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Everything posted by arias

  1. Why thank you my good friend guio. I'll make a smaller one when photobucket stops being "unvisitable"(any alternatives, anyone?) If I remember correctly: for it to be send to the one you demand, you'll need *takes a deep breath* 3000 signatures the amount of people who bought BH&R in the Philippines... But lets not get down by that because " We're Invincible" and besides, the Israelis didn't do that in a month
  2. I'm in. lets go, I wanna bug people... and "friends" I want that Q mag besides Matt being there A "cute" reminder for you all
  3. As of now: teh Internet Maybe some bookstores in makati[most likely to have it] the British Embassy I want one to
  4. I hope we have this... and achi, it was the march issue. The half U2 and the other is Flower. No new issues... sadly, I want new issues as well
  5. I found this in Fully Booked Promenade[Green Hills] Both are 650 Pesos, each has a CD... I also found a Q magazine[rival of NME] no Muse though. Brandon Flower I think was the cover with him saying "I am Disgusted"
  6. Wow, he's quite good... But is he better than our own... BUOus7PSaNk But seriously, he's good... please sign the petition people
  7. Welcome remeeka I heard of Kaiser Chiefs... well samples of the album "Yours Truly, Angry Mob" at Music1 Not bad to say the least. I liked some tracks, disliked a few... I want Queens of the Stone Age and Dropkick Murphys to go here *Hawthorne Heights will be a laugh * To Guio's comment: gago ka! [to understand his comment go http://www.musewiki.org/index.php?title=Dominic_Howard&oldid=20583 and go to the Trivia section... not for minors... well, me but the video doesn't show Dom doing it with a dog or the guy looking like Dom... but it is underwater] To crazy_mary: Thanks... I'll be going to other threads to post it. Sign it my fellow SEA Musers!!!! or suffer the same effects of the dreaded January - March 2007
  8. They are not in Monaco now http://www.petitiononline.com/arias/petition.html teh petition
  9. I don't know but Monaco... you need to have a good reason why your there. Think of it as Italy + Greece + the size of Quezon City[its small] + Casino Royal + Oceans 12 Its a place the few, rich and the famous go to and unlike other cities, its quite. Bodyguards will beat up those paparazzi people.
  10. I want it as a headline[sponsored by a big company, commercials on MTV, playing for 2 gigs and 1 for "fans only"...] don't care when, after the "no gig for us from the first SEA tour" I'll be happy if they even come here at any date. What if Matt and Gaia gets married in Monaco... We could advertise our country for an exotic honeymoon and get more chances for a gig or 3
  11. I wanna talk to Dom I think Matt/Manson/Muse will be more famous in the future when their achievements are more widely recognize... Like Hendrix.
  12. If I remember right the FOB Patriot VIP[Front stage] is P3,890 Since this is Muse and they play at smaller venues when they are in a country that only few knows them[they play at clubs/bars/auditoriums/theater in the U.S./Indonesia/etc.] I think a front stage will be a little less... Do you guys know who much the Switchfoot front stage will cost for comparion?
  13. Must get money If we only have NME some months ago... Isn't that the same red coat he wore during the first appearance of the Glitterati Manson? I wanna have it
  14. Petition it is . Yes it is Ortigas, you can see the Richmonde Hotel, Union Bank Tower, HSBC Tower, Podium, San Miguel Complex, Tektite, and if you have a sharp eye: Eastwood I'll try to do it in the following days[exams coming up]. I used some random bands on a hit chart expect for Moby, DKM and Mika[for humorous reasons] I thought they were making a scrapbook for Matt Can you guys do it for me, pleasssseeeee
  15. you think we should add your petition to the scrapbook? Whats it called, I remembered Chris' was "The Bulging Book Of Fan Love For the Great Wolstenholme"
  16. Maybe... Hey, crazy_mary or miele, if you guys decide to crash here again what do you think of a regional petition for a SEA tour? The Israelis almost had it, if it wasn't for it being canceled[i think due to the Middle-East conflict ]
  17. I'm awaiting support comrades , no don't do it. Kev[nice guy who maintains this site and tries to help you to the best he can] can know who is behind this mess and cause our IPs to be blocked and never come to this board again[and get angry emails/viruses/worms/spam from numerous users on to our email accounts, and it will destroy our country's image due to us being the representatives to Muse community(naks)] A regional petition might solve the problem[us + Malaysia + Indonesia + Taiwan + Hong Kong + Vietnam + Singapore + Thailand] Just need a little help with them can get it going, thats what the Israelis are doing and they got 3,000+ people who signed it. and thanks by the way for the complement Illuminatist
  18. Fixed it ahh..... now, I ask all of you... Lend me your ears!!! Create another account post spam send emails edit your sigs and Together we will be[invincible] creating .mu history by creating the Greatest bullshit this sites EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!! [you really want to do those, Guio?]
  19. We tried the petition type but its harder to get support than we first imagined... Maybe a regional petition might help. any who, I made this pic/possible poster[] after Guio asked me to make another one, here it is
  20. No I would feel stupid with the fact that only one sender send this things about the possible gigs in SEA and he'll just probably put them in the bulk folder or delete them all. I suggest allot of us do it to get his attention and... IT WILL BE FUN
  21. But I like my username And crashing the site will cause my small acquaintance with Kev destroyed thus destroying any chance of getting help from him in the future and getting ducky in the White Muse skin I think help from other members are needed... Crash into the Indonesian and Malaysia thread, anyone? Good Evening to those who still care
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