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Posts posted by guilt-stricken

  1. 2.11 am? wow. what time do you sleep? :stunned:

    Late. Or early I should say. Haha.


    btw, miele, Aida, and Liz,


    i think you should check this person's flickr album out. seriously. check out ALL of her Mogwai photos.



    Wow, those concert shots are amazing! Minus...the ones with me in it hahaha! I particularly love the one where they use the combination effect to combine the pictures of the crowd and Stuart on stage. They used you guys as the crowd shot! How lovely. Hee. ;)



    Oh and also, I think what you quoted earlier was in cantonese but Joelyn is in Mandarin. I can't speak both though haha :(


    What?! Can't take my eyes off you?!!!


    I'm so tuning in! :mad:(looking determine) =p hehe


    Is he a fan of Muse?

    He's ... a fan of good rockin' music. :LOL:



    Did any of you guys balik kampung this year?


    Anyone going for Jason Mraz?

    My kampung is nearby :LOL: So considered balik-ed, right? ;)




    hey you guys!!! :$:$

    yesterday i TERbersembang with the guy from rock corner in mid valley. he usually sits at the cashier. so, i ask him, is sigur ros's album (thnx to u guys i dah fall in love with sigur ros) just huart and heim that they got here. so he said yeah, that's all but if i wait 3 or 4 month lagi, maybe the previous albums will be sold there. then he said the latest album is not as good as Takk and i was like woooo wait a minute? he knows? then he said he got all their albums and he got buy them online, and that their album cant enter malaysia coz the previous albums were under labels that are not very familiar so susah masuk something like that. and i was bayaring my in rainbows cd and he said this one pun just enter malaysia but got sold here a bit mahal coz they're doing it independently and so on. then he said he like radiohead and we chat some more and then he said if u like radiohead and sigur ros, then y not give mogwai a try? then he said mogwai was here recently and i said yeah (but dont really interest me, sorry)and mogwai is more instrumental than radiohead is more in lyrics like that. and i thought wow, so many times i was here, i din know he was into sigur ros, radiohead and mogwai?! i wonder, what else?


    oh, oh, i would like to offer you guys something---it's this shopping vouchers from Isetan. i'll update on this tomorrow. i want you guys to have it coz i've already spend all my gaji for this month

    I love my Takk... album! There's definitely something about non-jewel cased CDs that you can't help but fall in love with. If you're looking for Sigur Ros CDs, you might want to head to Acoustic at Pertama Kompleks which is located next to Sogo. Last I checked, they certainly have all the albums there, including Ágætis byrjun! Rock Corner is good too, because that's where I got my Something Corporate, Explosions in the Sky and old Jimmy Eat World CDs - which are also pretty hard to come by. A little more mainstream I guess but it's certainly picking up in the indie department ;] I really miss the CD store at Central Market though. I wonder where has he relocated :(





    I went for an interview today (yes, I have finally sent out those resumes lol) and I start my practical training tomorrow!


    Eeeek. My holidays have been cut short. *sobs*


    But I guess at these times, I shouldn't complain too much hmm?


    Jason Mraz is still pending for me, now that I'm working - I would hate to have to stay back for work on Wednesday night =[

  2. Kevin's doing a cover theme tonight. 30 minutes in, and I'm hearing Muse's cover of Can't Take My Eyes Off of You :happy::D


    2:11am - I think he's playing a live version of Time Is Running Out!

  3. :LOL: The meet and greet sounds really fun for you. Haha.... Looks away shyly? Is he really that shy? Lol.... I'm sure it's cute to look at:rolleyes::chuckle: I doubt he(the bassist) could open the envolope without tearing it but with ur friend pulling you off, I bet he will quickly open the envolope :p without tearing it apart la.


    What did you write in the envolope anyway? :ninja: I am a busy body :$ lol


    :LOL: Most probably when you talk to the soundscrape guy, it sounds like you are quite experienced. :p Nah, don't take it as an offence. Take it as a compliment lo ;) Hehe.... Too bad we haven't met Muse from close up yet :p:LOL:


    Happy Chinese New Year, Liz:D

    Lol I didn't get much pics from the M&G, but the letter was basically thanking them for coming all the way from Scotland to Malaysia! I also wrote and asked them to talk to their counterparts, Idlewild/Snow Patrol, about Malaysia so these other bands would play here too.. Haha! :D


    I regret not getting the soundscape guy's number or something. Only his name! Meh.




    Anywayyy, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! :] I had a pretty eventful start to the year I have to say. Long story, maybe I'll talk to you guys about it during Sunburst. Hehe.


    So heyyyyy, does anyone remember Kevin B!??!?! He used to run this radio rock show back in the old Wow FM days... I was so depressed when he disappeared for like 5 years or so. But now... I FOUND HIM!!! HE'S ON EVERY WEEKDAY - 1AM TIL 4AM, on Capital FM 88.9!!!!! Gah, I miss his sarcasm and quirkiness! Right now, he's playing songs with names attached to it. Adrianne - The Calling, Iris - Goo Goo Dolls, Stacy's Mom - Fountains of Wayne, Jeremy - Pearl Jam etc. I remember hearing Lifehouse's Spin for the first time ever on his show back in 2002. Wow. 7 years ago. Good God, I missed him!


    Anyone planning to head to Sunburst's launch party @ Pavilion, 9pm next Friday? They'll be announcing the official lineup then!

  4. Wow Liz, that sounds proper epic :eek: sorry I didnt reply your text btw! haha was too busy celebrating my end of exams as well :happy: I GOT TO SEE MY FRIEND'S NEW PUPPY. OMG ITS SO CUTE. *dies*


    Lol right anyway, did you manage to take any pics/videos? got a setlist? Did they play Glasgow Mega-Snake?


    Yeah I'm gonna be sitting for Jason Mraz too :D I was watching Yes Man! its sooooo funny. I love Jim Carrey awwwh


    But the artist lineup for Sunburst is only announced on the Feb 6th, so if I feel that the gig is too epic not to miss, THEN only I'll buy the tickets lolol.

    A new puppy for CNY!? What breed of puppy is it?! That's so awesome, but do watch out for excessive intake of cookies for the new puppy hahaa. I remember my friend got a new puppy during the CNY season and now it can never lose that baby fat. Lol!


    Lol don't you love that little moment of Third Eye Blind during Yes Man? :D ALSO!!! THE GIRL THERE ZOOEY WHATSHERNAME... she just got engaged to BEN GIBBARD!!! They make the cutest indie couple ever!!


    I guess I'll also be waiting awhile for them to announce other lineups, and the confirmation about Coldplay!



    Btw has anyone watched Slumdog Millionaire yet? Its proper epic. I didnt see how the movie could be labelled as a 'feel good' movie at first, but after watching the whole 2 hours of it, wow I do feel all warm and fuzzy inside

    Haven't seen that movie yet! Danny Boyle sure has come far though... From directing Scottish heroin junkies to winning the Golden Globes!



    Setlist for Mogwai Live in Malaysia


    1. The Precipice

    2. Scotland's Shame

    3. Friend of the Night <33

    4. I Love You, I'm Going to Blow up your School

    5. Hunted by a Freak

    6. Mogwai Fear Satan

    7. I’m Jim Morrison, I'm Dead

    8. Christmas Steps

    9. I Know You Are But What Am I?

    10. Thank You Space Expert

    11, Helicon 1

    12. 2 Rights Make 1 Wrong



    13, Like Herod

    14. Batcat




    Liz! That's a really good review of Mogwai you wrote there ! You summed it up brilliantly! Can I quote your review in my blog?


    I especially love the quiet moments being climaxed with an explosion of noise, brilliant!


    So cool u got to talk to them! And you were the only one giving them sumthing...awww...

    I actually have a Mogwai doll at home, came to my mind just before the gig, haha it would be fun if I thought about it earlier & hang the Mogwai at the barrier in front of us


    Ooooh yes...we got right in front of the stage, it was awesome!


