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Posts posted by guilt-stricken

  1. Awww..... Too bad Lifehouse is not coming to Malaysia :(:( But at least the concert in Singapore is open to the public :happy:


    Lol..... :LOL: Take it easy with your assignment, Liz and don't get too stress up, k? Will see you when the sem starts again, ok? ;)


    Thanks Joelyn! I just finished my assignment laaate last night while listening to Absolution. :musesign: I should be listening to Ash songs instead actually haha!


    I only need to: settle and decide on the flight arrival times for Ash & Lifehouse, finish writing a letter for Nick Heidfeld that I *hope* i can pass over to him at Swissotel - The Stamford where he'll be staying, enquire date F1 drivers will be leaving Singapore (Nick will most likely head to Zurich), pick up my Lifehouse tickets as well as for 6 other friends of mine, make two different banners for the concerts, plan on a birthday outing for my cousin in SG, prepare mentally in case I really do get to meet Lifehouse!, look out for available bus tickets leaving SG on the 5th of Oct, settle accommodation for my sister who *might* just be heading to singapore for the Lifehouse conert and ... well the obvious thing I have to do. PACK! :(

  2. O.M.G. 4th Oct? :eek::eek: that's a saturday and raya ke 4. i think i can go. i HOPE i can go. are u going Liz? how to get the tickets since they are quite limited? it seriously is cool that people over at the Lifehouse side want the show to be opened to public. wonder if they'll ever come to KL too!


    btw, did u catch last nite's SG F1 practice session? is it just me or they didn't show anything about the Sauber Petronas drivers. i mean, i didn't watch the whole thing but i didn't see any of the Sauber drivers last night during their practice session.:indiff::wtf:

    Yes, I am definitely going. :eek::D:happy: .......although I havent found a bus ticket back yet on the 5th of Oct, my new semester starts the next day. Haha.. This would bring the total number of days I'm staying at Singapore to 8 days!! and I'll be missing out a delicious wedding dinner. Sigh. If Lifehouse were coming to KL, I would knowww lol. Not this time round though - that's pretty safe to say. They have to fly back to US for another string of gigs there. You can purchase your tickets online or through the hotline number provided in the link in my previous post :]


    I couldn't find the time to watch F1 last night :( huhu. I'm so pressed for time thesedays. I'll be leaving for SG early tmrw morning and I haven't packed or settled anything yet! (I finished my assignment though thank God for that) Don't worry, I'll definitely watch tonight's qualifying haha. Also, my dear, they're no longer Sauber Petronas... BMW Sauber now lol.



    i've emailed gsc and they replied me back saying that Twilight is tentatively set to be released in Malaysia on the 18th of december :D


    oh and hullo guys! i'm finally having my raya break! :D what's new in the world of muse fans from malaysia? :LOL:

    Welcome back :happy:

  3. My predictions were surprisingly accurate!!






    That's like, a WEEK from today wei! Please, guys.. tell me you'll be able to make it!


    Lifehouse. October 4th 2008. 6:30pm. SD $72. ST James Powerhouse.


    A friend of mine from the US texted me today and asked me to look at that URL. When I first saw it, let me just tell you that my jaws completely hung wide open. ZOMG. Immediately, I called up the venue because I couldn't believe it myself until someone TOLD me it was true - and gave me a good reason why would they toy with my heart like that! As it turns out, guy over the line said this was supposed to be a private corporate event. Until yesterday! People over at the Lifehouse side requested for the show to be opened for the public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    I sneakily asked that guy how many tickets are available for sale, and he said about 600 tickets only! (tried to ask about flight times too lol but I didn't get too lucky on that one....)

  4. Thanks for the meal at Pizza's Faz. Although we didn't exactly eat any pizzas :LOL:


    It's great to finally put a face to the name. Heh. Oh and sorry if I kinda rambled on about F1 and Nick... We were also having a short quiz session about which Japan Muse interview Matt said .... lol crap I forgot what it was! :stunned: But anyway, it was an interesting meetup, to be sure :) Looking forward to the post-Ash meet up. Hehe.


    Dave's Deli <3


    Btw, if anyone's still interested in this: My friend managed to talk to Lifehouse + the crew and they said they'll be flying off to Asia on the 29TH OF SEPTEMBER. WTF. SO SHORT NOTICE!! I'm beginning to wonder if this is really for some private post-F1 event. Sigh. Anyway, I've worked things out and I suppose they'll be in Asia from the 1st of October onwards. I guess we should be looking out for a show here between 2nd - 8th of Oct. They'll be flying back to US to play a show there again on the 10th.


