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Posts posted by guilt-stricken

  1. [/i]YYY ARE SOLD OUT OUT. And I didn't get any tickets. :stunned: I guess you don't have to attend that one Liz.

    Sold out so fast? Bummmerrr. Even the Circle 3 seats are gone! Perhaps your (awesome) boss bought tix for you already, only it's actually for your xmas present? Lol.


    Hmm I guess I better get the Andrew Bird tix asap!




    omg The Killers in Singapore? i HAVE to go for this one. i wish they would come to KL as well.. gah first Muse, now The Killers. i should''ve asked for a transfer to JB!


    gosh, KL is so depressing now. everyone's going to singapore! don't we have any good concert promoter here who would bring Muse and The Killers? :facepalm:

    Live Nation's bringing Killers to sg. I honestly wouldn't bet on Brandon Flowers coming over to Msia... unless MTV Asia stages another one of those live specials. There's a good chance for Muse in Malaysia though, at least, I'm hoping the promoters here would know that it'll be a crazy good investment to bring them over! Sold out tix in Feb 07 helloooo. Sigh.


    Yay! would be lovely to have company for The Killers :happy:


    Miele, if you see this, how long will you be in singapore in feb? :)

  2. Trust Muse to bring on a spectacular show. I'm sure it'll be worth whatever you'll be spending.


    I had doubts about getting the Coldplay tickets earlier this year because they were slightly out of budget (since I was also holding Sunburst tix at that time) and I honestly regret I didn't just go with my impulse reaction of purchasing the tix. Still regretting... but I've definitely learned my lesson.


    ALSO THE KILLERS!! BRANDON FLOWERS. Arrrrrghhh I'M SO HAPPYYYYY. SERIOUSLYYY?! 2 days before Andrew Bird! I'm going I'm going I'm going!! I wouldn't want to miss out on this.


    I don't know how I'm gonna work things out for YYY, The Killers, Andrew Bird AND Muse! Something tells me I'll have to sacrifice one of them. Eeek.


    Tee, make sure you record good videos at Franz! Have fun! :D

  3. The Andrew Bird tix are up for sale, and apparently student price is only S$25! Does this apply to all students across the world, or only students from Singapore? :(



    LAMC uploaded HQ vids from the Muse 07 sg gig. Does anyone have a link to that apart from viewing it on facebook...? Feb 3rd is a weekday. I really hope I won't have papers to submit during that week.



    @Liz Here's hoping that Muse WILL perform at KL so that I can try the nasi lemak ayam. You're invited of course

    YYY is a definite yes for me! I've been an official fan of Karen O, no, them, since I heard Y Control on a design CD apparently. The vid is so awesome. Maps is going to be so beautiful. And I hope they play ART STAR! du du du du du dudu dudu...

    Hehe, there should be like a mini board musers meetup there after the gig. We'll end up talking the whole night about Muse! :LOL: Then again, this isn't even happening in the first place :-/




    Yeah i'm pretty sure the 'rowdy crowd' at the Muse gig @ Fort Canning had something to do with their deadly hill. Maybe thats why it got so overcrowded and stuffy. I'm really really tempted to stand now haha! Any info on the ticket prices yet? SO PSYCHED FOR MUSE LA OMGG!! When I got a text from my friend today about Muse being confirmed, oh man I tried so hard to hold in my screams at work. i just felt like I HAD to tell someone! But i doubt anyone at my work knows/cares about Muse ha



    Ohhhh you noticed the chucks! :awesome: hahaha sweet I'm really tempted to show that to Muse but I have no idea how? Maybe I should wear the same outfit for Muse hahaaa..


    Wow that article about AAR said that Mona Lisa is about politics? I had no idea! haha I always thought it was just a sweet love song that magnifies Nick Wheeler's hotness when he's playing the acoustic live <3 seriously. That song made me fall inlove with Nick! haha.


    I didnt really notice the halloweeny background music tbh! Thats why I need the help of your bootlegs haha Aww man I was hardly paying any attention to what Tyson was saying, though tbh i thought his vocals were a bit soft. His mic was too soft i think. Could hardly hear him! But then again I was so 'on a music high' when TLS was being played so that could've been another reason why i wasnt paying attention to what he was singing. But I remember he mentioned "Kuala Lumpur" in one of his songs, I dont remember which though

    It was Mona Lisa that he said Kuala Lumpur. Actually, he said it a lot of times in other songs as well :LOL: During the middle of Mona Lisa, they played the spooky creepy tune too!


    Here's the link to the bootleg! Feel free to spread it around, if the need arises. I think I'm gonna post a link JUNK too haha, despite this whole thing being totally experimental. It's not illegal, I hope *cough*




    I can't help but smile despite being totally annoyed by the screams that ruined the audio. It's amusing to listen to what these kids say to Tyson even though he obviously can't hear them. Heh.




    My friends want to go to HK on the first week of Feb...gahhh..setting priorities is hard,lol:(

    You should not miss Muse! Lol. Could you perhaps join your friends after the gig? They could go to HK first ;)

  4. Eeeeee! Guess what came in the mail!


    So I sent a mail to Laurrieta complaining about booking of flights to singapore for the Muse gig. I purposely sounded a lil mad because they've yet to confirm. SHE REPLIED WITH THIS!



    Hi Liz,



    Haha, where are you flying in from?