    The only thing that spoiled it was that Mr Canon photgrapher who blocked my view when Stuart was tweaking the errr effect knobs /pedals grrrrrr....he was right in front of me! It was also cute that Stuart took a pix of the crowd before the band left the stage


    We didn't get the setlist proper, but we did take a pix of the setlist, will post it later! No, they didn't play Glasgow Megasnake. They played 14 songs altogether. 2 encores

    LOL love your new signature Aida! ;) 14 times <3 and sure you can quote me if you want - minus the meeting them part lol very shy, that part. Haha!


    You must take a picture of that Mogwai doll! Lol! and yeah it would've been awesome to hang it there, though it could be rather creepy as well haha! but i'm sure they would've noticed it with the lights blaring everywhere at us and the barrier. lol. Someone should recommend getting a pair of sunglasses for the sensitive eyed if you want to go see Mogwai. :LOL:


    Mr Canon was such an ass, but watching you guys shooing him away ... lol so adorable!! :happy:


    Also...ooooh... "adoration" for Butterfingers




    Sorry for this late response Faz! I couldn’t reply from office, it’s being blocked, I can only view..


    Anyway, yes yes, on Monday I was still floating haha…couldn’t really concentrate on the meeting & had short term memory loss hehe..


    Wooot! Memang taksub la ! Still having Butters withdrawal, now added with Mogwai withdrawal pulak!


    As u & Miele said, Butters are of international standard, on par, or even higher than some of the international bands around! Loque was playing the guitar & keyboards with all the effects, they had a laptop too for making the effects, & pedal effects! His guitar playing is really skilled too, I was worried he might hurt his fingers with that kind of playing! His songs are really good too! Now I have to get their earlier albums (I only have Kembali, which is courtesy of Miele), but I did recognize some of their older songs


    I love the setting too, the arrangment, where the stage was at the centre, & the fans surrounding them, everyone could get a good view of the performance. The lighting was good too!


    I especially liked the 4th session – the crowd at our row were really fantastic & fun! Couldn’t stop laughing at their funny remarks! Emmet was having lotsa fun too, clearly enjoying himself, especially with our row ! Really touched too that Emmet acknowledged our clapping (ala Starlight) on 1000 Tahun Mahu Hidup


    It was brilliant of them to wear the baju Melayu for the encore! Wish I had snapped a pix of that, I think Miele did! Too bad IB didn’t allow picture/video taking even without flash sigh…


    How could you forget Merdeka? Gave me goosebumps! Did Emmet play the violin on that one? I love the backing orchestra too from UiTM (aka "Orkestra Gelombang Cuaca Buruk" as Loque put it) And Shukri from ASK playing the ukulele, with backing piano, (by forgot his name aiyo), too bad Pak Kassim Masdor was not there to accompany them (but according to the Butters update on Facebook, Pak Kassim did call the band to wish them luck, sweet!)


    Loko was brilliant, love his drumming! (I know Faz absolutely love his drumming, and she loves drummers too, don't you Faz?) Dax was brilliant too on the bass, love that he played the double bass too! Everyone in the band are multi-talented, playing different instruments


    And of course the signature hunting mission! We should have fully used the 1st session as it was not crowded, and how could we even forget the setlist? Aiyo…too excited I guess! It was really fun, 2 days at IB, with you gals, awesomeness!!!



    Lol I'm so glad you girls got to enjoy the butter gig so much! It was fun hearing all your gushes :p




    I just sprained my ankle huhu. Not goooood. CNY's just around the corner!

  5. I proudly declare that the hiatus is over. Weee! Holidays are upon me!


    I have so many things planned this time round. Who could forget the Singapore trip last semester? Has it really been a quarter of the year since then? Wow. Best thing to do would be to sit at home and rot :D Can't hardly wait for that. Right now though, lots of cookie-baking to do! (well I only help out, I'm the one who would usually put the pineapple jam tarts in the cupcake paper thing lol)


    Ah, and what a great way to start my hols or "lepaskan exam geram" as Miele would put it ;) Mogwai came and totally startled me. Oh btw guys, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to talk to you properly after the show! I was about to go up to Love Me Butch's Meng (he was in the crowd!) to ask him which band he would bring in the next time round - but then I heard about the queueing up for a chance to meet the band so I went straight there, with my letter in hand :] I'll come to that letter part eventually but first the gig itself.


    The lights. The colour. The shadows. The music. It all fits so - as cliche as this may sound - perfectly. I have to say Mogwai possibly has a sound to every shade of colour. When the music unites together you don't just get a blend of white but a rainbow of sound! Yes, a rainbow despite having the music that you hear being extremely dark and mysterious, and also at times almost boisterous. This is possibly the first time ever in a gig that I can't tell which instrument played on stage is making which distinct noise that I hear. Why, usually I could pay close attention to only the bass line for a period of time before moving on to the lead guitars for example. On Wednesday night however, try as I may, my attention couldn't just focus on one distinct instrument but instead I get everything in full force.


    Truly, a night with a wide range of volume and sounds along with the countless (and adorable) "thank you very much" that we got. The band plays with such confidence and total concentration on their fellow band mates. For the music that they make, it would certainly require a lot of patience with your fellow band members to make it work and sound like what we experienced that night. My friend commented that they do not look like they were too into their songs like Explosions in the Sky, but instead they seemed really comfortable being on stage - drinking booze every once in awhile.


    Speaking of alcohol, LOL the guys seemed really tipsy after the gig/during the meet&greet session. Kudos to the KLCC & Soundscape management for making an effort to have things run smoothly during the M&G! I managed to head up to the VIP lounge rooms in the first floor to have a chance to pass them the letter I wrote! (I got really bored of studying the night before - so I made an envelope that I'm particularly proud of for them along with the letter :D) No one else gave the guys something to take back so they were quite surprised to receive the letter. Then again, they were very talkative, extremely approachable and easily amused. I blame it on the alcohol lol. John Cummings was particularly hilarious. He was drinking orange juice and some vodka - to which he blames about the funny faces that he makes in pictures and apologized accordingly for it. At this point I chipped in "aww, but we love that you're making funny faces!" He was quiet for awhile before breaking into a huuuge smile saying, "Shucks, you just made me blush" in a verrry Scottish accent and looked away shyly :LOL: and you know how Ewan McGregor's accent would make my knees go weak so... after that my friend kinda had to push me a bit so I would keep the line moving hahaha! I told the drummer that I love his choice of clothes (Mickey Mouse lol!), and then I gave the letter to the bassist, Dominic because he seemed rather quiet. Boy, was I wrong, as soon as he saw the envelope, he became quite talkative. As I was leaving the autograph area, I saw that he was attempting to open the letter. I asked him to read it on his flight to Singapore or something, but no, he was figuring a way out to open it without tearing the envelope there and then... lol how embarrassing. Good thing my friend quickly walked me out of the room after that because I wasn't sure if I could face looking at their reactions while reading the horribly written letter.


    Despite the euphoria I was feeling after the concert and meeting them, I managed to thank all of them for coming to Malaysia, and I talked to the Soundscape guy as well to thank him for bringing Explosions AND Mogwai! He saw that I was holding a letter and asked why I didn't meet up with them at the airport. Lol. Does my face have a "I stalk bands in airport" stamped on it or something?! I guess Mogwai was lucky I had exams that day.


    What an experience, and to be sure it would be one that would be difficult to overcome, in terms of lights and quality of sound.


    My ears are still ringing! <3


    Woa, sorry for the wall of text...


    Oh and Debbie, I'm sorry I didn't read your PM til today :[ the seated Jason Mraz tickets soudn rather appealing to me lol. I'll see what I can scrape from CNY haha! What movie were you watching that day?


    Sunburst's RM143 early bird tickets are on sale from now til Feb 8th :) I wonder if Kaiser could squeeze March 21st for a Sunburst appearance!