    I don't know if I should be excited that they're coming to this side of the world, or completely upset that they did not post any information regarding this at ALL. :(

  5. ^ lol I got his name.........but I can't remember what it is now. :stunned: I know which hostel block he's from though :LOL:


    Also people, what time are we meeting? Someone please text me, hopefully? I'll be out the whole of tmrw so won't be able to check online :-/ Hopefully things work out well! :]


    Til tmrw then :)

  6. Joelyn, did I mention I saw this guy in college once wearing a MUSE shirt?! I think I may have scared/surprised him though when I went up to him eagerly to compliment his shirt. :LOL: We shall discuss this matter further someday when we meet up! ;] When are you heading back to college to visit? Heh. Nut, what would you do if a random person comes up to you to compliment that Muse-related jacket? Lol.


    Alright, so Sunday, Subang Parade it is.:D I'll be coming from Mid Valley I think, and since I can take the ktm straight to Subang Jaya, it shouldn't be too difficult :] I'm not sure how I'll be getting back to make it in time for the football match just yet..hmm, but I'll work something out :) Any idea what's for dinner? Lol.


    Hmmm. I don't have an interesting CD collection though.. at least, not as interesting as this blogger's (whom I'll be meeting up with for the Ash concert ;) ) I do have Sigur Ros' Takk and Heima DVD though ;]

  7. This week has been such a long and exhausting week. Sigh!


    I guess we'll make it on the 21st then? So Shannaz can make it too :] Where do you guys wanna berbuka puasa? Bukit Bintang?




    Wow, nice video. This sounds different from the version i have though, is this just for the single or did i download a weird demo version or something? I finally listened to the lyrics while watching the video and i realised.. omg its about God! :eek::happy: They're so holy. I like them so much more now. i didnt really understand the video though, like, did he dream that he was a ghost? why didnt he drive backwards if he knew he was gonna die?


    Aww, haha you could always watch them live more than once! like once their new album comes out, you have something new to look forward to, eh? Omg you went to army camp? :stunned:

    The version in the video is the radio edit version of Broken. I'm not sure if I like it better.. hmm. But it's still a really moving song, that's for sure. Heh. I think Jason wrote Broken for his friend who recently had liver/kidney failure or something.. It's quite sad.:( I'm not sure what the video's supposed to signify either but I think they made it that way so that it's open for a lot of different interpretations. For me, I guess at the beginning of the video where Jason and the band is walking against the current .. it shows that, well, sometimes eventhough people are moving on.. you just refuse to do so and you keep wanting to go back? Of course once you keep going back, you'll eventually find the source of realization or something and you suddenly understand why you have to get over it and move on with your life. Towards the end.. I don't really get it either but I suppose he tries to go back to wake his current self into realizing that there's no more time to be wasted... Haha. But yeah, like I said, it's open to a different interpretations :happy:


    Lol by army camp, I meant my stint in an NS camp. Well, you're thrown in the jungle literally, and it's for the Ministry of Defense, so I'd rather much put it as army camp. :LOL: Sorry for the confusion..!


    Aww I dont have that many CDs... and I still listen to my CDs :$ Dont think i can bear to part with them haha.


    I dunno whether I can make it this sat or not, it all depends on whether my friend is celebrating his birthday or not. i swear he is the most fickle and impromptu/last minute person ever. :LOL: I'll let you guys know later in the week?

    Perhaps we could make.. mix cds then. Haha.


    Hope you would be able to join us! :]


    P/S: This Sunday is also the Man U vs Chelsea match, right?

  8. Sbg parade is reachable via train u know. but i can always fetch u and miele somewhere if u guys want me to. or maybe u can suggest some place else?

    Lol really? Which station? It's the one near Sunway right? Or is that USJ Summit? Haha, I don't head over to Subang much :$ If it's convenient for you guys there, and it's accessabe via train, then I'm okay with it :]


    I remember last time you guys had a Muser meetup at the Bukit Bintang McDonald's right?


    Can i come for the meet up too? Then maybe i can FINALLY get my Muse poster from Aida haha but i dunno how to get to Subang Parade la, and i dunno what to tell my parents. i dont think they'd be up for me meeting up with people i met online

    They wouldn't like the idea of it, that's for sure.. Hmm, well you could get your circle of friends to head over to Subang Parade on the same day too - then in that case, technically you'll be out with your friends, but the only thing is that you're meeting us up for dinner? ;]




    Ok Liz, u're making me even more jealous! i want to go to F1 night race too!!:'( just being somewhere around the race track, regardless if i can see the cars or the drivers or not would be awesome! and u're right, the sound of the cars is music to my ears too! oh man.. i wanna go, i wanna go, i wanna go esp after all the drama in Spa!


    here's the link! scroll down a bit. he's the one standing behind Nut. phew.. searching for that thread was really something. the memories!

