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Everything posted by miele

  1. Nutcracker = 2012? My dad taught Geology / Geography, so I really had fun with all the entertaining inaccuracies in the movie The visual effects is the overwhelming reason why the film should be seen at the cinema though. + 10987878758723485 Anyone got ideas on how to save money to payoff the tix price? I've resorted to bringing packed breakfast now.
  2. Saosin? er not so familiar, what do they sound like? *ignorant* No prob, the more the merrier! You should pm Lyalshak, I think taking the train was mentioned somewhere. And maybe you guys could try the betelbox hostel I mentioned earlier, just a suggestion. Can pm me also if you have questions. Anyone else wanna join the Malaysian Muser expedition Feb 09? Aaaaah nak. T-shirt. tu. Terimakasih la nu for the link....tapi haram xdak idea for the slogan la pulak...Hang dah try ka?
  3. Wow missed too many topics so I'll just address what I remember (do forgive this nyanyuk old lady): 1. Madraulix review: aaw thanks, just pulling your leg la, untung2 dapat your unique perspective. Thanks, you've added to my anticpation of the SG show 2. Train travel to SG: this is an awesome plan if you have a lot of time and are really on a budget. Take the night train, the bunk beds are quite comfy and snooze your way up to the border passport check. I love taking trains as only need to be at KL Sentral 20 mins earlier compared to the hassles of airline travel. Also, train rides are always interesting, more time to mingle and stuff. 3. SG Hostel: In the spirit of trying out new stuff this place is my choice for February http://www.betelbox.com/about_betelbox.htm Never stayed there before, but was totally impressed by its location (near the airport and the stadium, also halal food), the rates and the classic architecture. Apparently the place has won awards also. Not sure which Fragrance Hostel has ladies of the night, haha, but the one I stayed at with Aida was comfortable and was not dodgy at all, quite near a mosque in fact. 4. People contemplating / planning for SG travel :C'mon guys, do not lose hope. Relax, the show's still some time away. Di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan . Lyalshak, feel free to PM about anything, but the experts would actually be Nut / Liz / Aida kot. 5. LAMC: Thanks for bringing Muse again but what is taking so long the other acts to be announced? 6. Deb's headcount of confirmed attendees : Nut, moi, Aida +/ Faz pencilled in eh? No rush, saja ja nyibuk
  4. Heya Liz! 3 days, from the 2nd - 4th february? Wanna join me there? Havent booked lodgings yet though. . Welcome, welcome. Am waiting for 9 am to try sistic again, credit card at the ready. Thanks Wait, you saw them and that's all you're sharing with us? c'mon mad! edited to add: Booked my tix and lodging, omg! So damn expensive though, ouch me wallet, C'mon guys, who else coming??? Faz, Liz, Aida apa cerita?
  5. Nut: thank you x100000 for the pre-sale offer. Will bring u something from KL, watcha want? Faz: The poster is yours. Bila nak lepak / poster giving ceremony? Muse @ KL 2010: 13 /14th february sempat lagi what, Valentine's Day kat KL * Malaysian last-minute syndrome: on* People, how do we pressure the organisers to bring Muse here? Start a petition? Galaxy / (gulp) Pineapple, sapa lagi?
  6. Tee, hopefully the promo will wait for you, yeah. Be great to have a meetup in Feb with you, Nut and hopefully other Musers that get on here, like Lyalshak above, hehe. I'm loving the anticipation, can you tell? Nut, you're a gem of a person. The Fragrance Hostel was SD 18 per night. Waah can get cheaper meh? Thanks a billion man. I am also regretfully requesting your assistance in case there's a pre-sale; would it be okay for you to buy 2 tix for me? Have no idea how to transfer money internationally though Tell me what's ok for you yeah? Btw Nut, when you ordered the Limited Edition package did you get a Resistance poster? Strange, I got 2! Wld you want 1? If you have it oredi I may give it to Faz instead,
  7. Hey guys, I did something kinda nuts: Bought plane tix to SG in anticipation for the gig already . Had to gamble la, it was only RM100 return tix So fellow Malaysians, I think the Air Asia SG promo is still on kot. Anyone wanna join me? Er Nut, here comes the normal annoying tourist questions: The gig is at which Stadium? Kat mana tuh? Any ideas on the cheapest place to stay dekat2 situ? Guess I should just PM u huh? Sorry dude tak sempat research these things meself. So looking forward to this!!!!