  6. ^ Yes, Joelyn, exams :(


    Tee, thanks for the review! So glad you enjoyed yourself but too bad about the autograph session :-/ I remember the same happened for DCFC when they played Esplanade last year... However, my lucky ass friend managed to get Ben Gibbard's setlist and asked him to SIGN it as well :stunned:


    Debbie, what's adventure if you're not willing to experiment with our train system? I'll be walking to KLCC from Pavilion actually - after my postexam celebrations with my collegemates. Hopefully I'm sober enough to walk alone lol. Haven't decided how I'll be going back home just yet. Miele/Faz/Aida, are we having a post-Mogwai-party? :happy: Either way though - I'll be heading back using the train... or maybe we might just end up at the lobby for Mogwai's hotel :LOL: I seriously feel like asking these lads, "what lies beneath a Scotsman's kilt?" OK, someone make sure I don't do that really ... I guess I'm just going a little woozy after all these books + notes right now.


    Oh and Deb, I could try probing and asking my record label friend if he could figure a way out for you to get the RM130 tix. Not the best time for me now though - I'm extremely behind my revision... but if you really want to try out your luck, let me know? (in other modes beside the forum lol)


    I love Ramly/Ramlee burgers! <3 Damnit, craving for one right now. Burger ayam double special (tambah cheese), ftw!


    Also, remember my late laaate internship application? No one wants to hire me :( lol then again I only sent out my resumes last week haha. Guess it'll take some time. Shouldnt've procrastinated!




    According to a few Pirates, COLDPLAY and Paramore are scheduled to play SUNBURST '09!!!!


    shoot. I was hoping no huuge huge hugee band(s) would be coming because I'm afraid I've been spending way too much for gigs/concerts... If it was only say, Paramore/Katy Perry etc, I could possibly give it a pass but COLDPLAY WTF. HAVE TO GO.

  7. Ok I'm breaking my so-called hiatus. It's so not working out. I miss you guys too much :p


    Yay! I'm so glad you decided to head to the Mogwai gig, Deb. Hope you managed to get the early bird tickets. I kinda talked another concert buddy of mine to come to the Mogwai gig (i seem to do that a lot huh lol) with me :D It's been awhile since I met up with everyone - I can't wait til then!


    Joelyn, looks like it's a pretty short-intended hiatus :( But anyway, if I do disappear after this, I guess I'll only be back after the Mogwai concert! How's work coming along for you btw? Is it possible to visit your hostel in any way? Lol.


    Nut, you have a "friend" that's willing to give you free last minute tickets? you must introduce this "friend" to us! lol. So mean though - 6:30pm only called you up. Sigh. How did you celebrate your birhday btw? :]


    Tee, NEWS! STARS! REVIEW!! "absolutely brilliant" and "great too" wouldn't be enough to satisfy my concert review cravings! lol. Setlist? I read that they played your ex-boyfriend is sill dead for an encore? lol. Do tell us how it went!


    Noor, geramnya! That counsellor seriously should consider getting a change of job because that does NOT in any way help a student to feel better after a "session". Why would she care about getting you hurt in the eyes of the society just because a girl's hair is short/bald? She should be worried about your well-being and your emotions now instead of what others think! When Natalie Portman shaved her head for V for Vendetta (kick-ass movie, btw), I thought that was one of the boldest and bravest thing she did as an actress and I totally respect her for that! Was the counsellor trying to put the blame on you? Good God. :mad::noey: You should not in any way think that what happened the other night the bastard hurt you was your fault. Remember that!







    In this case,



    Can you spot anything interesting there? Might have to squint a little...


    For those who did not catch Chris Nolan's little "promotion" of his other movie in The Dark Knight ;)


    Yeah I am totally procrastinating. I have not touched my books since the new years :( So dead. However, I did study Christian Bale's every emotion from TDK though, not sure if that counts... (don't worry - there weren't many Bruce Wayne scenes to begin with *cough*) I think one of the sexiest Bale expression was when Rachel went to his penthouse for "safety reasons" and Bruce walked in the room where she was at. He stole a glance at Rachel and the next second he looked away instantly while walking and facing his back to Rachel. It was as though he glared at her and wanted her to follow him with his walk. OOHH LALA. Anyone's heart at the receiving end of that split second glare would totally flutter!


    No words needed.


    /end crazy Liz talk.





    P/S: I've been told that Sunburst 2009 will be on the 21st March 2009. So people, please mark your calendars! As to who will be playing, oh wouldn't we love a confirmed line up list right now?


    Here's hoping the Sunburst organizers would learn a thing or two from the Singfest peeps!

  8. Dropping by quickly to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY NUT!


    Unfortch, if I could find the time I would've made you one of those fancy banners you always make for the bday peeps ;)


    @ nonoor, don't let the others get to you now. Hope your finger regains full movement soon enough - if it doesn't for this week, does that mean you'll be excused from homework? :D


    @ joelyn, you can be the pornogenic obsessed muser for 2009! I think you still get a coloured title for being nominated right? ;)


    -i'm gonna go on a hiatus. looking forward to mogwai! take care guys.

  9. Ah Liz didnt see ur post, was about to pm u. So ur tix is 130 (RM2 processing fee). How / when do u want to get it? Aida has bought hers, so it looks like the 3 of us so far. U bringing frens? Goodla enjoy after exams ya?


    I remember laughing with my fren over the facts that Placebo performed @ Angkot wat together with, wait for it, The Click Five! what a mismatch, MTV.

    Yay! Thhank you although when you called I was having dinner with my family and I haven't told them about Mogwai yet. lol they still don't know at the moment.


    Hmmm. Will you be working on the 21st? Or are you on leave? Hehe. I'm not sure when I'll be able to meet up with you in these three weeks. Tomorrow's my final week of the semester and after that exams right away :-/ I think I'll only be able to meet up with you on the 21st itself. Don't worry I'll bring RM130 along, unless you wouldn't want to carry so much cash during the gig? Perhaps I could bank in for you then lol. PM me?


    I could talk to a few of my friends and see if they'd like to come. Generally though, I'm not sure if they would want to spare RM130. But who knows..!


    Haha The Click FIve and Placebo. I read that Duncan Sheik was there too :eek: or maybe I read wrongly hmm. But wow, if Duncan Sheik played a gig in Malaysia, I would love to hear him croon a live version of Barely Breathing!




    Miele, about Mogwai, I would love to go! Just like Liz, my last day of exams is on the 21st, and my exams end in the afternoon so I can head to KL at night i s'pose. The problem is that

    - i'm beyond broke, and its before CNY so I cant use my angpau money.

    - I also.. am pretty new to post rock. I've listened to a few songs from Mogwai and yeah they're nice but.. dunno la, cant really enjoy em as much as I enjoy Muse/Incubus or something. So i dunno whether RM130 is worth it or not :(

    - and also, I have noone to go with. Unless I tag along with you guys? :)

    A "release" is definitely a must once the exams are over! The KL Convention Centre is extremely accessible and a convenient location, I feel. It'll definitely give me nostalgic feelings since the

    last year was held there. You can watch that vid if you like, to know how it's like when they transform the hall to a rockin' concert stage. :happy:


    - Perhaps you could loan a little from your sister? Promise you'll pay her back after CNY :LOL:

    - Post rock live is a whole different feeling from what you hear through your speakers. The crowd is also extremely different from Muse/Incubus because you find that they do not sing along much (not that there's anything to sing along to in the first place lol) and they stand extremely still. Only bobbing their heads consistently and cheering. Honestly, that's actually the best part lol. No pushing. No shoving. No crazy screaming girls who can't appreciate the music. It's an entirely different experience on it's own but whether it's one that's worth RM130 - that's still up to you.


    Of course, I wouldn't know how the crowd for this would turn out since I've never been to a Mogwai show! From what I've read though - Mogwai can get extremely loud so you might want to be ready for heavy heavy guitar distortions and pounding drums. Personally? I can't wait to see them work their high tech fancy schamncy guitar pedals!

    - Hey we're people too. Come along with us and we could queue up together and reminisce over the time we queued up (separately then) at Sg Wang's for Galaxy's 20% off Muse live tickets 2 years ago lol!



