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Everything posted by nettynunu

  1. There's a queue of people here already, are you looking in the right place?
  2. Yeh I know, way too many but at least we know when we're seeing them again

  3. I only just seen your two more sleeps post lol

  4. OMG Hai!!! Where have you been? How are you?

  5. Yes I get creeps on trains who talk to me, is why I prefer to sit on my own or not use the train unless I'm with someone

  6. Lolz weird pix was weird on my love boat

  7. I miss that year when we all went mad on the board

  8. You were on yesterday and didn't bother dropping me a message, pshhh :p

  9. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo......that is all

  10. Stealth mode...touts...don't be silly

  11. Pshh nerve of some people asking for a presale link when they've only been on here for 1 day

  12. Naughty Naughty girl :p

  13. Haha it has been a while since I've been on here for more than a glance lol

  14. Yes I'm sure there are more on here than you're friends with on FB lol

  15. Why is it you're never on facebook but I can always find you on here

  16. As pinky's best buddy I can tell you that she rang me up screeched into my ear she'd just seen KH and then made some sort of a noise that resembled 'Matt Bellamy just went by' and then got out the car and left her phone on so all I could her was silence of the car, then she got back in screeched a bit more then put the phone down. She was not calm in anyway possible:LOL:
  17. boooooooooooooo

  18. Yakasha??? Strange child

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