    Start spreading the word on Facebook












  5. Am I missing something here? Since when were Placebo going to Jakarta!? :stunned::eek:

    Liz, are you also going to see Cat Power and Andrew Bird? That would be an amazing January. :LOL:

    I think he broke his ribs only because he could have been smaller than an average 8 year old boy or something, like really tiny and 4'0. :LOL: And he was probably stuck in the middle of the pit, the nearer to the front or back the safer it is I reckon. Still though, he would probably break his ribs at any other Muse gig.

    Singapore Indoor Stadium has a 9+ age limits for seats and 12+ age limits for the pit I think, to avoid things like that ^^^ And I find the crowd in Singapore a bit boring to be honest...:LOL::(

    Yes, Placebo's heading back there Feb 16th 2010!


    That's the thing, if I'm going for YYY, might as well stay on for Cat Power and Green Day held the next two days, right? If i'm already there in sg for the whole weekend... I might just wait for the next weekend for the Andrew Bird gig! :( Right now however, things aren't looking too good. I might end up not attending all of the above! Sigh.


    Did you follow Neil Gaiman's tweets while he was in sg with Amanda Palmer?


    Yeah, usually moshing start from the centre middle part of the crowd. It's pretty easy to spot these bunch of moshers too, so don't stand too near them, find couples or girls standing together, that's the trick ;) Breaking of a rib during a Muse gig is actually pretty cool la... I mean, that boy could grow up to wear a shirt that says "I broke my rib at a Muse gig" or something.


    I love the sg crowd cause they know when to keep quiet during certain songs lol. We don't get much "quietness" here in Malaysia... As proven in the Explosions in the Sky gig... :facepalm: Gotta love that Msian crowd energy sometimes though!

  6. Liz, I would do it but I don't live there. :( Sorry! And 2010 does seem to look very good so far! And yes, FRANZ.Thank you!

    Any plans for Placebo @ Jakarta? ;)



    @Liz Woah if there's a KL gig for Muse I'm definitely there! Hope that'll happen.


    But seriously, LAMC haven't officially announced it, so there's a slight sense of wariness in me. Tension, tension.

    This time you'll try the nasi lemak ayam at BRJ instead of just a roti canai, yeah? ;)


    For now Muse still remain gigless in Feb... I'm sure a deal of sorts would get through eventually. Remaining hopeful that it's Muse! Also sending more mails to LAMC's Laurrieta :D


    You're planning to go for Yeah Yeah Yeahs? Me too :happy: I can't wait to hear Maps live. I watched Karen O belt out a few songs live before on tv, gosh, was she weird, but in a good way lol. I missed Stars this year, wouldnt wanna miss a great start for 2010 with Yeah Yeah Yeahs... Still have to see how things turn out end of this year though before confirming :(



    Nut, Oh man I hope LAMC confirm this singapore gig asap. I want to start planning already! I missed their singapore gig 2 years ago even after buying tickets, i dont want to miss it again! aaah. I'm gonna get seated tickets, because, no offence intended, but i'm afraid of the singapore crowd haha. I heard scary stories from von (vspirit) about how rowdy they were, aku takut

    If we were to all go in a group, I think that shouldn't be too bad. Then again, there were stories about that boy of 8 who broke his ribs during the Muse sg gig :o For all the gigs at Singapore that I've went to though, they were ironically the most polite crowd lol an awesome lot. Perhaps a lot has to do with the venue at Fort Canning Park which was downhill. Well, since this is at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, it should be relatively better (and flatter).




    I did wear my suspenders! Want to see how i look? haha








    I hope the pictures come out. Can pass off as Matt Bellamy or not? hahaha.

    Aiyo how adorable, that's an awesome costume! If Matt could see you there he'd be very proud lol. Ben Barnes too, for that navy blue pair of chucks ;) I love that V neck guitar shirt (mainly cause that guitar looks a hell lot like the one I have haha)



    What did you dress as btw?

    The OTH thing was a bit too much trouble, so in the end... I guess to put it down to words (you asked lol), I was a cross between a French stereotype (hence the beret), a chef (also the beret), a Rennaissance painter, a political movement and an idiot who wore a skirt to a concert. Boy, doesn't that scare you already? Haha. I decided to go French because of this article (actually it doesn't make sense) and also because my sister has a beret bought from France that she hardly uses so it was convenient to use it (ah, now it does). However, it started raining the moment I walked past the gates so I took off the beret, and in the end I just looked like someone who just came back from 9 hours of class (which was the case really haha)




    I'd like to see the videos/audio if you dont mind haha. You can take your time though if you're busy with classes and all. no rush :) I still cant believe they played "The Last Song" and "My Paper Heart"!!! aaaaah <3 seriously so happy. Best setlist ever. Seriously. Sigh! <3 Tyson did say a lot of things on stage didnt he? haha. so awesome la. Muse arent as interactive as AAR on stage huh.

    I can't wait to upload the audio actually (although i didn't filter the screams). Connection's way too slow at the moment though sigh.


    I was grinning silly when the first keyboardish parts of The Last Song came on. I tried so hard to contain my excitement and Tyson kept on teasing us yeah? I love how he amended the lyrics at the beginning and sang, ".... when I sing this song for you ... and just for Malaysia!!" (instead of "and only you") I fell apart literally haha. I forced myself to muffle down my singing throughout the set because of my attempt to bootleg, but then when TLS came on, aiiiihhh cannot tahan dy (or perhaps I forgot) and you can listen to my crappy tuneless voice singing in the recordings. :facepalm:


    and during that strings/guitar combo interlude leading to the climax... :awesome: I looked at my friend, she looked back and we just ... fell silent in awe.



    and what do you mean by tuning down for Halloween?