    Brian is really a bi :eek:! And on the topic of not-straight people, the Sigur Ros vocalist is really gay and he's blind in one eye lol! There's something about these people that makes them extremely creative.


    If that is really the stage from the 6th of Dec, they're the kings of procrastination lol.

    Jonsi is awesome :)


    Also, four weeks of procrastination is actually better than fifteen weeks...


    I'm sending out my resumes on Monday though. Finally!!!

  10. I can't believe it's almost 2 years already since Muse graced our Malaysian shores!


    Hello everyone!


    Great to read about the NY celebrations etc. How's the new year been treating u so far? :)


    Update 1: As some of u may already know, I'm trying to get together to watch Mogwai at KLCC on the 21st of January. Havent bought the pre-sale tix yet, will call u guys (of whom I have phone no.s) before I go and buy. Anyone else interested?


    Or may be we should just have a Muser meetup? :p



    Update 2:Holy macaroni am I excited! Tix details not out yet but the Butterfingers forums are going nuts predicting the acoustic setlist etc. Jom pergi, korang????

    @ Update 1. YEAH I'M IN FOR MOGWAI! Though the RM168 ticket price (for doorsale) is a little out of proportion if you ask me. I know I should be saving for my future roadtripping trips and all but ahhh I think considering the fact that Jan 21st is my LAST day of exams, I would certainly be in need of a "release". What better way to watch these Scottish lads blow their bagpipes?! ;) Chinese New Year's also around the corner right...? If they want more people to attend the concert, they should seriously consider dropping the price of tickets. Quantity adds up to the total revenue too, you know? As much as I love soundscape records (since they brought Explosions in the Sky & Mono to Malaysia as well) I think someone should talk to their management about marketing strategies. Haha.


    Hmm, I wonder if they're hiring interns? :LOL:


    @ Update 2: Nooo it's during my exam period. :( Istana Budaya should be quite syiok though! Since Mamma Mia! is held there too! lol.


    P/S: Emmett is such a lovely name haha.



    Happy New Year to everyone loL!!!


    Cliche question time.


    What are you guys' new year resolutions?


    Mine, if you bother.


    1. Save some more money.


    2. Spend some money on self-beneficial stuff.


    3. Get a rempit (inspired by Deb's post) license.


    4. Be extra kick-ass at designing whatever.


    Wah tough man to have 4 resolutions. Tempted to write more though.




    Oh yah Musiclover85! I believe Jason Mraz is coming to both KL and SG, so you can have twice the Mraz, if you want! BTW nice pic of 'pretty' Brian Molko you have. Is it true that he's bisexual? :joker:

    I only have on new year resolution.




    For example, I actually planned my resolutions awhile back but due to procrastination, I haven't come up with a proper list yet :rolleyes::shifty::noey::(




    Eh, I think I read an article that Placebo played a show at Angkor Wat, Cambodia! Why did they not stop by Malaysia/Singapore? :(

  11. Joelyn, congratulations for being nominated! :D


    You'll get to have a different title name now ;)




    Deb perhaps you could take a picture of those notes instead? Lol just a suggestion.




    Oi vey, Jason Mraz! That's great news for a lot of my friends. But I'll be doing my internship come February :(




    Oh yes on a very random note, after Christmas dinner yesterday with my family, we headed over to the nearest cinema to catch Yes Man. I've never been a huge Jim Carrey fan but since my sister already got the tickets I had no other choice but to watch it. Despite the movie being rather predictable, I can't help but smile at several LOL moments, notably during the Harry Potter party. Hahhaa omg being the dork that I am, I felt like I wanted to throw a Harry Potter dress-up party as well. Not only that, the movie actually featured pretty good songs! But you'll really have to have a lot of patience over Jim Carrey...


    Merry Christmas everyone! TURKEYY yummm. I loved the presents that I got so far - including Snow Patrol's A Million Hundred Suns!


    Currently downloading the christmas package from Muse! Can't wait to see it :D

  12. Have fun in RTW today, guys!






    what the... I mean, seriously I've always imagined Aro to be ... well, extremely pale and you know ... the knowledgeable creepy old man and certainly not hot, gorgeous and tan!!! He could play Benjamin in Breaking Dawn maybe or one of the European nomads etc.


    Adding yet another British import to the cast really wouldn't hurt however. But eeekkk, for the love of well, vampires, I hope Ben Barnes' not serious about playing Aro. Though I guess he would make a really gorgeous vampire - but I don't think I want to fight with other Twilighters to get tickets to the première or something if Ben Barnes' in it.


    Besides, Aro doesn't exactly beat Edward in the looks department now, does he? Ben Barnes would totally put Robert Pattinson to shame :X :happy:




    Joelyn/Faz aww sounds like you guys had fun over lunch talking about Dom XD




    Van Helsing <3 I loved David Wenham in that movie, playing Hugh Jackman's sidekick!


    Speaking of Hugh Jackman, any of you guys heading to the cinemas to catch Baz Lurhman's Australia?

  13. Haha... But all the fuss and traditions is part of the fun :rolleyes::p I dunno... Maybe I just the type of girl who likes suasana meriah. hehe... =D You curl your hair?? Wow... Can I see how it looks like? *gives puppy eyes* =P and I never realise you wore contact lens when I saw you that day :stunned: lol... but then I'm wearing contacts as well


    Oh.... and talking about twlight, I've just remember something that I saw. Remember in twlight movie, Edward played Bella's lulaby on the piano right? Instantly, I saw the brand name of the piano kawai during that scene. Is kawai a very popular piano brand or because Matt usually use that brand? :erm:

    The day I met you I wasn't wearing contact lens actually :LOL:. I don't do contacts usually to be honest. I'm a dork and I like my pair of specs =p though I've never tried putting on contacts during concerts, I'm guessing it's a lot easier to rock out and jump... haha. The thing is I have like super sensitive eyes (even my optomotrist mentioned that) so any foreign substance or object in my eye is practically a suicidal mission. I'll have to exercise a LOT of restrain power to stop myself from scratching or tearing my contacts. Haha.


    Kawai is indeed a pretty popular (and good) piano brand. I remember when I went for my practical piano exam the examiner was using a Kawai piano too and I thought of Matt. Haha. Inspired me to play a lot better I guess hahaha!



    aiseh .. should've checked the board before i went to the warehouse sale. would've been nice to see you again Liz.


    i only went coz my bro forced me to go there with him but i got myself a pair of dom's silver converse! haha.. nah. joking only. there were not many stocks left when i got there. all the good shoes were gone! isk! but really cheap la things there. a pair of shoes for only RM39.90. really perfect for a cheapskate like me lol.

    I left PC Fair/KLCC at 3pm that day, huhu it was raining so heavily it was impossible for me to make it in time for the Converse Warehouse sale in PJ by 6pm (I usually take forever to decide which shoe to pick) :( I'm so glad you found a perfect pair of shoes though lol. Take a picture and show us your new concert shoes! :]


    Ended up drowning my sorrows in One Utama's Tower Records. (After eating Swedish Meatballs, that is!) Omg they have this 70% discount section where CDs there are a real bargain! I bought a Graham Coxon CD for less than RM15 for my sister's christmas present. Haha. Cheapskate. They also had a 30% storewide discount so I thought the time spent in there turned out to be fruitful. Although it certainly made me a lot poorer.


    But it's Christmas!




    Btw, I talked to the Tower Records store owner regarding Stanley Climbfall (my friend's also looking for that album!) but he said that if I wanted him to place an order, it would come up to a total of about RM75!!! Nonsensical.



    Allo everyone!


    A few things:


    1. Liz thanks for giving me the update about Bangkok Rock. But doubtful tho'.


    2. Who's in for RTW? Wanna meet up? I'm really looking forward to Butterfingers.


    3. Nut is ur KL trip still on?. Hehe sorry no pressure or anything, just curious.

    Two things:

    1) If Bangkok Rock indeed falls on the last week of February, I can actually consider going because I no longer have wedding duties to attend to or any papers to take at that time! Perhaps only my internship (which....I haven't completed the application forms yet :eek::( ) which might be in jeopardy because I was already planning to take leave for the first week of April due to stalking F1 driver duties. Haha!