    I could try calling you and let you listen if I do get to Singapore on Sept 28th! This Lifehouse thing is kinda messing up my plans a bit =0 I remember recording the sound of the engines though when I went to the testing session in Sepang last year. Haha. If I listen to it randomly, I can sometimes smile to myself..it's kinda creepy lol. I hope today's Monza race will be an interesting one! :]


    Thanks for the link! I'll definitely have a look out for him near the front row. Heh.




    Wah but u gals want to wait for me......so terharu lah

    So okay next weekend then...er when's the Spore F1 race again? Don't want it to clash ya


    Liz! U got so much energy ya! Wow! 5 gigs + F1 Spore...now Lifehouse! Exciting year for you


    OK the hostel I stayed is Fragrance Hostel at Dunlop Street, near Bugis MRT. It's also near to Queen Street bus station where the buses from JB (Larkin) stops. Convenient! Within walking distance. I stayed at 6 person female dorm. Rate was SGD22 per person per nite.

    I booked it thru http://reservations.bookhostels.com/msltravel.com/

    It's been a good year, in terms of entertainment. Academically ummm... Let's not go there lol.


    Thanks for the info! :D




    I IMDB-ed August Rush, aww its Charlie from Charlie and the Choc Factory! :happy: and a show with Jonathan Rhys Meyers is a definite must-watch for me haha :p


    I like Penelope! I enjoyed it a lot. I thought McAvoy's accent was a bit weird though, its like you can hear a faint scottish accent in his american one. but that doesnt change the fact that he looks SO HOT in the movie! and Christina Ricci, i actually thought she looked more gorgeous with her snout. her snout was reaaally growing on me, and when she lost it and they showed her face, its like.... meh, she looks so normal now :( and did you notice Russel Brand's role? :LOL: so odd, seeing him act like a normal bloke.

    Reese Witherspoon's role was pretty redundant though, imo. She's such a huge star, and in fact according to E!, she is the most paid actress in 2007.

    But all that aside, very enjoyable movie :happy: i laughed out loud at a few parts. How did you find Penelope?


    And has anyone watched The Other Boelyn Girl yet? I cant believe all that happened in history :eek:

    Yes yes, Freddie Highmore! He was also in Finding Neverland with Johnny Depp. Damn lucky! Hopefully you'll get to watch it soon, and everyone on here too :happy: Then we can meet up and discuss about it lol


    I watched Penelope three times now. Haha. Twice at home and once in the cinema :X it was a feel good movie, with a happy ending, that's for sure. No major complains. Heh.


    Bleeehhh. The Other Boelyn Girl. ScarJo can't act if her life depended on it :stunned: Surprisingly Eric Bana fell flat too trying to be King Henry. I guess I'm just more used to having Jonathan Rhys Myers as Henry (in The Tudors). Jim Sturgress (the lead in Around the Universe) didn't exactly convince me too. Natalie Portman was the only one that could actually act, but after awhile - you kinda get tired of all the backstabbing etc. Save yourself misery and go watch Gossip Girl instead. Haha..






    what are the chances of 'em coming to KL as well? Liz, am so gonna follow u to Singapore for this. i'm willing to ponteng work for Lifehouse! my sister just bought me Who We Are for my birthday and i've been listening to it non-stop! Somebody bring 'em to KL!!


    Why dont you know? JUST GOOO! lol we can all go together haha. thats if i dont have college on that day. :( I hope they come to Malaysia! its only a few miles awayyyy...


    I don't know to what extend if they'll really be playing in SG or not. It could be a private gig for all I knoww... Keep your fingers crossed and hope that it's an open gig! I hope more information regarding this will be posted quickly. I need to make plans! Have you seen their new video for Broken, btw? Kiefer Sutherland played a part in directing the video :] You can view it here via youtube or if you want to keep a permanent copy, right click, save as. (P/S: Hand porn alert, radio knobs!! XD )


    Deb, I don't know because my pockets are getting empty and I'm not even working. Well, perhaps the main point is because.. I've always wanted to see Lifehouse live.. if I do... I have nothing to look forward to in life anymore! Haha. I'm not sure how well I can take it if I get to meet the guys in real life... I might collapse and break down. Plus, heading down to Singapore 3 times in 3 months plainly for concerts... my parents might consider sending me to army camp (again). Lol.