    Erm, well sometimes they play like creepy eerie tunes right? I assumed that's in a key lower than usual, before launching into the proper song. If you listen closely though, sometimes when they launch into the proper song, the first note does not match with Tyson's vocals. Perhaps it was just me being tone deaf after escaping a crowd of screaming tweens.






  7. Could someone please take me in while I stay in Singapore for one whole month next year? Cause I would be effing broke, and my cousin would be awfully annoyed if I travelled to and fro so many times. YEAH YEAH YEAHS and ANDREW BIRD AND NOW MUSE?!?!??! THIS IS CRAZYYYY THEY'RE PLAYING HERE AGAIN AHHHHH!!


    I can feeeeeeel it... Malaysia's date is only in a matter of time before being announced! *fingers crossed* We'll get TWO gigs then, yeah? :D:D:happy:


    Franz Ferdinand! Tee, I'm so glad you're finally seeing the band that changed your music perception in life. I know how that feels hehe. Have fun!! and be safe.:happy:


    Kay-a/Nut thanks for the constant Muse updates in this thread btw! :] Life's been a bitch lately, well it should be according to my conscience, but it appears that I'm enjoying it a little too much. :(





    Did you see the suspenders Tyson wore in that Batu Caves pic??! You should've wore yours hehe. Lol I honestly dunno who's this Malaysian person asking all these bands to go to Batu Caves. I'm glad they find it fascinating though, but oh God, it's so near my college, if only I knew earlier. Also, they were staying at Nikko Hotel, just like Switchfoot! (though a bit too late for that now...)


    I wouldn't call em as stalking skills lol, more like... being an opportunist and making use of information available ;)


    I just listened to the bootleg I made, it's power packed with screams unfortunately, but I love the little Halloween tuned-down set they did for our gig. I'll get it up as soon as I can for anyone who wants it, but I doubt I'll hv the time to edit, so it's just gonna be the raw files.


    Some of the random quotes from an equally high Tyson (as the MTV Worldstage gig):


    "There, I see a witch. Owait... That's a wizard, not a witch! Sorry sir." LOL


    "You guys are so fuc..... crazy" Hahahha, I noticed how Tyson pulled the microphone away and back as he said the word. ;)


    That long wait for them to show up was a little uncalled for (AAR should hv the courtesy of showing up no later than 930pm lol) Even though I entered the gates late, I felt annoyed. Maybe because there were too many opening acts. One would've sufficed. Two, max. They listed three and had 3 other singers fr other bands covering certain songs for the final group. Simply asking for trouble, I say. With all due respect though, go malaysian bands! (but not Pop Shuvit) Eh sure sounds like I'm contradicting myself there hmm. Brain must be shutting down.



    Tyson's antics on stage didn't frighten me as much (ironically on Halloween lol) as the first time. I came a lot more prepared, knowing what to expect, and not expecting much. Boy, did they prove me wrong this time round. Opening number was Move Along and immediately they gained plus points fr me because I thought they'd only play it as the encore or something..so I was caught a little off guard. I won't go into details for every song and the technical glitches that were plentiful throughout the night (missed drum beat, wrong key of music with Tyson's vocals [due to their change in tuning a few steps down for the Halloween touch], Tyson not hitting notes etc) but rather the very presence of AAR on stage that was enough to drive the very young crowd into a frenzy. It has converted a lot of casual listeners into proper fans, and I suppose that is the ultimate goal anyway for concerts such as these. So they came and delivered a promising performance for the (allegedly) 15,000 strong crowd. Wonderful to hear Swing Swing live together with my friends, rather nostalgic moment there and having My Paper Heart played right after that was a HUGE surprise. Don't even get me started with The Last Song (or maybe you should :LOL:)





    Setlist as below, with Halloween tricks up their sleeves:


    1. Move Along

    2. Falling Apart

    3. Dirty Little Secret

    4. Swing Swing

    5. My Paper Heart

    6. I Wanna

    7. Mona Lisa

    8. Real World

    9. It Ends Tonight

    10. Damn Girl

    11. The Last Song




    12. The Wind Blows

    13. Gives You Hell



    All in all, it was a fun night getting dressed up for Halloween (hee) and for once completely forgetting that outside of music, my life is in shambles. What more could one ask for than a good night out with friends while observing a whole new generation of listeners, yeah?






  8. Regardless, I'm sure you'll have an awesome time in London! Well, they're both entirely different genres, can't really categorize them ;) Jesse Lacey (lead singer of Brand New) and I unfortunately have too much of a history together lol. I'll see how things work out in the 2nd half of December. Are the Andrew Bird tix up for sale btw?