    2) AirAsia is offering FREE SEATS to Bangkok right now if you travel in Feb 2009.


    Sigh, I'll be too occupied this time of the year :( Sorry guys, but do have fun in RTW!!! Take videos! :]




    LOL omg, love the Lolita reference. Brandon Boyd is my hero <3

  14. Shoot. Now I really feel like going.


    Thanks for the link! I think I'll probably try to bang my way there using that map :LOL: What time do you plan to go?


    Thing is, I'm also going to the PC Fair and I have a Swedish meatball date at IKEA a little later. haha :S I wonder how I'm gonna fit all that in a day! :(

  15. how was the wedding?

    Eventful! You know how fussy the Chinese can get when it comes to traditional wedding tea ceremony and all that nonsense. Lol. It was one of the longest day ever. My hair was curled for the wedding dinner and I think I tore my contacts. How can one even do that? Haha. My sister seemed really happy though and we engaged a professional photographer to capture the event so hopefully the pictures would turn out ok! Also, hurray for an extra bedroom in the house! :D








    Enjoy !!!

    Wee! Thanks for that.




    I love that Christmas is upon us. And the warehouse sales. Good heavens. There's a Converse sale somewhere in PJ and I wish someone would tell me the directions there because I'm really not familiar with PJ :(


    Liz wow good job at spotting the Cullen crests, really. I would've thought that they're just accessories :chuckle: I'd definitely look out for it WHEN (not if) I watch Twilight again. I realised that the first time I watched it, i was like super bitter because the first part was damn potong-stim for me. but now I'm gonna try to watch it again with an open mind... :D and no high expectations. hmmm.


    What's No Black Tie? :unsure:



    My favourite losenge would be Strepsils, the honey and lemon flavoured one :D its so nice!! yeah I agree with kak faz, fisherman's friend is abit too hot la. which is a bit ironic since its supposed to be cooling and minty fresh~



    Okay I just started reading The Picture of Dorian Gray (got it as a birthday present teehee!) and OMG, their English is seriously damn 'power'. My narrow vocabulary cant take it :noey:


    I'm only halfway through the second chapter and I already dislike Lord Henry. I thought he was supposed to be a good nice guy! he seems to be a bad influence to dear Dorian Gray, who sounds like a blonde guy with blue eyes in the book, whereas Ben Barnes has dark eyes with black hair, hmm


    I'm actually pretty disappointed with how the whole Twilight thing has turned out. I dunno but it's really getting on my nerves how people are looking down at girls who read the book and the feminist in me can't help but retort back.




    No Black Tie is behind Hotel Istana/somewhere near Bukit Bintang. They hold pretty good gigs there usually but I suppose the more well known place for that now would be at Laundry. Heh.




    Fisherman's Friend = pedas? Noooo... lol the lemon flavoured one is extremely smoothing. I live by it and at every concert, you'll definitely see me carrying my lemon flavoured Fisherman's Friend around lol. My friends say I have an addiction to the lozenges but I beg to differ. There's no harm in taking it when you feel a sorethroat coming right? or after you finish dinner, or when you're watching a movie, or before you go up for a presentation, or when you're trying not to fall asleep for a lecture ....






    Like you, I really didn't quite like Lord Henry's character too but wahh I can't help but picture Colin Firth in that character and everytime I do I can't help but think how awesome he would play that part heh. and perhaps a little too much regarding Ben Barnes & Colin Firth Dorian & Henry's close relationship XD XD :p





    Liz: Thanks for the Stars song! Its pretty good, tho the lyrics a bit like emo hee hee!

    Glad you liked it :) My sister is still waiting patiently to see whether my finals will clash with Jan 7th. If it doesn't ... I might just find myself back in Singapore agian :O





    Miele, my friend mentioned Bangkok Rock festival has been postponed to the last week in February! Nothing's been confirmed yet but I heard that Manic/Hoobastank/As I Lay Dying will be in the same line up again. No news from the Ash camp but I guess the organizers will definitely try to get them to play!

  16. Already watch twilight :D:D:D

    The movie is not exactly that good but then I think the best part would be the start and the ending. The middle part is kinda boring... And where did Stephanie Meyers made her cameo?! :eek::eek::eek: I didn't see her.....:(



    :LOL: Everytime I think of Jasper's stoned expression, I start laughing. It's so funny. Hehe.... And when Carlslie first came onto the screen, the audience(which is mostly girls) totally gasp. I was gigling when they do that. Yah, I know Carlslie is quite good looking but not that hot. Lol... And Edward at first looks weird cause they put a bit too much makeup on him making him look very pale but during the middle of the show, they lighten up on it and he looks much and much better :eyebrows:

    Hehe... And Alice is Cute!!! and I think she is much prettier than Rosalie. Rosalie doesn't look like a godess or anything that was describe in the book. She look kinda not bad only... Oh, and I always thought Laurent is a kuai lou :erm: =P and I expect Charlie to be more of a nervous type and, I dunno. Didn't really imagine him with a mustache... =P


    And now on the scenes, I expect the car crash part to be more slow motion, then it will make the movie better... Instead they just make it at a normal speed =( Much more nicer if it is slower =D And the baseball scene is really quite cool :happy:Not only did SMBH was played, all of them look cool in that scene banging on each other and hitting the ball. :chuckle: Bella's acting at the part when she screaming because of the venom in the body is quite believable despite her bad acting on looking nervous. And Edward, when he talk, he always pause for a little while. I dunno why does Robert Pattison does that... Maybe he's not very good in it. And Robert Pattison is a brit right cause all the harry potter cast should be a british actor.


    Lastly, the part where Bella first came in and Edward look like he smelled something bad... That was really funny. Everyone laugh at that scene and Bella even smell her hair to see if there is something wrong with her :LOL:


    Ps. And Mike Newton is kinda cute. Did not expect that :p


    Stephenie made an appearance as one of the customers at the diner's I believe. Hahaha my cousin said there were these bunch of girls sitting behind him and they totally ooh-ed and aahhhh-ed every single time Robert came on screen. When they finished the movie they completely gushed over it. I know I just cringed a lot - for the movie, not the girls =[




    oh and Selamat Hari Raya Haji everyone!


    Yay for public holidays =D

  17. haha yeah I did! Thats when I first saw Bill Nighy, in Love Actually. From then onwards I kept referring to him as the Christmas dude from Love Actually :chuckle: aww man I should watch that show again.


    Eh I had no idea the Cullen crest existed :stunned: Wah even in that youtube video I couldn't see any Cullen crest. I guess this gives me another reason to watch the movie again! :D


    Omg, thats so romantic, that line. Is it from Pride and Prejudice? Thats it lah I'm gonna read that book if it is :chuckle:


    Argh I hate the fact that its December already, SO FAST. I'm not ready for the year to end yet, I'm not ready to face all my friends leaving me to go to stupid Australia :(

    Now that I'm relatively in a Christmas spirit, I feel like watching Love Actually! That lil boy in it who learned how to play drums for a girl haha omg so cute!


    Here's the Cullen crest. They were wearing their baseball outfit during the baseball scene so I guess you couldnt find any of them wearing the crest then.





    I'm guessing Bella's wearing Edward's jacket that's why it has the crest!



