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Status Updates posted by jemzaza

  1. hey.


    I really like this picture.




    hahahahahahaha :awesome:

  2. hi there, I was reading the Muse Album Art Discussion Thread and I saw that you had written an essay about the OoS album artwork? If it's no trouble I'd love to read it :) OoS is probably my favorite cover of theirs.

  3. oh I love that movie so much. All the artwork and everything :) the books are amazing, too. True, they're children's books, but a lot of teens and adults end up liking them too. i've met the author twice and he's brilliant :awesome:


    that's too bad you can't meet them, but dude, you get to see them from the front line!! *jealous* maybe something will happen and you get to meet them. you never know. ;)

  4. your avatar made me laugh :LOL:

  5. Hi, you went to the Auburn Hills gig? I was in the nosebleed seats, pretty much :p are you from Michigan?


    also I see you're an art buff. I love charcoal <3

  6. omg omg omg Thomas Newman. Love his work! Have you heard the Lemony Snicket soundtrack? His use of percussion is amazing, especially since he utilizes world instruments.


    so you got to meet the blokes? how was it? :awesome:


    also, I see that you like dEUS, whom are win. Yes do I need to update my iPod though :facepalm:

  7. hi, I love your signature! Did you make that?

  8. haha I see where you're coming from, it was so hard for me this year due to senioritis.

  9. I'm planning on dual enrolling in two schools there, the first to study biology and the second for an arts degree. So I dunno what career I'll get, but medical illustration is a good bet :)


    that's awesome about computer science! I'm so bad with programming :p

  10. your artwork is stunning. :)

  11. Hi, I saw you were from the Lansing-ish area. I'm from the Soo :)

  12. Hahah, that's cool. I'm going to U-M in the fall. What do you study?

  13. So I see you're from Lansing. I'm from the Soo :awesome:

  14. We've much in common: Ferris Bueller is my favorite movie too! I love Green Day and Lady Gaga (Muse too........ :awesome:)! I love drumming and percussion too! And I love learning languages as well.


    So this must have told me somehow that we're destined to be friends on here :)

  15. :LOL: I'm going to die XD
  16. "My god, guys, we've done it! We've made the best music video in history! No, of course we'll never look back on this and despise every decision we made with it! Oh man, that part with the Spanish dancers really fits quite well with my angsty expression on the London Bridge! Best thing we've ever done!"

  17. Bahaha, I just want to know if they were on those infamous magic mushrooms when they agreed to publish it :LOL:

  18. Gets me every time :LOL:

  19. you're welcome for the friend request, you're pretty funny. I think it was a comment of yours on music videos that made me laugh so hard :LOL:

  20. well, see, I've really tried hard to not upload it for the sake of his own privacy and me having my own priceless picture. Gaia's not in it, but I mean, seriously, I don't want to upset him in any way. Thank you though!

  21. I knooooowwww :( I would love to show you it! But someone said "As long as it's not interfering with his private life" or something, and the thing is... I took it when (I'm sure) he was on vacation. With Gaia. Yeah. There's a whole story behind it, which I'm willing to tell. Lemme see if I can get it to Matt first and then you can see :)


    (I've been meaning to try sending it to him through T-Kirk on here *fail*)

  22. Thank you for being my frieeend

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