread xD its not as bad as it sounds i swear :LOL:

  21. Heya netty did ya have a gd night then ?

  22. lols going anywhere nice ?

  23. :ninja: is ya still here sorry i only got your message now because im still trying to organise the randoms known as friends :happy::LOL:
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