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Posts posted by Citizen_Eraser

  1. I wish I was around for the BH&R buildup because that seemed like a lot of fun. Especially with all of the tracks being road-tested before the release, that seemed really cool. I didn't discover Muse until 2007 but back then my tastes were infantile. Got big into them soon thereafter but the TR wait in 2009 took a while to come around. At least the USoE buildup for TR was cool.


    I started with Muse right after Absolution came out and the only things I can remember about the BH&R buildup was the mass shit storm that happened after SMBH. I was a lurker here from about 04 til 07 when I joined. But it was funny. Are those old threads archived anywhere?


    I also remember having to warm up to KOC.

  2. I'm seriously trying to come up with what it could be... I've heard some seriously foul stuff on the radio that's "ok" as long as the vgarity is bleeped.


    Shit, we have whole radio stations devoted to being offensive.


    Again you're thinking too obvious. I don't think its going to be Matt saying fuck the world or fuck the government. but


    Could be a blast on the military. "Psycho handler brainwashing us to become human drones" doesn't really sound cheerful and positive lol. I'd bet any amount of money those are actual lyrics and probably the chorus. We also know the theme of the music video is military related which is why that's the direction I'm taking those lyrics in.


    Then again RATM has been doing stuff like this for years but maybe Muse is a little more direct with it? Idk I'm just speculating.

  3. Take it to some other thread. Enough bullshit here already.


    I took Matt's tweet as serious... I don't see the point of the joke if there is one. Unless it was a reference to radio stations not being into them anymore, but that's a bit of a long shot. And sort of saying the song is shit. So, no.


    The idea of an "offensive" single, implying its so bad it can't be edited for radio, might have appealed to me as a teenager...


    That was my "gut" reaction as well, but honestly I don't think it has to do with the lyrics in the sense of cursing or being obviously offensive. I think it has more to do with the themes at hand and the commentary made by Muse.

  4. I've already come to terms with the fact that I'll never love any Muse song like I love Glorious.


    I feel like I'm too old for "too offensive." And to wait until June.


    I don't mind that date if it ends up confirmed. By then we'll have at least 1 and more than likely two new songs to listen to for that time. That's plenty of time. Couple that with GTA5 finally releasing on PC in April and I'll have enough things to look forward to lol.

  5. no costume party though :LOL:


    also, those possible lyrics Matt tweeted ("psycho handler, brainwashing us to be become human drones") could well be the chorus of the "drones" chant song, so maybe that chant will sound less ridiculous in the context of sung lyrics


    I agree and if they are lyrics I can imagine them now with some real intense, and dark delivery. But it will probably end up being cheesy. That is a common Muse thread. Muse gets chances to do something dark again and ruins it. 15 foot robot to walk around stage to Unsustainable, holy shit thats awesome, nope turns out to look like a Dr. Who villain and be lame as fuck.

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