    The wristband looks good, no? :]




    Yess, that line is from the book! To think that the girl he professed his love to REJECTED him after that and told him he would be the last man on earth she would marry (or somewhere along those lines)! Waaahh, his maruah surely jatuh like hell but Mr Darcy still kept his pride and chin up! What a LOVEABLE character...:$


    I'm with you regarding stupid Australia. But now that my friend is back I wouldn't want to spend so much time thinking about what would happen when she returns to Australia but rather what we could do within these two (albeit short) months! Did you know in Australia's McDonalds they have triple cheeseburgers? Curse you McD!!! Why don't you have that in Malaysia?!


    oh and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY DEBBIEEE! 18 finally :D Come, let me bring you to a gig at No Black Tie or something although actually I don't think they had an entrance age limit to begin with haha. Hope you had a fun day!



    the lake scene! haha... i can't believe that he dived into that muddy lake! but who cares eh? he was taking off some clothes in that scene!:chuckle: i used to hate the 2005 P&P coz of Kiera Knightley too and the other too-giggly-and-silly Bennet girls esp Lydia! but i always love Matthew Macfayden! hehehe... he has this voice which is so deep and umm smexy! lol.. but to be fair, the BBC series is more developed and true to the book because it is a series and Colin Firth had more screen time than Matthew. so yeah.. no one can be a better Mr Darcy than Colin Firth! But Matthew brought this vulnerability and tenderness in Mr Darcy that i just can't help loving him as well haha.. i recently watched the movie again while reading the director's commentary and i have to say that i love the movie now! and i love Kiera Knightly playing Lizzie. somehow after reading the commentary she seems so right to play her and so does Matthew Macfayden to be Dracified lol. speaking of Lizzie, Liz, if i have yr name i would definitely asked all my friends to call me Lizzie coz than i can perasan that am Elizabeth Bennet! haha...



    OMG that line! i'd definitely go week on my knees if there's a man saying those words to me haiiih.. perasan sajer la ek? haha.. but i love the way Matthew said "I love you. Most ardently" in the movie instead of saying the whole line you just quoted. it's so simple and yet still very romantic. but my most fav lines from the movie has got to be the part where he met Lizzie at the end and confesses that she had "bewitched" him "body and soul" and wishes never to be parted with her for the rest of his life with the sun rising behind them. a very kleenex moment la that one. oh my. i think i've taken this thing too far! perhaps i should put a spoiler tag on this.


    Lol I actually don't like it if someone calls me Lizzie/Lizzy but the more I tell them not to the more they do. I so do not want to be called Lizzie McGuire in any way! Haha.


    Ooh, I've never given P&P 2005 another chance again after watching it (and almost falling asleep...) the first time but maybe i'll just watch the movie again with the commentary on. I do remember this one shot of Matthew's hands when he lead Lizzie up to the horse carriage after she paid a surprise visit to his housemansion. Verrryy smooth looking hands, I wanna hold it too!!


    Apart from the lake scene I really loved the part where Mr Darcy hands Lizzie the letter that was supposed to explain everything and clear all her prejudice towards him too. and when she finally realizes he's not a horrible person after all!



    Bridget Jones. ok. am gonna control myself and not talk about the novel and movie. i don't think i should write a 3000 words essay here. lol. suffice to say that Colin Firth is brilliant in the movie.



    i just bought a new dictionary and i freaking love it!! :happy: so random.

    I've yet to read the novel to the first Bridget Jones!! I'm actually hoping I could find one in those book warehouse sales lol but so far I've got none. Tried looking for it at my library too but found nothing. :(




    Quite random but i'm going on holiday to Singapore and Malaysia in two weeks. Nice to know there's Muse fans out there :)

    Yeah we transmit Muse-ic frequencies from tree tops too. Just kidding. ;)


    Hope you'll enjoy Christmas shopping in Singapore and the Year End Sales in Malaysia! :D Have a safe trip and keep us updated ;]

  18. No time to reply atm, but doo wish me luck that I'll survive the horrendous task of being a bridesmaid tomorrow today!


    I feel a sore throat coming :(


    What's your favourite lozenges?


    Mine is FISHERMAN'S FRIEND. Seriously, I'm practically addicted to it.

  19. I'm going to see AVA here, and Stars in Singapore! :D

    Here... meaning? Sorry, Tee right? Hmm if I'm not mistaken you're from Singapore? :) and holy cow! You're going to see Stars!!! Will you be going alone again like you did for Motley? My sister's gonna be jealous you'll get to hear them live.. We were talking about making yet another trip down to Singapore (in my defence - it's in 2009 at least!), to catch them in the Esplanade. However, Jan 7th kinda clashes with my final exams and we're still relatively broke from our previous Singapore trip lol. Dunno though might just make the final jump in the final week..who knows!


    Nut, here's a Stars song for you. right click, save as.


    Eh serious? Did you watch it both in the afternoon? I wanted to try watching it at night.. like a late movie, hopefully they wont censor so much.


    Have you seen a picture of Carlisle (forgot his real name. Peter fettucini or something) with dark hair and normal skin colour? he looks DAMN HOT. and he's married to Jenny Garth from 90210!! They're both so good looking, their babies are gonna be extremely good looking la lol


    Eh yeah wei I wonder how they're gonna pull of the Volturi. I imagined them to look suuuper old and wrinkly and white like Bill Nighy in Underworld

    Hmm, I watched the late night movie, they censored as well -__-


    Fettuccine? Omg that sounds like a very delicious name!


    Bill Nighy as Davey Jones in POTC! Btw, did you notice he was the Christmas-y singer in Love, Actually?! :LOL: (Bill Nighy, sorry - not Carlisle!)



    ok i missed the baseball scene coz i was busy freaking out and singing to SMBH rather than paying attention to the film (i am so obviously obsessed :$). i only remember Jasper as this awkward guy who looks like he's always in pain hehe..

    Did someone say THE baseball scene?


    :D Hurry, you might wanna watch that quick before youtube takes it down!



    Did no one mention about the Cullen crest yet?! Both Edward and Emmet were wearing wristbands with the crest right? Rosalie had a pendant, Carlisle a ring and Alice a choker if I'm not mistaken! I didn't notice any on Jasper or Esme, maybe someone who has watched it more than once could clarify that? Heh. Anyway, I loved the wristband :]



    yup. Matthew Macfayden is seriously one beautiful Mr Darcy. so proud and masculine and yet very vulnerable and gentle. very different from the way Colin Firth portrayed him. However, i am not very fond of Mr Bingley in the 2005 version. he seems quite well, stupid to me rather than a very charming man. you can sense that i've been watching too much Pride and Prejudice now eh? it really is heaven to have time to chill out and watch all your favourite movies in yr pyjamas once in while before facing another hectic week ahead. and i also found out that Matthew used to play Hareton in Wuthering Heights along side Voldemort (can't remember his real name) as Heathcliff!

    Lol I can recognize Mr Darcy anywhere. ;) Seriously, I am equally obsessed with him hahaha. Funny thing though, I hated the 2005 Pride & Prejudice. Maybe it was Kiera Knightley or maybe it was the younger Bennett girls that kept running around... I guess it's just me not allowing myself to have another actor as Mr Darcy besides the Colin Firth :LOL: Do you know how many times I replay that diving scene over and over again?! Hahaha, after reading Bridget Jones Diary, I can't help but follow in her footsteps.


    But really, when someone says this in the most romantic way ever:


    "In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."


    How can you not fall for him?! *melts* :$


    oh wow, two years and am still here and still a very, very dedicated Muse fan! :happy:

    Aww, happy 2 year anniversary!! It's been quite a long fun journey hmm? ;]


    Can you believe it's Decemeber already? craaaap.

  20. Regarding Muse Questions/Answers:


    I can't wait to listen to that symphonic monster!!



    "would you mind if I gave you a foot massage? Does my bum look big in this? "


    LOL best answer ever, Matt. Hahaha! Must've took him awhile to figure those questions out?

  21. Reallly? That's the first time you just go on and on about Muse, AAR LH and etc in college grounds? I thought you have a few friends who likes or knows Muse or LH? Hehe... It was really fun. One day we should just go on talking about Muse and get all fan girly XP



    Lol....Dunno cause I'm not really a fan of bottled chili sauce *I only eat the homemade chili sauce like the chili sauce for lekor lekor... =P *



    know where is the tourism spot in KL?

    Most of my friends listen to me babble on about Muse/AAR/LH is because I don't give them much of a choice! :LOL: They know absolutely nothing about these bands until I came along and told them all about it. Haha. Now if they hear Time is Running Out or Starlight on the radios, they would give me a miss call! <3


    OMG I LOVE KEROPOK LEKOR and homemade chili sauce!! Seriously our college don't sell keropok lekor at all besides the hostel canteen! Where do you go to for the best keropok lekor?