  9. Can non muslim go too? I want to go and berbuka puasa with you guys too!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Joelyn you should definitely go! Don't work too hard ;]


    Now, I'm not sure how much this is true... but Bryce from Lifehouse wrote this on their blog recently:


    "We have been hanging in LA, recording some music, seeing rock shows (Coldplay and Radiohead to name a few) recovering from the madness of the Phillipines...We are heaving over to Singapore in mid-October. We love it over there and hope we can keep going back... The fans in southeast Asia are awesome."






    Exactly where does that put me though? I seriously have no idea.

  10. Best movies eh? Well, one of my favourites are... *checks facebook*... Moulin Rouge (<3333), The Notebook, The Prestige, Pan's Labyrinth, Atonement... to name a few. I still havent watched timeless movies though, like Fight Club and Meet Joe Black. I heard those were REALLY good :eek: I'm currently downloading Into The Wild :happy: it was recommended by a friend of mine. what about you?

    I watched Fight Club recently. It was definitely good considering that it was released way back in the 90s! Edward Norton portrayed his character brilliantly. And how can anyone not like that little cameo of JARED LETO? lol. I'm usually a little bias because when a gorgeous male lead is in the movie, I tend to favour it more XD Shawshank Redemption remains one of my fav movies ever though heh. but anyway about a month back, I watched this movie called August Rush. I loved it. Highly recommended, especially for musicallyinclined people like everyone on the forum here ;)


    How did you like Penelope btw? :happy:


    Deb: good choices la, your pick of fav movies. I have too many too mention. hey maybe we should meetup and discuss movies further eh?

    That's an awesome idea. I'm looking forward to it already! :D


    :supersad: Ash! Take me with you......If only la bukan Raya......


    We have to have a muser meetup then, to 'pesan' Guilt all stuff Ash-related :D


    Okay this time I'm serious. Let's try this again, tentative suggestion: Saturday, Subang Parade? Any takers? Faz/ Shannaz / guilt / anyone?

    Lol and you guys will have to tell me your Bangkok stories! It's going to be a little difficult for me to get to Subang Parade, considering that I gots no car to drive on the weekends :( Let's meet up at a place reachable via train?


    We're meeting up for dinner, right? :]


    Since Aida/weresodisco won't be around this weekend... I guess it would be next weekend then?


    How does Christian Bale's wife look like? :unsure:

    i was about to ask that too. :LOL:

    She's absolutely gorgeous!






    I don't know which is killing my brain cells more... Christian's absolutely dazzling smile, or his buttoned-down shirt! Yaaarrgh. Why does he have to torment us like that? Lol.



    Oooh Liz! U go girl! Where will u be staying in Spore this time around? If u don't have a fren/relative's place to bunk in, maybe u want to stay at the hostel I stayed. It's walking distance to Bugis MRT


    Wow..now I've got to go & listen to their Free All Angels album again...haha it was one of the soundtracks to my doing design project in uni...the memories


    Edit: I just counted. Liz, u have actually went for 4 gigs already (& 1 more coming up) in 2008 alone! Respect!

    That would be perfect! Which hostel was it again? I might actually head up to Singapore a whole week earlier before the Ash gig because of Singapore's first ever night race Grand Prix!! I have this crazy idea of just standing near the Esplanade side and do nothing but listen to the engine of 'em cars... That would be a concert by itself, right Faz? :D


    Sigh.. Cannndy! I think my absolute fav Ash album would have to be the best of album - Intergalactic Sonic 7s. It's so convenient, most of my fav songs are already on that compilation!




    Liz, if u check out our Bangkok pictures Korndamned is in there. chop. i'm not sure if the pictures are still there tho. :unsure:


    Sunday is fine with me. looks like it's only the three of us?

    Link me, please! If it's still around. :happy:

  11. Lol I thought Zohan was funny! stupid, nonetheless, but the last part where they were singing, i laughed so hard i actually teared up a bit :LOL: omg I wanna watch Penelope! They're only showing it at Cineleisure here (dunno why GSC doesnt show it) so I downloaded it instead :$ its finished downloading! :happy: now i just have to find the time between college and homework to watch it. nice ar, that show? I caught a glimpse of Christina Ricci without her scarf.. SO WEIRD! :LOL:

    Lol I wanna watch The Love Guru! Deception too although I hear that's a crappy movie. Ewan McGregor and Hugh Jackman together in a movie though. Who would want to miss that?!


