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Status Updates posted by nettynunu

  1. well i hardly see how she can even think about telling someone to leave, she does not own the pmt noone does

  2. Awwww wicked, yay for Aunty D lol. Yeah i'll tell you about my results, hopefully i'll have passed everything cuz i don't wanna retake anything lol

  3. hay Ive think my exams went ok, i managed to pace all my pieces iof coursework, 1st year of uni finished luckily. Oh noes about the disk, never good. well done on all the college work, speak soonies xx

  4. Hay, how have you been, What's this about Hospital, miss you on the PMT speak soon xx

  5. *waves* Hello there

  6. aww wow, kool. yeah everything's fine with me, good at uni, lots of work :LOL:. No exams though until june so its all good.

  7. aww merry xmas Aunty D, oh umm there's some funny things for some answers, apparently they're trying to get the new album out end of next year, but they're not going to rush. Hope college doesn't give you too much work xxxx

  8. oh well, but if he ever says sumting really horrid to u tell me and i'll give her a piece of my mind

  9. I just don't get her

  10. yeah i know, i joke about Dom all the time...I mean I joke about having his kids, and shes been here when ive done that and has not had a go at me...

  11. I do Indeed!!! How dear she do that to Maria!!! she starts on you and i'm going to give her a piece of mind

  12. Im restraining myself from having a go at that women!!!

  13. OMG Aunty D, do you play the Bass:)

  14. Good, how dear she tell the queen to get out of the pmt

  15. Hey sweetheart, don't let this girl get to you, you're too nice for that:)

  16. fine fine, but my bf is at circuit training atm

  17. heya, yeah I've missed quite a bit as well cuz of uni but hope you're good, i'm fine :LOL:

  18. haha well, i look pretty poor when i in holidays

  19. Noey Noey Noey, Don't believe you

  20. I hold to my statement, you are not 36...:phu:..you lie to me Aunty D

  21. where can i see them, on your pics thingy

  22. you can, but i don't use it, and i dont now how you get it, lol

  23. hee hee i sent you that yesterday i think lol, kool, mines really crap bass, it was my big bros and he gave it to me to practise, me and my mate can play feeling good together, her of the piano and me on the bass:happy:

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