  9. ok this is like a belated post...but...the muse fan girl i sat next to on the plane found me, on my blog o_O wonders of the internet! i tried googling "muse", my name, my uni and "plane" but i don't even get my blog. don't know how o_o


    anyway! just wanted to say that :D

    Did you blog about "the Muse fan I sat next to" ? It's not too difficult ;) Google is an awesome tool. It's also a lil scary though lol. Glad you guys are in touch now! :happy:



    I knew that you would want to go. :p What gig do you want to go to at Wembley? I'm going to be in London the day that Pet Shop Boys play, but I won't be able to go. It's also the day after the Horrors play, and I would be able to go to that. :'( And then there aren't any more gigs there for the time I'm there. -sigh- I never knew that January was known as DOGASS. :LOL: There are a few more gigs there than usual though. January + March/April are the best. I always miss the good gigs though. :LOL:


    Brand New's Jan 23 date at Wembley. All standing tix are sold out though :( I hope they make a DVD out of it! You won't be able to make it for Andrew Bird? Awww.

  10. ^^^ Awwww!! Matt still sounds very Matt though (when he talks) haha! 14, 15 and 16 year old Muse? :LOL::happy:


    A quick one...


    ANDREW BIRD !!!!!


    After missing Damien Rice in 2006, I don't think I can ever let this pass! Thing is, I'm also looking at a possible gig @ Wembley in Jan 2010 (fingers crossed...but I don't think it's gonna happen :( ) If I were to travel across the causeway to sg for Andrew Bird though, might as well stay there for a whole month since there are so many gigs lining up in that month!!! January 2010 is also known as International DOGASS (Day Of Gigging Around Splendid Singapore) month, apparently :LOL:

  11. lol 25th Feb 2010? that'll be nice!

    Our 3rd Muse anniversary! :D


    i can understand your sister's feeling. ;)


    true, true. keeping reviews from newspapers and magazines are pretty useful too. but it is less personal. i wish i have written reviews about all the concerts that i've been to. but am such a lousy writer.. the most that i've written was for Muse. "Got to the front. saw almost everything but the balloons. best gig ever!" epic fail betul. :facepalm:

    Ouch. It was pretty last minute too, right? :(


    Speaking of gigs in the 90s - did Third Eye Blind really played a live show in Malaysia? I've heard of interviewers speaking to Steve Jenkins personally when he paid a visit to KL but I can't find anything on the gig...




    I dont want MK Ultra to be a single. Neither do I want Unnatural Selection to be a single either, cause they're both just too epic imho! too epic to be played on the radio

    :chuckle: In that case, MK Ultra should stay unreleased and only for us to enjoy! ;] Perhaps 2nd single could be the alternative version to I Belong To You since New Moon's releasing that pretty soon. Would be rather disastrous though...



    omg I never thought of dressing up! ahaha. Are you?? The only passable halloween costume i have is my blue cheongsam, i could dress up as chun lee or something.but then again wearing a dress to a gig? Not a good idea :confused:. I could dress up as Matt Bellamy!! In the early BH&R era where he wears a black outfit with white suspenders, or an all white outfit with black suspenders! and I have black suspenders woo! :awesome:


    I'm scared I cant go though, cause I friggin finally got a job and I dunno if they let me have my days off on weekends. But i shall try!

    suspenders lol! Maybe I'll go as Robert Smith from the Cure, and make sure I have Boy's Don't Cry as my ringtone.


    Congrats for your recent employment!! (not sure if that's a good or bad thing lol...no more free leisure time doing nothing) Do tell us about it :) I'm positive you'll find your way to make sure you're free on the 31st eventually... Heh.




    What's Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist about? is the dvd out yet?

    I think it's best not knowing anything about Nick & Norah before the movie. All I can say is that it has a wonderful soundtrack. :happy: If you're really curious though, here's the

    . Any trailer with We Are Scientists' After Hours deserves attention I say. Haha.



    I stopped watching Heroes since Chapter 4. Fugitives just felt kinda boring to me. Is it still any good? I feel like Heroes have lost their charm

    They killed off Kristen Bell's character in the most distasteful manner ever :( Well, they have the Pushing Daisies writer back (he wrote episodes for most of Heroes' first season) so here's hoping things would get better... I can't help watching Zachary Quinto lol.



    Sorry to say but i have a feeling Resistance might be a single too! Since they played it live for the VMAs :( sorry kak faz. Its already kinda spoiled for me too cause my friend, who is like only into teeny bopper crap and stuff thats on the radio, LOOOOOOOOOOOOVES Resistance :'(

    Yikes, that's good and bad news... I guess we should be thankful Resistance wasn't in the Twilight soundtrack!! (the first verse already sounds very Volturi-ish to me I have to say)



    Sooo how do we go about asking LAMC or Marctensia or Galaxy or whatever other concert organising companies to bring Muse down here? :D

    We bombard the inbox of people in charge of LAMC/Galaxy/JUNK magazine etc by telling them about Muse's tour calendar that would be relatively "free" in February 2010.

  12. Why is Beautiful Ones missing from the setlist? You did mention it in the review though lol, I bet it was massively awesome!! I remember my eldest sister getting her Suede Malaysian gig tix for (beileve it or not 10 years ago today!) 11th Oct 1999 but they had to cancel the gig due to a certain "illness" (or was it an accident?) that occurred while touring Australia after the Singapore gig. She was so mad at Suede from then onwards haha. I remember her telling me stories of Justine Frinschmann (is that how you spell her name?) and of her leaving Brett for Damon. What a riot!


    This goes to show how important it is to really pen down a gig review immediately after a concert...

  13. ^ awesome! i can't wait to see how the video for Undisclosed Desires would look like. i hope Matt will be playing the keytar?? maybe it's just me but i do get SMBH vibe from UD. :unsure: Resistance is my favourite song from the album. i don't want it to be a single as i don't want it to be spoiled by the airplay..


