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Everything posted by DMHLover

  1. Haha... I wonder who the heck put that in wikipedia I'll still support Dom if he is gay but I don't want the one he likes to be Matt :chuckle I wonder what Dom will do if he saw that
  2. Did you know about this? http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=54034 A few days ago, Dom is under the category of gay musicians And I think it is just being removed yesterday or today. Lol
  3. I hate it when the exam is actually a few subject but can strech up to weeks or even maybe a month A pure torture waiting for it and if it ends faster, I can have a longer holiday
  4. I haven't read that book yet. But going to borrow it from my friend soon I should read way before the movie is out or else I'll keep on comparing both of them
  5. Haha.... Then we'll just use your feminine charm to make him succumb to us XP
  6. Cullens? Just make sure you choose the course you like the most When is your exam anyway? Are you going to finish soon?
  7. Hehe.... Yah, I did see that but then your Location is :here! So I dunno you are a Malaysian
  8. Hahaha.... I believe we can charmed our way in to making him sing Haha... It is more tame but since PCT2, suddenly PCT just fly through everything Don't worry *whisper* I believe a lot of us a fickle minded including me Awake till middle of the night is teenagers specialities. That's why my cousin says that teenagers are almost like vampires. Awake in the night and sleep in da morning
  9. Haha... I thought the banana pants is a pants with banana design Ooooo... Another Dom fan I thought most Malaysian prefer Matt Maybe we should corner Dom one day and make him sing for us
  10. Hopefully he gets to.... He seems to love to sing The next time if we see Dom in public or in airport we should ask Dom to sing a few verse for us Aww...I'm sure she remembers. After all you were in PDT for quite some time The pervy-ness in PMT is quite scary actually. Which is why I hardly go there And PCT is starting to be the same too The campus that I'm in is Setapak. So tiring have to travel so far everyday but then I'm going to work soon So no more assignment =P Oooo... I think you should choose whichever you like the most so you will not regret it I believe almost everyone goes to college will have a screwed up sleeping time
  11. Yah, I know. I saw it on HAARP. Would like to hear a peak of his real singing. Dom does sing in the Can't take my eyes of you in the chorus but there is also a lot of other voices at the background so can't hear it clearly too I think so. I didn't ask but she should remember you since she talks to you quite a lot in the past isn't it? Hehe.... AM is fine. So far she has been behaving herself in PDT and never went overly pervy But it is good to be able to make some stupid jokes about Dom with her I so happen to see your reply there so I went to peek Hehe... Ohhh, I see. I'm currently in TAR College doing Hospitality Management and going to graduate soon (for diploma only) I just finish my industrial training and finishing up my report which is the reason why I'm around here so late at night
  12. :chuckle I haven't before too but I think someone said that(in the forum), that his singing is so bad when they are testing the back up vocals for Blackout, they unoffically banned him from singing again in the band Poor fella I think they do remember you especially those who have been around since PDT2 like theangleislo. Don't mind them I believe almost everyone got ignored in PDT and the only one who actually answered me is AM. It's kinda fun talking with her I saw from other thread that you are having study leave. Which college are you studying in?
  13. :LOL: He does have a very sexy voice Much better than Matt's one in fact Too bad his singing voice is a total opposite :LOL: They didn't really scold me but they said I shouldn't be asking about Dom's private life I think you are closer to them. Maybe you should ask Haha... If we actually jump on him to hug him, most probably the security guards will haul us out and they ban use from Muse performance NOOOO!!!! :'(
  14. Sighh.... Men always like to cheat. With Dom's kind of looks and being in such a huge band, I'm not too surprise most girls jump on him freely. Yes, that VJ is called Dom, Dominic Lau.He is quite cute the cutest of all the channel V's VJ But then of course Dom is so much cuter than him :D I thought you love Matt ....from all the previous post when you all see them in KLIA Lucky you *JELOUS*
  15. :LOL: At least you have seen your future husband and touch him as well
  16. I just started posting in PDT... Still don't dare:$ Already kena tegur once. Maybe next week la :LOL: Awww.... so nice of him but Metora Stan does look like a good person :eek:Dom charmed her into liking him?! Awww.......lucky girl. First, to be charmed by Dom, we must hate him first Ps.Which one are you talking about? Jessica or crazy mary?
  17. But then he could just break up with herr..... Don't need to cheat on her Ohh... Which band member is your fav? Because if it's Matt, then I have go and dig for it. Because most of my picture are more to pornogenic Dom
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