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Everything posted by Citizen_Eraser

  1. In reference to my vocal post I actually prefer Matt's old falsetto as well. But as a whole he sounds a lot better now. Just hearing something like how good he sings Supremacy live was on a whole other level. (and I don't mean the falsetto)
  2. They shouldn't be under any label as far as I know. The Warner contract expired and suddenly they started playing Agitated, and other B-sides. Unless I missed something. Hope they didn't resign or with someone else.
  3. You are high. Matt is unequivocally a better singer on the last two albums than he ever was on the first 4. Thats not even an opinion. I always thought he had a good voice... for a rock singer. Now he sings better than the majority of famous vocalists in mainstream music full stop. Better than most of those who are just vocal "artists."
  4. 82 people viewing. Thought something happened...I'll come back tomorrow morning. Actually when something like a song drops its obvious. 300 viewers and like 30 new pages in 5 minutes.
  5. Maybe not his last show but you can bet on it being one of them. Every time a Muse song has premiered since at least TR (including NSC and Survival) it has been done on Zanes show. The dudes a huge muse fanboy. I'm sure he'd be excited to premiere their newest release one more time before he leaves radio.
  6. Agree. I just know I have 3 days off work this coming week so I hope something happens before Thursday. I live in the US but somehow through luck have always managed to be off work whenever Zane has premiered a new Muse song and just get on the bbc radio website stream. Dating all the way back to Uprising. So thats 3 or 4 times now.
  7. Then that fb group missed the leak or found it late because we definitely found a leak and users here got pm links to it. Remember hearing it a couple days before the stream.
  8. Seems like the point of the scribbled out magazine covers is symbolizing a media blackout? Instead of the usual where all kinds of magazine journalists have heard the single by now and are telling us what its like. None of that yet.
  9. Just heard the repeat 10 minute version for the first for a good few loops...and I gotta say I think the awesomeness of that riff totally overpowers the slight cheesy-ness of the drones chant. I could totally see that song getting big on the radio and not by the same group that latched onto madness. And not that any of that matters that much but its good to see Muse doing a rock single for once. Pure spectulation below: Also I'd think the bit repeats at least 3 or 4 times during the actual song, maybe with different words each time. DRONES. YOU'RE. ALL. DRONES. or something. Wouldn't put it past them. Can't decide which would be worse tbh.
  10. The drones vocal reminds me of how the song Resistance is single-handedly ruined by the "it could be wrong" bit. Seriously if that part of that song didn't exist it would be a great song, especially the verses.
  11. Idk why people even care whether this "news" is real or fake. It doesn't even matter. If it is real all we have is an estimated release date that we all predicted like 3 months ago.
  12. Yeah but again its out of context. We don't know if that part was as backing or a main driving point of any song. We really have nothing right now. And I agree about Drones but its not really 100% confirmed. They're using the drones hastag everywhere but hell last time around there was a countdown to "entropy" on the front page of this site and that lead alot of people thinking that was the title.
  13. The Resistance had tons of promotion, more than T2L. First we had the album title and track names. We had the USOE release. The 30 second previews, tons of reviews of press hearing the album. Then uprising being released. Here we are like 2-3 months away and we aren't even positive the album is called Drones. Could be a working title. Remember when everyone latched onto "Entropy" last time around? No tracklisting. No snippets of songs. You can't really count a riff by itself and drums alone as well. Or an orchestral bit. Everything is totally out of context. Unless I missed something today.
  14. Would be the best day in internet history lol. I was thinking the other day how we (HL fans) thought the wait between HL1 and 2 being 6 years was an eternity, especially after a 1 year delay. Here we are 11 fucking years later still no HL3. And 8 years since episode 2.
  15. I was referring to Madness but I guess we heard survival first. But still Madness was the single that got the radio play and the music video. And again first single meaning Supermassive Blackhole not KoC or later singles. I'm referring to the first time Muse releases something widespread off a new album. Survival doesn't really count because it only had the Olympics and a few radio plays when it was first revealed. It didn't really take off.
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