    Liz, PJ will be touring Australia and New Zealand this November. i was thinking of going to their Christchurch show on Nov 29th but it's Raya Haji! aigoooo... T_T don't think i can go to their concerts in Oz since am still working on those dates. so frustrated! i doubt they'll be coming to our side of the world.:(


    EDIT: TV1 (RTM!) used USoE for it's piala malaysia (i think) promo.. so random. lol

    Lol I have that feeling towards Resistance too ever since watching the VMA vid for it. I simply cannot wait to hear it live.


    Pearl Jam & Christchurch ... that would've been a lovely combination!!


    Lol I can't see how USoE is related with Msian football, but ...! Kudos to the sound editor for the TV1 promo I guess haha.



    I think it makes sense if they come to South East Asia after Big Day Out and before heading off to North America. I have a hunch this is going to happen.

    Well, we can't just sit here and speculate I guess... Gotta start emailing & pestering galaxy, lamc, soundscapes, etc. to bring Muse over!

  14. I definitely wouldn't mind if MK Ultra is released as the 2nd single. I have a pretty great concept for a music video lol (which doesn't necessarily have to involve evil teddy bears)


    Muse in Japan with the kawaiii crowd! those lucky japs! i wish i could go.. it's bad enough that i can't go to see pearl jam in nz.:(

    When's PJ playing in NZ?!


    Muse will drop by... eventually. We just gotta be patient sigh.


    Omg liz, so many things to talk about, i dont know where to start. First things first, do you know why it got posponed? :confused: I heard it was because something happened to Tyson? I also heard that its getting posponed til like.. December or something :stunned: thats crazy. luckily i didnt pay and money for these tickets . oh right i wanted to reply your text! thanks for letting me know about the CD, but on that day itself my sis told me she managed to score 2 tickets for me too so wheee hahha.

    ARE YOU DRESSING UP FOR AAR's HALLOWEEN GIG?! Lol I think I might. Just one final crazy thing to do before losing all my hair to my ACCA exams in Dec. Then again, shopping and coming up with ideas for halloween would really take time...and time is something I do not have :(


    Good thing it's still in Oct, I believe if it was postponed to Dec I'd be half dead already sigh. Tyson kinda injured his knee or something like that. If you follow nick wheeler's twitter, you can get his updates ;) lol. Apparently he wants to go as Sean Connery (from Entrapment) for the KL gig hahaha someone should become Catherine Zeta Jones then ;)



    omg you watched 500 Days Of Summer too? I watched it last friday too! Its waaaay too underrated here. What do you think about it? :) A bit upset that they censored some parts though, like when they were on the bed in Ikea. That part was proper sweet apparently, according to my friend who downloaded it. :)

    Zooey and Joe are soooo adorable together. I guess that's just another reason to get the DVD heh :) If you liked this movie, I think you'll like Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist too. If you have the time, do watch it :D



    I've only seen Season 1.. did they censor a lot on Cinemax? lol. I want to watch season 2!! but with all the new shows out now, omg, my internet connection is so slow lately from all the downloading sprees haha. Season 2 any good? I read a bit on the True Blood thread on the board, they said Season 1 was better hmmm.

    I don't watch on cinemax, usually I curi the DVDs from my Gilmore Girls-obsessed friend. Lol It's funny how it's now all True Blood instead of Gilmore Girls. Haha. I've only caught season 1! I don't have time for S2 yet!!! I havent even watched a single (new) epi of Heroes or House or Dexter. Huhu. And also Flash Forward.


    Good luck with your finals! :) You can dooo ittt!

    It's gonna be a really loooong battle.

  15. Awwh, since your friend is turning 21 right, if he/she is a fan of AAR, he/she should try to score a happy birthday song from the band (like what coldplay did) !!! Or, you know, you could just beg him/her to have a nice dinner at chilli's or something, you drive straight to ou after class, you mia for 90 minutes, rock out to AAR, and then continue celebrating his/her 21st!


    I'm not a digi user :\ i'm really hoping my sister can score some tickets for me haha!



    yeah he plays boone from Lost right? haha. I didnt really follow lost in season 1, but whenever i saw any episodes, he was like THE hot guy to watch :chuckle: hotter than Sawyer or that doctor anyway. teehee. I didnt know he was gonna be in the show at all! then suddenly i watch ep 1, he was having witty angsty banter with Stefan and siiiiiiiiiigh, fell inlove. haha :LOL: we're such fangirls. and i love how soft he gets when he's around Elena, i'm really curious about the whole Katherine history! And you're right the script is really cheesy sometimes, but I dunno, I still tolerate it with a few eye rolls here and there :chuckle:. have you read the books? I'm planning to buy them soon hahaha.



    Speaking of vampires, anyone here catch True Blood?

    Hrmmm. AAR postponed the show. I guess I can celebrate my friend's bday peacefully now lol.



    I've never read the books, don't plan to either lol I could just read wikipedia and find out what happens! I'm doing that right now as I type. Haha... The whole Twilight Saga was such a waste of time but at least, it's for the sake of Muse. I'm curious to see how that Thom Yorke song (as well as Muse's) would turn out for New Moon though! Ian's eyes are so gorgeous. They almost remind me of Tom Welling's, only different facial features building around those eyes. Ian's face isn't very symmetrical though if you stare at it long enough lol.


