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Status Updates posted by Sunlight

  1. Haha I'm glad it works now :LOL: you're welcome!

  2. I'm not sure but I think there's a special version of Audacity for mac :)

  3. Hey, I'm glad you liked it :happy: I recorded the audio with a program called Audacity, question by question so that I could cut out the French parts before and after each question with Windows Movie Maker. It's not difficult but with all the cutting a bit annoying, takes a bit of time :LOL: there probably is an easier way to do it really :LOL:


    But basically if you just want to record the audio I recommend Audacity, it's really easy to use. Just press record and after you're done export it as an mp3 file :happy:

  4. ONNEKS OLKOON!!! :awesome::party::party::party::party::dance:

  5. They will probs never come to finland :shifty: I'm gutted that they're coming to sweden, norway and denmark next summer but apparently skip finland... :( my current favourites are gunman and interlude with ludes, though they change very often depending on my mood :chuckle: you?

  6. Well, TVC is full of win :awesome:

  7. Oh I hadn't noticed that thread yet :awesome:

  8. Oh yeah I heard about it :D some great name suggestions already!

  9. Yes I did!! And I see Bertha lives again!

  10. Merry Christmas to you too!! :kiss::xmas:

  11. Yeah I'm definitely going to get a job somewhere or else I'll fail miserably :chuckle:

  12. And Tintti, yes you are crazy but in a good way :LOL: I wish I could afford being that crazy :chuckle:

  13. I wish I had even one job :p I'm living on student benefit at the moment so I'm a bit freaked out about our London trip :LOL:

  14. :LOL: I know what you mean :p believe me, I would do the same if I wasn't already spending more than I earn :chuckle:
  15. Ok... good luck but I have to say that you girls are crazy :D

  16. Hey, have you thought about Biffy already? They still seem to have tickets :)

  17. Yeah they would be cool! But are they visible enough? Are there blinking antennas available somewhere??



  18. Oh yeah, I didn't even think that far. And I wear glasses too...

  19. Glow sticks ftw :LOL: I think we have to find those blinking glasses that Mat's been wearing recently :chuckle: everyone has to recognize us Finstonians :)

  20. Yeah, probably :D oh, it's still so long time until it happens...

  21. Yeah I might do that some day if I have money... but at the moment I'm more concerned about getting enough money for Wemblers! That'll be one hell of a trip :)

  22. Yeah, that's the Finnish way of doing it :chuckle: thank god I lost my memory though, I'm sure I would have too many disturbing memories of our "night out on the ship".... my friends are doing their best to refresh my memory though...


    Not a good trip I have to say. I should do a proper tourist trip to Tallinn sometime, because everytime I've gone there I have either been too hugnover to leave the ship or I've just spent a miserable hungover day sitting in Viru keskus or something similar.


    Now I sound like a complete alcoholic.. I'm not!

  23. By the way I was in Tallinn yesterday, well ok I floated in the ship in front of Tallinn because I was too hungover to get out of bed :chuckle: I don't know if you would have been able to meet yesterday, I know I said earlier that I was gonna go there on saturday, I was mixing the dates :facepalm:

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