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Status Updates posted by ryanbmuff

  1. Yeah books you know nothing

  2. Alright fine...i'll put out in my dream. Sheesh,

  3. you can stroke my ego if you want! I like it when my ego gets all inflated. it makes me an arse. but yes I would maybe

  4. hahaha just flirting

  5. ...you didn't really need to tell me that.

  6. I meant a mutual dream, like being in the same dream together at the same time...would be cool right.

  7. but you weren't there in my dream. imagine that, both being in the same dream at the same time. you could do so many things! like fly together, go into space...

  8. Because dreams are fucked and I always wake up from those sort of things. it's annoying.

  9. Nah I just touched you innapropriately and you seemed to like it. nothing else happened

  10. you were in my dream last night, hahaha.

  11. Yeah? Little canadian pie.

  12. Amazing! I bet he lost though.

  13. I'm so pleased for you meepy! When was this? Yeah Bellamy = shit

  14. can't say i'm going to lose an ounce of sleep over it. (though it is really hot, might not be able to sleep for a while)

  15. admit it, you're crying!

  16. Would I fit? We'll have to see.


    There's nothing better than getting blue jizz all over your face. I wasn't taking the piss out of you? haha

  17. Yes, i've got to start my underwear collection haven't I?


    And i'm sure people exactly thought that. 'Ew, she's been wanking off a smurf, definitely'.

  18. Yeah the chicks are rolling in...hahaha. Nah, not yet, not really many at our shows unfortunately. I think you should come to one. We'll see what happens tonight!


    ps give me some of your weed, I don't like paying

  19. 4am? i'm guessing you're quite pissed...and I don't know, just nature I guess

  20. heheyeyeheeheyeheyehyey it's you!

  21. come on msn young lady!

  22. Yeah let's do that. Come, rest your safe on my

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