    Edit: I just finished the wikipedia entry.......Totally ruined everything!!! :(




    I love Stephen Moyer & Anna Paquin!




    Hello Malaysian Musers :)

    Hi! :happy:





    Well, I just want to say hello to a fellow M'sian Muser I sat next to on the plane, on the way to London yesterday. Don't know how to get in touch with you again, but I hope you're on the forum somewhere! Anyway sorry I left without saying bye, my bus was leaving in 3 minutes! :(

    Did you catch a name? Maybe we could try to track him/her down ;) Good to know you had a really pleasant (long) flight to London!





    500 Days of Summer is so adorable. Not to mention a great soundtrack selection. I don't understand how in the whole of Malaysia, they're only showing it in Sunway TGV right now. This show needs a whole load more attention.

  16. ^ INORITE!! :D


    and I usually type words out properly unless I'm really excited!!!!!! lol




    Aww man I want tickets :( I'm hoping my sister can score me some, since she has 'connections' and got herself backstage passes (UGH JEALOUS), but dunno if she can though. Meh. But they're playing in ou right? I can just lurk at central park and listen to them if i cant get tickets :LOL:



    OMG you watch Vampire Diaries too?!?! I've been gushing over Ian Somerhalder on my twitter and blog!! :chuckle: seriously, i love him to death, he's so hot, i want to kill myself. well, not really, but you know :p i love how smooth and evil he is in VD, seriously man, i cant handle myself sometimes, i have to pause the show and type fangirly messages to my friend on msn/sms ahahahha. good to know i have someone to fangirl with too! :LOL:

    I just found out I have a family dinner and my friend's 21st party to attend on the same night AAR will be playing yyyargh!! At this rate, I don't think it looks likely that I can go for AAR huhuhu. Unless..... I beg my friend to celebrate in OU, then perhaps I could ... disappear for 90 minutes lol. You can still win tickets btw!! Through facebook or something! (I think you have to be a digi user though) it ends 30th sept which is today! More info here: http://digimusic.com.my/live/


    Edit: Wow, as if Oct 10th couldn't get any more packed for me, I just found out my classes have been rescheduled to Oct 10th, 8am - 5pm :eek::(



    Lol yeahhhh when I read that tweet of yours regarding Ian, I was so glad someone else shared the same feelings towards him that I had lol! I couldn't help but gape over him since Lost S1 days but then he kinda disappeared for awhile after they killed his character in S2 :( it's not til early this year I think when I read on some celebrity blog about him playing a vampire in some upcoming teen series that I started to rekindle that flame again LOL. It's still quite difficult for me to like VD though. Ian is most certainly gorgeous as hell, I mean, just look at his eyes, but arrrrghh cannot stand the plot and everything! :( Poor Damon cannot even save the pilot from, for a lack of better words, corniness. I think maybe it's just tipping my vampire tolerance level a little adversely.


  17. http://www.bigdayout.com/news/pressreleases.php


    Muse and Lily Allen!! WOOHOO!! How awesome would it be, if they had shows in Asia afterwards? :dance:


    Don't you guys think that the Singapore roads were bumpy and sparks were too common? Or is that perfectly normal? What about that poor Redbull dude whose side mirror got blown(?!) off?


    Anyone making plans for BDO2010? :D Muse and Kasabian! (and lol Lily Allen. Should be reallllyyy interesting)


    Hmmm. I really do hope they would make a SEA tour too!!


    It's common on bumpy tracks, like the notorious Brazilian track, but they've recently resurfaced the roads, so it's not too bad.. I thought the sparks were kinda pretty though lol. I don't remember seeing that much though last year... A real shame for Vettel too, but I was still way too upset over Nick haha :(

  18. :D Nice. My alarm used to be Walking Barefoot, it was lovely waking up to that.

    Genius! Lol *goes to change my alarm tone*


    Out of curiosity, what does everyone use for their alarm tones btw?




    singaporean gp this weekend. Liz, you're going

    I'm going to singapore (Lifehouse nostalgia can you believe it's been a year since?) unfortunately, a week too late for the GP :( This year's race was quite a bore though ... maybe I was just pissed for poor Nick lol but yay for Timo!


    I'm curious to know why Renault's still allowed to race the remaining 4 races.


    Speaking of Lifehouse... A new album out in Christmas (Knowing LH though, they tend to procrastinate too..It was supposed to be Spring 09...then Summer 09 .. now Winter 09 lol) Cannot wait to listen to new LH material, including

    in all it's studio glory! and the real lyrics to that song..we've been trying to decipher what Jason's singing for years lol (since 2006!)




    And regarding your MTV World Stage review, awwh, AAR was that bad? :( I really enjoyed them! They are so completely different compared to Kasabian though. Its like, when you compare the two, Tyson Ritter tries too hard to entertain the crowd, (cause he was so obviously high on something!), whereas for Tom Meighan, omg, he's just so smooth isnt he? So comfortable on stage, its ridiculous. They make it look so effortless, and that they're just there to entertain with their music, not with their stage antics. I love that. Puts them so much higher on the so-called MTV World Stage "hierarchy". :p But then again, Tom's eyes did look suspiciously *coughweedcough* red :ninja: But despite that, I still love AAR very much! ahaha. Are you going for their concert? Disagree is gonna open for them! :D I have no idea how to get tickets, when or where it is though.