    I would say the tourism spot in KL would be ... Petaling Street? Haha :-/ But if you want to get souvenirs for a foreigner then I think Malacca might be a good place to start.





    Eh guys story la bout A1, especially the 'pitlane'. *Noob*



    Singapore was great la, totally broadened my perspective of the place. It's a mixture of different factors but mostly it was the company la. Aida was a lifesaver / cool as hell gig companion and Nut was the most amazingest SG tour guide ever known to mankind. Seriously.:D



    I f anyone's interested, I'll fill in the details. For now it's just flashes in my mind: James Dean Bradfield's soulful voice, picnicking in the park while Aida records the soundcheck, chilling at the Esplanade with Nut and friends.....

    A1 was funnn!! It's always nice to go to Sepang. I think I should consider retiring there someday LOL. Despite not exactly being a Team Malaysia supporter but once you're standing at the grandstand with thousands of other Malaysians, you can't help but get into the mood and cheer for Team Malaysia! A pity really that Fairuz went in for that unnecessary pit stop when he was running in third place! Nevertheless the sound of the engines were enough to keep us happy! Oh and of course that impromptu trip to the otherside of the track, the pitlanneee!! Where you get to see mechanics at work with their ... dirty hands :LOL:


    Singapore is such an awesome place right? Did you guys take pictures with the Mer-lion from the Esplanade? Haha. Do tell us more about sg! Your lunch, your long wait at the doors, the soundcheck etc!



    A1 was awesome la.. am definitely gonna make an effort to see it again next year. sitting at the grandstand was really something. we went to the pit lane for a few minutes only after the race. security didn't allow us too much time but man, it was so cool to finally step on the pit lane. it may mean nothing to the non-F1 fans but being at the pit lane even for a while was really special to me haha..and the crazy ear piercing sound of the engines.. fuh. bloody awesome. Liz, i don't think i can ever thank u enough! was really control macho in front of yr friends la. if i was with my friend or brother i would be jumping up and down and go crazy :happy:

    Hahahaha I was extremely excited too the first time I was at the pitlane (during Moto GP last year) I can totally understand how you feel! Would've been nice if we managed to run across all the way to the podium area. Haha... Btw, I'm so glad you managed to get out of Kajang without being too lost. It's not too hard right...? Safe for the little detour to Convent lol. Sorry you had to be late for dinner at One Utama! Did you get there in the end?


    What did your brother say of your picture? Did you make him jealous? Hehe :happy:


    P/S: Do I spy Mr Darcy in your avatar? =0





    Yes indeed Nut was a really hospitable host to us!! (He even put up to us pestering him whenever we got our hands on a public pay phone - We were so obsessed with pay phone!!)

    And he was a greeeaaat tourist guide!! Plus his 2 friends!!

    So Nut, thank you soooo much again for showing us around (esp on how to go to Fort Canning Park!) & treating us smashed chicken, it was really smashing yeah!


    Faz, we actually camped out at Fort Canning since 2.30pm, amusing ourselves reading the local newspaper (Miele's idea!) Great idea becos we cud use them to sit on the grass ;)


    Manics came on to do the soundcheck around 4pm ...we tried to get near to the stage (I got some brief recording) before those LAMC (or LAME rather) ppl shoved us away!

    Actually, without Miele I wouldn't have dared going nearer to the stage.Thanks Miele!!


    Anyway, we sat at the walls (near the entrance) & continued recording from there. So most of the soundcheck recording only shows trees haha..but important thing is we got the sound! They soundchecked around 7 songs...1 of them was not played during the actual gig


    They played 20 songs total - including 2 covers, Penny Royal Tea (by Nirvana) & gasp! Umbrella (by Rihanna)

    They made sure they played at least one song from each of their 8 albums


    The queue started around 6.40pm, there were not many ppl yet, & so we got right in front of the band for the gig !!! Awesome!!!


    Pix later (but one pix of the beautiful Nicky Wire went kaput Dang! Luckily James Dean Bradfield's pix was intact, phew..

    Oooh, as usual Nicky's got his feather boa on the mic stand & silver glittery eyeliner, lovely!





    Smashed chicken?! Curious!!


    Yay! Glad you guys made it for soundcheck! Did the manic guys say anything when LAMC shoved you guys away? =[ But anyway, it really is something right, when you manage to get in for soundcheck?! Even if you don't record anything ... it's still actually really awesome just sitting down on the grass and listening to them doing their rehearsals!


    Lol why does everyone amuse themselves by covering Umbrella thesedays? haha. My sister mentioned that there were super annoying girls in front of them swinging their umbrellas when Manic played that. Pretty cool though that they played their "greatest hits" over the past years as mentioned in an earlier interview. :]


    It's nice to know that Manics will be using Richey's lyrics for their upcoming album!




    awww you should've put all of your high expectations behind before you watch the movie. you must not expect that a book-to-film movie will be exactly or, well, almost exactly like that book. If you do those two, i'm sure you will at least be satisfied. i know i was. watched it twice yesterday and gonna go see it again n again!


    i LOVE the part in the very end where they showed Victoria all red-eyed but beautifully dressed and then, as she was releasing all the wrath that was her hair and walked down the stairs, 15 Steps came on! it totally caught me off guard. it was wicked awesome!! (to me, at least lol)


    *already suffering from withdrawal*

    Lol reminds me of the Batman withdrawl!! But yeah, you're right. I know should not put too much expectations on the movie. Can't help it though, really ... haha.


    I have to say though, LOTR is probably the only movie that really proved the book-to-film theory wrong ;]



    OH. My. GOD.


    The Prodigy are coming here in Feb.


    OH. MY. GOD.



    Big Night Out? Is that singapore's version of Big Day Out?


    Oooh, I hear Angels & Airwaves are scheduled to play in Sigapore too. Along with Stars!





    @ Noor: Ouuch! Have a speedy recovery, dear :[


    @ Miele: I'm soo sorry to hear that Bangkok Rock Fest will be cancelled! The three girls that I met with during the Ash SG gig honestly were just as much devastated because they had huuuge plans already regarding seeing Ash and everything! Hell, they even printed ASH-tees and a 5-feet long banner to catch their attention and I'm pretty sure Ash might just remember them from the SG gig! Three of them were supposed to wear A. S. H. tees respectively like this--> [Click.]


    @ Achi/Grace: Sorry to hear that you had to miss out on Ash again! :(

  22. wow. so many posts to read (you guys went for soundcheck!!!) and to comment!


    unfortunately I only have so much time left online at the moment I only have enough to drop by and say that, I just came back from a Twilight screening!



    IT WAS SO BADDDD. So so sorry twilighters, but it really wasn't my cup of tea (anymore) and HOW THE HELL CAN THEY NOT EVEN ... EXPLAIN ABOUT TWILIGHT BEING EDWARD'S FAVOURITE TIME OF THE DAY!? :( That was my fav part of the book! Good heavens. You don't call a movie Australia if it's not about Australia or something :-/


    Ok, maybe I'm being a little too harsh on the movie considering the fact that I did put rather high expectations for this movie... I went in there thinking I would have plenty of eye candy from the Cullens but ehhhhh the Carlisle in my head didn't turn out to be true, Jasper looks stoned, Emmet didn't really rub off as an elder brother kind of person but more like a ... hmm I can't put the word in my head at the moment. But yeah, Edward. He has REALLY pretty hands (ONE PART TO NOTE: when Edward and Bella are talking about how Carlisle turned him into a vampire, the both of them were squatting down in a clearing of a jungle or whatever and Edward had to stretch his fingers right there and then :D very sexy hands!!). That's all I can say, and should say, before I start commenting about his lipstick. Which certainly didn't do him any good with his acting skills. Or that sparkling scene.


    Hmmm don't even get me started with Bella...


    and the many many conversations between the both of them that they totally omitted. Instead they included a lot of unnecessary quiet stares that - although I know it fits the characters they play - but I felt that if they actually talked, argued and laughed like how they did in the book, that would've been a better portrayal (Port Angeles car talk scene, anyone?)