  8. Just dropping in to say I miss all of yous crazy folks! (damn trials and PTK). Muse @ KL 25th February 2010. We will not be deterred.
  9. Nut, yes I have and I'm still fuming. Have been frustrated since yesterday actually bcoz got no delivery e-mail, then got excited this morning before I read the mail. I've given up on receiving it this week. Am leaving for Penang tonight for balik kampung so even if it gets here it will be at the office. Changing the topic now otherwise I will just Nut so sorry to hear about your T-shirt, but are u sure it's not still hidden somewhere at your house? Happens to me all the time Saya telah hantar capaian untuk minggu ke-enam pada pihak2 yang berkenaan. Tapi diri sendiri masih belum menonton haha. A very advanced selamat Hari Raya wish, mintak ampun mintak maaf ya, kalau ada terkasar bahasa etc
  10. Tadi check status pre-order kat muse.mu: [quote11/08/2009 1 x The Resistance:Ltd Ed Box Set @ 59.99 GBP Dispatched ] Aaaargh berapa lama la Mat Despatch tu nak hantar ke sini???? *Impatient* Tolong!!! Susah gila, nak bersabar puasa lagi, nak sabar tunngu Penentangan lagi.....Haih.
  11. 1. Bestnya baca cerita Thailand Noor and Deb. If only there'll be a Muser trip to watch Muse there eh? 2. T-shirt cappucherry; bestnya! Boleh ke order pada awak bebila sebelum awak balik Msia lagi? 3.Muat turun minngu satu hingga lima: sudah dihantar! Setakat ini hanya pada Noor, Deb dan Madraulix. ada lagi yg nak? Faz, takda masalah Muse untuk dikongsi bersama! 4. Terima kasih pada semua yg sudi pm saya no telefon anda, sangatlah dihargai. Tq juga sebab hantar mesej atas kehilangan telefon tersebut. Baik la korang ni. 5. Madraulix: nak dipanggil apa ya? "mad" macam "nut", best tak? Nama awak sebenarnya Grace ke? (kalau tak kisah saya bertanya). 6. Akhir sekali tentang penghantaran Penentangan, saya harap ianya sampai paling lewat sebelum 16hb, sebab masa tu dah balik kampung utk Raya. Tapi ni macam ok ja khabarnya: - 7. Oops one more. Let's do this people! http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=65032
  12. Madraulix: terima kasih daun keladi ya, atas usaha anda merakam persembahan akan datang Kay-a, terima kasih atas maklumat persembahan di MTV tersebut. Ahad ni jam 9 waktu Malaysia ya? Tidak!!!! Saya akan terus menentang dari mendengar keseluruhan Penentangan sampai 14 Sepetember nanti. Jangan goda saya!!! Ralat: tapi Keinginan Tidak diperlihatkan tak boleh tahan woo, dah banyak kali dipasang di opis P.S #1- Pada saudara dan saudari yang biasa / sudi berhubung dengan saya, boleh tak tolong pm no telefon anda masing-masing kepada saya? Saya telah menjadi mangsa pencopet telefon bimbit di Petaling Street tempohari, maka telah kehilangan nombor2 anda. Terima kasih ya! P.S#2- Faz, walaupun ianya telah lapuk tapi akhirnya saya telah hantar kesemua capaian / muatturun minggu satu hingga lima bagi Penentangan pada e-surat anda. Tolong beritahu saya jika ianya boleh dimuatturun dengan baik. Jika gagal, saya akan cuba lagi dalam versi lain. Sesiapa lagi yang berminat sila pm alamat e-surat anda pada saya.