    Yes, I think I should go for their gig because I don't want to sit at home and suffer for missing Ataris' gig on the same night :( I have a friend who could possibly score free tix for us from her relatives at Digi, but I'm not exactly sure if that'll materialize coz it'll be rather awkward if I went with her relatives haha. She actually had access to the premium VIP tent for MTV World Stage (her sister works with Hong Leong Bank! I swear, she has the best relatives ever lol), and even bumped into Tyson several times backstage, the lot from Kasabian too!!! but she had no idea who they were :facepalm:



    I hope Joelyn will be able to make it this time round! Have you got your tix, Joelyn?


    Regarding Tom's red eyes....



    MAYBE HE'S A VAMPIRE!!! Lol. I guess some would've probably seen that coming. Sorry, Vampire Diaries overload.


    Ian Someholder? NOM!


    but, honestly? The pilot episode sucked and I'm pissed that they used

    in one of the scenes... That song was supposed to be a rather personal one I share with my friends but nowww, it's tainted! :(








    Now there there Liz.....I missed Travis too..:( I re-watched their DVD at Alexandra's Palace to nurse the not so happy feeling

    On Nick: When asked what BMW Sauber would do next, he said: "Maybe we try to find a brain for him (Sutil)" lol!

    Read that Nick started from the pit as his team discovered a mistake with the weight of his car in qualifying

    I hope you've calmed down already...Cheer Up yeah...



    Yeah it sucks when that happens :( Travis needs to come to Malaysia NOW.









    Why can't we have our share of Scottish talent? :( My friend's relatively tall, he managed to get a lot of good shots in that vid! and sigh, he got to meet Fran and Dougie again.



    Hahaha yeah, when I read that statement from Nick yesterday, it made me :LOL:. His blog entry made me calm down a lot more too :) It's a real shame about Sutil, I usually support him but now... I don't know if I can.

  19. So tired, so tired. I haven't slept since Wednesday (well, ok proper sleep that is) so I'll make this short for now.. and rather unrelated to a lot of posts lol. Sorry, just wanted to rant a bit.


    I should've hopped on a flight right after my final paper and fly immediately to Singapore to catch Travis and F1!!! If I were in last year's situation, I would've done it huhu. My friend had tickets :( and he managed to meet Fran, Dougie and co FOR THE SECOND TIME in two years! Curses!


    I think I'm really disliking the commentary on STAR Sport for F1. So mad that they did not even give a reason as to why Heidfeld started from the pits, and that because of stupid Adrian Sutil's absolutely noob mistake, Nick had to end his 40 over reliability streak and so he retired from a race for the first time since 2007. :(



  20. Lol did you guys read Matt's random er.. rant/outburst in the forum? Requiring ISPs to pay for certain copyrights and including barcodes in files so the original user will know when and how it's used? *bewildered*


    Major LOL @ the tags!


    Oh and Happy Hari Raya to everyone! Have a safe trip home :happy:

  21. I thought the song was just okay originally but it's starting to really grow on me now. I saw the video last night...it made me smile a lot too. The video's helped me like it more...can get the vibe better. Can't wait to get it on vinyl! Christian Bale. :stongue: I personally prefer ROWR better so far, but if they were to release more songs a bit like True Love 1980 I wouldn't mind the least bit, especially if they sounded one part TL1980 and one part 1977 or FAA. By the way, I saw you posted something about The Ataris playing Indonesia? I went to their Myspace...for October 10 it said TBA for both the city and the venue. Oh please let it be Bali for once.I'm really not getting my hopes up at this point though -sigh-


    By the way...anybody in Singapore, Amanda Palmer from The Dresden Dolls and Neil Gaiman (one of my favourite authors) will be there for the Singapore Writers Festival around Halloween Wish I could go.

    Lol I think I'm gonna make TL 1980 my ring tone. It has such a groovilicious beat to it :) Uprising is my alarm currently, and it works like a charm haha!


    I sent a @TheAtaris over in twitter to enquire, and they've updated saying that they'll be playing JAKARTA! Ahhhhhhhhh. Right now, I half wished it was Bali too, because as I was browsing through the flight tickets just now, my mom saw Jakarta and she immediately gave me the no-go because of the whole "malaysian sweeping" incident going on at the capital of Indonesia :( This sucks. It would've been a perfect after-finals gig for me. Also, to see Kris Roe and perhaps be able to talk to him, that would've been great! Maybe they'll do an acoustic show at Hard Rock....hmmm. Fingers crossed as well :(


    Neil Gaiman wow my friend would be ecstatic! He'll probably end up dressing as...the sandmand? Lol. But aren't you heading back to sg in October?


    Must be nerve wrecking not being able to take ownership of your box set! I remember going on a short holiday only to find that my Lifehouse DVD arrived the next day and it turned out that it wasn't a very enjoyable holiday because my heart's totally not in it anymore once I found out about my DVD arrival! haha. Hang in there...




    Hi Musers! I'm new here! Sila beri tunjuk ajar.Hehe

    Welcome! :D




    Nut, after I exited Somerset MRT, I was lost and walking around for about 10 mins! So scary! Was about to turn back, but then I saw The Heeren! And and HMV is HUUUGE. Lol jakon.