    The camera positions for the film as well as the direction certainly wasn't anything out of the ordinary.


    Howeverr, it was definitely super massive awesome that they played almost the whole Muse song during the baseball scene though! It made me all excited (only time in the movie, I swear). I'm not sure what would've happened if they did not put that song in. It would cripple the movie! haha.


    Well okay, to give a little dignity back to the movie, the final James fight scene did get more upbeat but just like the book - it was really short lived.


    Oh and finally ... Bella's Lullaby! I adore that piano scene (hello, ample hand shots!) but the lullaby itself ... they didn't even explain what it was and that Edward was inspired to write that piece because of Bella T_T I'm not exactly too fond of it... ok I admit it has that mysterious creepy thing going on, but how can that piece not end in a perfect cadence?! I liked the middle part where it becomes "major notes" sounding but just right before it ended, it was in a minor key again. Boo.


    If only Matt got around to write it ... *whistles*



    Wow sorry I went on pretty far about it huh? Trust me though, that's not the only parts I feel like getting off my chest. I may just change my thoughts on the movie after I digest everything down properly... But wanna hear the best part?!


    After the movie, I went in the car, and Starlight was just playing on Hitz.fm. About 40 seconds after the song ended, I changed the channel and to my surprise, Starlight was also just beginning on Traxx.fm! Talk about being dazzled and amused! :LOL:

  23. Lol well now i'm so screwed for my Personal Statement. I seriously don't know what to write. ROAR. I wrote a few like.. drafts, well not exactly drafts la, but they're like just little sentences/paragraphs i thought i could add into my personal statement, and i notice that they involve me talking about the APOCALYPSE (and how we should do our part to prevent that from happening etc, therefore i wanna be a chem engineer so that i can help with i dunno making biodegradable plastic or something ffs i dont know)


    omg la this proves that i've been listening to muse too much. srsly. :facepalm:

    Eh, nothing wrong with listening to too much Muse! :LOL: good on you for incorporating the apocalypse (please) and the importance of your profession! At least you're on the right path. .. kinda lol.I really really have to work on my goddamn application this week! Yaaargh.


    eh what movie is this? lol. this emoticon you used.. (=D~~) i have no idea what that is. it looks like a drooling smiley and also a..... nvm. LOL. eh Christian and Jared were supposed to hook up in his apartment or something ar? wth kind of show is this! LOL its like Alexander all over again with Colin Farrel and Jared :LOL:

    American Psycho! LOL at the emoticon, that's a drooling smiley laaa. :noey::LOL: Well actually, there's definitely no hooking up in the apartment, but I would love to think so! Alexander was hilarious - I mean, I know it's not supposed to be funny or anything... but I can't help but laugh at Colin Farrel ...




    OMG YOU'RE OBSESSED DEDICATED OVER BEN BARNES TOO? OMG I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE!!! LOL. I LOVE HIS DARK HAIR.. AND DARK EYES..and his accent omg i could listen to him talk allll day, i'm not a huge fan of his face-ass though sorry :$ but ah well, i can live with it =D and his hair style, omg, it suits him really well!



    ok i'll shut up now. *covers mouth*

    I don't think I would be able to talk with him though if I do meet him some day! I would just stutter and gasp. I didn't know he SANG in Early Virtue btw!! Hahahha reminds me of his "hi-rise" boy band days XD


    Eh why dont we watch a football match during a meet up?

    Next question, which match?


    Aww man i exceeded the limit too. crazy. I didnt notice how long my post was LOL.

    If only we could write that way for our assignments!



    ooh you're studying for your Masters? In what? Literature? :D Yeah you're right, i never really noticed it before but the English Literature in high school is pretty depressing huh. that emo poem with the pollution.. another emo poem with the funeral... wah. But actually, lotsa English classics are pretty depressing also right? I heard Wuthering Heights was pretty depressing. Never read that before though.

    I dunno why I have this sudden interest in reading English classics, like Jane Austen's books and stuff. Anything to recommend? :D

    You know, my favourite poem ever is actually a poem off our Eng Lit. Rudyard Kippling's If :)


    I'm currently reading Persuasion. Only picked that up because there's a Captain Wentworth in there! :LOL: I would recommend Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte for starters!



    Here's a short interview about Easy Virtue, i super love this interview la. Its so funny *wipes tear*


    HAHA Colin Firth! Mmm, accent <3




    Liz: Me and my friends are thinking of going to KL at the end of the year but donno if it's gona happen. Man i really need a holiday right now!

    A long weekend coming right up in the first week of Decemeber right? :)



    I forgot to mention this bit just now, Faz - no Muse did not make a song for Bella's Lullaby. It's just that I'm really curious as to how it really sounds like. Probably won't live up to my expectations though since mine is heavily Muse-influenced!



    I'm currently working on trying to loop The Verve's Bitter Sweet Symphony because my sister wants the beginning of that song to be her wedding march. :LOL:

  24. Alright set then. Deb / anyone wanna join?

    You girls have funnn! =(


    Er, bout Bangkok currently I think u shouldnt be jealous of me la, it's safer not to go. Just e-mailed my fren who works at Bangkok parliament, so worried for her since the latest violence :(

    Yeah, please do take care of yourself at Bangkok! The festival will be at some army camp though, right? :LOL:






    Crowdsurfing: if I were ever to go to Europe (and after losing like 5 kgs) I really want to try crowdsurfing. It's on my list of 50 things to do b4 I turn 50! Who would want to grope old me? Eh, just curious, what;s on you guys punya list of things to do?

    Lol wahh crowdsurfing in Europe. Syiok!


    Things to do: I definitely wanna go bungee jumping in New Zealand! and stay in Iceland for a month or so lol.




    Christian Bale's voice = ear candy. 1st time heard (hehe) that trailer I really paid attention, all due to that voice. And yes, his 30 mins in A new world made the whole snoozerama worthwhile. How Pocahontas could choose Colin I'll over Bale I'll never figure out :stunned:

    Lol I thought she chose Bale in the end?! But only because that was the "right" thing to do - even though she still love John Smith. Ehh, actually I'm not too sure dy lol I kinda fast forwarded at some parts...


    A little Christian Bale trivia: Did you guys know his voice was featured in the Disney Pocahontas cartoon movie?! He voiced-over for Thomas! The lil boy who shot Pocahontas' supposed fiancee or something. John Smith took the blame for killing him and Thomas ran away! THAT'S CHRISTIAN BALE!! :eek::happy:



    Eh when la will we have the next meetup? Miss hanging out with u guys again. And I promise la this time no running off for football matches :$

    Would definitely love to hear all your SG and Bangkok stories! Hey Nut, when's the next time you'll be coming up to KL? lol.



    KFC's ketchup is the bomb! haha.. it goes so well with the chicken. seriously.

    Lol I like the ketchup from McD....!!


    u mean Colin Firth and Ben Barnes were in a movie together before? what movie is that? and did Matt really composed bella's lullaby?

    Two movies to date. Early Virtue & Dorian Gray :happy:


    OMG LIZ! I'M DEFINITELY IN!! wooh. i can drive on saturday if u want. Team Malaysia is currently leading the championship u know after 2 races. so hopefully they'll win their home race!

    YAYY! I was supposed to go flower bouquet shopping on sat actually but I think my sister can survive without me for that.. haha. I just found out about Team Malaysia leading :eek: Will you be wearing yellow in support of them?


    Edit: Looks like we'll only be going on Sunday! Can't wait til then :D


    i missed roger federer's meet and greet session at twin towers last tuesday coz i had to work. if not i would be one of those crazy fans who would lined up before 8am to see him and get his signature! :'(

    I OVERSLEPT for that roger federer signing session. "But it only started at 11:15am!" yeahh I can hear you saying that... but I tertidur-ed and totally missed the autograph session. My friend wasn't pleased with me at all because I sorta promised her I would take pics for her.. Haha! :(

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