    Penelope's a feel good laugh out loud movie, with plenty of eye candy from James McAvoy! :happy: and a good soundtrack selection :]


    Speaking of movies, what are some of the best movies you've watched?


    Woo time for you to party party :LOL:

    We're having a potluck Friday night. I'm supposed to bring something there that I cooked/baked myself. Lol. What in the world am I going to cook? can I cook?


    Hey when is Raya ar?

    1st of October. That's a Wednesday!


    Aww, that writing-on-school's-basketball-court thing is SO One Tree Hill of you :LOL: sounds so fun la.


    Aww his daughter looks so cute. PAUL FRANK ROBE!!!! :happy:

    Lol, I'm so glad tv season is back! Can finally waste time again by watching new episodes of Gossip Girl.


    Emmaline Bale is the cutest thing ever. And her parents are so beautiful!

  12. WOw ur going for Ash and good for you! I've never heard their music so I'll definitely pass this one. I envy you for travelling so much to watch gigs!


    Zohan was indeed a bad movie! Nothing to watch at that hour so we decided to watch it :eek:. Haven't seen Penelope yet! I'm already back in Sg, maybe I'll c u in a SIgur Ros show, in Sg perhaps? *fingers crossed*


    Well, did you not once travelled to Thailand for Muse too? that should be something you can be proud of ;) ... eventhough things didn't go too well in the end :-/


    But oiiii. To have Sigur Ros play at the Esplanade... !


    i feel so gig deprived that i really wanna follow u and korndamned to singapore for Ash's gig. if only it's not raya. u're one brave lady to go there alone. u should go with korndamned la.. ask aida for his number or email address. he's very nice! :)


    would be really nice to finally meet u. so guys.. meet up this weekend? how about it? miele? shannaz? and the rest?


    oh btw, i heard that Channel V is showing Singfest sometime this month or something like that. not sure if it's true tho.

    Yeah, I wished it wasn't on the 2nd day of Raya too, because then I could get one of my close friends to tag along :( We used to draw the Ash phoenix logo around our school's basketball court using chalk. :LOL: Talk about spreading the love.. and vandalisme ;p


    I managed to find this other lone Ash fan from a random blog. So we'll be meeting up at the concert! Should be fun :D


    Oh and yes! The singfest thing on channel V was featured in Amp around Asia last week. It was only a half an hour show though. and absolutely NO Travis feature at all. :mad:








    Bale!Daddy picking up his little girl from a pool party! So damn adorable!


  13. Heya Liz!

    So are u going to the Ash gig?

    Owh I haven't got time to upload the Travis intro vids yet...will let u know once I've done them ;-)


    Faz, how do u know Korndamned is going to Ash gig? He told me too...knew him from Suede gig back then heheh...his gig list is memang impressive

    I just collected my ticket from the SISTIC counter today. Yes, I'll be going! Though alone, but what better way to make friends with the person(s) next to you, no?


    Do help me out if you know their flight times! I believe I'll try to make it an effort to meet Tim/Mark/Rick at Changi. I would really love to ask Tim "Can I see your phoenix tattoo, please?" if I find enough courage to do so. Lol.


    Now, who is this Korndamned person? =0 Aww, Suede. My sister was all prepped up for the Malaysian Suede gig, but that didn't happen for her though :(


    PS: Have you heard the album version of Travis' Song To Self?!!




    WAH nasi kandar sounds shiok. I just got back from watching Zohan at the Pavilion. Bought some McD's too. Cant wait to eat that!

    Zohan was a bad bad bad bad movie. Lol. Good thing right after that, I watched Penelope, so Zohan was quickly forgotten. Penelope was fun. James McAvoy! I'm probably biased though because at the end of the movie, they used a Sigur Ros song! +1! :D


    I just finished my finals today! If you guys are still heading out for a muser meet up, I would be more than happy to join if I'm not roadtripping cuti-cuti Malaysia style with my friends who are leaving for the UK soon. And if you guys don't mind :happy:

  14. And speaking of the StarTwo, i was flipping through the pages when i stumbled upon the R.AGE section. they briefly mentioned that Dream Interview winner Tan Kel Vin had the chance to interview Brendon Urie of PATD. SO LUCKY. :'( and whats worse is that i actually know Tan Kel Vin! he's in my church ffs :LOL:

    this Tan Kel Vin guy sounds reaaaally familiar....! but why did he have to wear that tux t-shirt shirt? *cringee* lol.