    Me upon seeing the album = 596~SpongeBob-SquarePants-Posters-1.jpg

    Hehehe, I know, I was totally jakun too when I first went to that HMV a few years back. When I saw the escalators heading up to another floor... I literally made these faces :awesome::awesome::awesome: and it maintained that way as I sifted through rack upon rack of CDs (and DVDs)! :LOL:


    Aww, I miss singapore.


    In the spirit of me visitng sg every summer though, I mayyyy just drop by and make a day trip to sg in early october lol



    Excitement indeed!


    I looooooove it. Best merch I've ever wasted money on.


    @Deb I know what you mean about being stuck in a jam voluntarily! I blast the music so loud when I'm alone, that it's so hazardous to other motorists I think.

    That looks so awesomeee!! Thanks for sharing the experience lol. I can literally see feel your excitement sifting through your hands and fingers (I'm sorry, I notice these things lol) when you're tearing up the package :p


    Sooo good to know I'm not the only one who enjoys being stuck in a voluntary jam lol. My friends gaped in horror when I told them I love driving and I wouldn't mind sitting in a car for hours.




    I finally got around to complete that MTV World Stage review btw... specifically AAR & Kasabian's sets (wanted to delay til next month after my finals, but I guess procrastination got the better of me once again..!) if anyone's still interested, here it is :)




    The All-American Rejects Ah, the days of gossiping about how Tyson Ritter used to kill his girlfriend’s father and went to jail for it. Gone are those days. It’s a pain to have figured out during the concert that I no longer enjoy their songs entirely, as much as I try to enjoy them. Even “Swing, Swing” couldn’t save the night. Of course, that doesn’t mean to say that they were horrible on stage, well actually they kinda were, especially Tyson’s antics… but I would be lying majorly if I said the crowd did not had fun during their set. In fact, AAR received the loudest cheers from the crowd throughout the night! Perhaps my expectations were set a bit high, in hopes that they would play songs such as “The Last Song”, “Move Along”, “Time Stands Still” etc. I suppose I’m growing out of them since I can’t particularly relate to the newer songs. Well, I guess it’s just that a certain friend of mine has seen them about 7 times already and he has only sung praises for them, so I was looking forward to see how AAR would unveil themselves on stage. With Tyson going crrraaaazzzyyy (sometimes annoying) and totally high with glitter however, it didn’t leave a strong impression. Perhaps I can’t judge them fully since this was not a full 90 mins gig. I’ll be seeing them again when they return to Malaysia so I’ll reserve my full thoughts til then (in other words, I’m gonna wait and see if they'll use the second chance to set things right)



    Get Loose, Get loose! Kasabian is next! Imagine a hierarchy from the ancient [sunway] pyramid times. Kasabian sit at the TOP of that, with AAR wayyy down at the servant entry level. That was how huge the gap was between both the performances. Kasabian’s set was pure quality and trumped each and every other act for that night. They hardly broke a sweat too; these guys were smooth and looked super comfortable on stage. Tom effortlessly belted out “Vlad the Imapler” despite just being quarantined in Australia for H1N1. The next few moments went pass in a blur almost in a trance (lol!), all I could remember was having a GREAT time despite how exhausted I was. The crowd showed no sign of slowing down though, despite the throng of AAR fans leaving before Kasabian went on stage. I cannot fathom how anyone could leave knowing Kasabian would be up next. The lighting was amazing, backed up by the spot-on flashing images as a back drop, all I can do is laud MTV’s effort for a stunning stage set up along with crystal clear acoustics. The partial audio bootleg that I recorded turned out reasonably ok which goes to show the awesome sound quality from the show before being filtered through my recorder. “Fire” dangerously licked and teased the crowd through a journey all the way to the climax of the song, before burning us all to the ground, literally. Tom was spot on that night, and he did not show a single sign of slowing down, even after performing 8 songs.


    End it must, however, and so with a man-made volcano eruption blazing up the night, MTV World Stage Live in Malaysia came to an end. While the show and stage is still miles away from the standards of Pinkpop, this is certainly a step forward for the Malaysian music scene. Here’s hoping we managed to send the message across the world to other musicians, that Malaysia should not be lightly looked at (read: ignored)





  22. where's victoria music centre? so cheap :O


    I think there are a few scattered around KL, though I've only been to two. One is at Sg Wang, located beside VINCCI shop, the other is at Amcorp Mall. Debbie bought hers at Atria Shopping Centre, I believe? There used to be one at Bangsar Shopping Centre, I'm not too sure if it's still there, because I called up the number and the girl who picked up said it was a stationary shop lol. There's also one at Kota Raya Complex, I think! Good luck finding! :)


    I wonder how long this promotion will be ongoing. Hopefully til after Raya?


    Oh and Liz, I just realised in the text I sent you I meant to say I got it from Victoria Music Centre, not Victoria Station ahahhaha. Care for some steak? :chuckle:

    Lol yeahhh I was so hungry when you texted about Victoria Station :LOL: but no worries, I used to call it that too hehe.

  23. But I wish Matt played Collateral Damage as well. Ah well.

    Me too :( Hmm maybe he did, they just cut off the vid at that part? Ah well. lol



    TEE! I dunno about you, but I'm loving the whole package of Ash's

    ! It's so different from White Rabbit lol. The song, the grooviness, the video as well! The first time I heard it, I immediately thought of Velvet Goldmine (More specifically Ewan McGregor and Christian Bale together..hee hee) . When I saw the vid, I couldn't help but break into a smile :)
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