  13. Also Undisclosed Desires = Sori la cakap mcm ni bulan posa, tapi lagu ni memang sexay, paling best chorus last sekali.
  14. Hahaha suddenly I'm 8 years old again, that Popcorn tune is so TV Pendidikan.
  15. Dekat Oz thread, peminat2 di sana masih tak yakin dengan berita Sunday Herald tu. So masih menunggu kata putus dari Muse. setju Nut, apapun Asian tour lebih penting! Siapa nak bertaruh bila pengumuman untuk tarikh / tempat Tour akan dibuat? Taruhan saya: hujung Oktober 2009. Er boleh la dicuba, tapi saya rasa lebih baik e-mail ja, lebih selamat. Tapi saya perlu buat di rumah (xdapatla di ofis) jadi makan masa sikit ya. Apa kata Nut?
  16. Sebenarnya nak terus cakap BM, tapi kononnya takut Tee xpaham. Tee, please clarify girl, if ur reading this. Tadi kira2 duit, memang x cukup nak membeli kat Matta Fair Takpa, ada masa lagi kot simpan duit untuk Januari tahun depan, kononnya headliner Big Day Out akan diumumkan bulan ni atau bulan depan. Tapi daripada BDO baik tengok Muse ja kat 2,3 tempat kan? hahaha fanatik. Muse @ Bali? Siapa nak cadang pada Muse nih? Jauhla lagi best Pantai2 di Bali berbanding Teignmouth kan, hahahaha. Sangat2la tak sabar nak tunggu Deluxe box set (set kotak mewah???) tu. Saya letak alamat pejabat sebab takut pengahantaran dibuat ke rumah masa saya tak ada di situ Ya la, dulu2 masa Fly Fm baru disiarkan tiap2 pagi ada dipasang lagu Muse. Semangat betul pegi keja masa tuh!!! hehe Masa Semakin Suntuk? (hahahaha Masa Berlari Keluar!)
  17. Read that also on the Oz thread...is it confirmed though? So tempting....Matta Fair this weekend, cheap flights / lodging.. I'm really certain they will come by these parts though, I dont know why actually Really? Why not, where will you be then?
  18. :LOL: susah sial nak terus berbahasa baku dan simpan muka lurus (keep a straight face). Itu sahaja, minta maaf ya, saya perlu teruskan berkhidmat untuk negara. Bersekutu bertambah maju. rakyat diutamakan zzzzzzzzz...............
  19. Deb dan Joelyn, saya suka cadangan gunakan BM sekali sebulan...kalau guna BM rasmi agak lucu....tapi seronok jugak mendengarnya Tak ada masalah rasanya kalau gunakan BM, Nut semestinya faham Deb, tak perlu emosi, Arsenal kalah tu sebab nasib, bola tu bulat. Awak patut berbangga mereka bermain dengan baik walaupun beraksi tanpa tonggak utama (Fabregas, Nasri, etc). Oops lupa Deb ada di Thailand la sekarang ya? Album baru Muse kalau tak silap saya akan keluar 14 September akan datang
  20. Not really la...Arsenal played better actually.... It's the September Muse Month!!!!!
  21. Ya la, another 'lucky Singaporeans' moment there betul la tu Faz. Sept 14th feels soooooofar away cannot help it, I got the e-mail link for it.....have only heard it once tho', does that count? +1 on all of the above. Which is why when Muse actually performed here it was unreal, like rock heaven shining down here on Malaysian soil. But this has given me hope and now I've gotten spoiled and want them to tour here again, it's like, anything is possible, you know?
  22. *fangirl mode* I love everything, even the oh-so-'kapak' Guiding Light. Some songs are to die for : Undisclosed Desires, Exogenesis. *steels self for Sept 14th*
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