    Hmmm.. I stumbled upon this just now.


  15. Thank u for the cool photo, u were at EITS? How was it? Damn la miss that one, when cool gigs are scarce and all.....


    And you're a fellow Ash fan! All the stuff u wrote made me feel so nostalgic, but :happy:

    Watching EITS play was probably the most intense experience I've ever had. Four guys on stage, playing nothing but your average looking equipments - the music that comes out through the amplifiers however, were simply ... outstanding/amazing/wonderful/every other positive adjective that I could think of. When they left the stage, I believe all our mouths were all left open. We were just in awe!


    The guitar pedals, the tambourines, the different guitar distortions, the bass slapping, the guitar-heart-thumping, the cymbals bashing. Everything just seemed like it fell into place extremely well. EITS are clearly capable of crescendos and diminuendos at every level. There comes a moment in during the show that I'm sure every one of us in that room experienced. I found myself closing my eyes... savouring the moment and taking a photographic snapshot of that musical melody. Yes, I say the melody and not the stage or anything. The music was that intense that you could almost see every moment and heartbeat of it.


    Just watch this video of

    and I'm sure you can see what I mean!


    One drawback though. The cheering and screamings in the middle of songs :mad::(




    I have 5 days left to really decide whether I'll be heading to Singapore. What should I tell my parents without them being upset that I'm going to Singapore again for a concert? :( Why can't Ash play in Malaysia. They played in Thailand and Singapore last time, leaving out Malaysia. I'm sure Tim doesn't wear ... sexy clothes. Though I can't guarantee that he won't leave a few girls weak in their knees...



    Haha and about stage fright ia have a fun story about Joey G. Last Saturday I was at this Levi's 501 launch thingy, and who else but Joey G was the emcee! I was right upfront bcoz my reporter friend had to take event photos. Joey G was trying to warm up the crowd when he dropped all of his notes / cue cards on the runway in front of me. I actually picked them up and told him to relax


    The cool thing is all the stories about him being friendly is really true, during one of the breaks he came from backstage, tapped me shoulder and thanked me for my help :happy: But again it was revert to 'idiot-mode' time because I forgot to take a photo with hi,. D'oh! I blame his gorgeousness for the forgetfulness

    Your reporter friend sounds like he/she can get you backstage passes to certain events! That's awesome! :D (I wish I had a friend like that.. lol) Joey G seems like a really humble person. How nice of him to acknowledge and thank you! I've taken a group picture with him once... My friends and him. Never really talked. Though I'm not sure where that photo is now. Lol. I think it was during that F1 roadshow event at KL Plaza (Faz - you were there and you won something right? lol)



    Actually there's another embarassing story (full of stories today). Last night I actually dreamt that Muse comfirmed an intimate charity show in KL! It was u (Faz) who texted me to go check out the Muse boards bout the gig. I remember being ecstatic in the dream, and then waking up at 5 am being so dissappointed by the real world

    Lol awww, that happened to me a few times too. Only it happened more frequently when we celebrated our first month anniversary. I would force myself to go back to sleep again in hopes that I would dream through the concert. Lol, I always wake up before the gig starts. I just wanna listen to Muse live again damnit! Even my dreams can't do that for me :(



    I can imagine the conversation right now..

    "hi my name is debbie :D"

    "hey i'm dom/matt/chris/brandon/whatever"

    "nice to meet you *shakes hand* i love your music"

    "you too. thanks :D"

    ........ *crickets chirping*


    haha. maybe i could just ask a normal 'how are you'. that letter is a real smart idea though, really intimate in a way.

    I think there are only two things that a fan would usually say to the person they admire a lot when they first meet.

    1) Thank them repetitively.

    2) Apologize repetitively.







    a letter is a great idea Liz! did u give SF a letter when u met 'em? i only remember seeing yr sign and thot man i should've done the same when i was waiting for Muse's arrival at KLIA. i'll definitely remember that if there's another chance of seeing 'em ever again.


    i didn't! well, i was out with a friend. i didn't even watch the closing ceremony.. there's just too many things going on around me right now that i got easily distracted. i haven't watched any of arsenal's game yet.. and it sucks that they lost to Fulham.

    Lol, my friends would sometimes replay that Switchfoot special featured on 8tv on their computers and they would laugh that it's actually me. There was one part where I actually hit my head with my hands and went "aiyai yaii" :$


    I brought posters, CDs, a marker pen, banners, a camera and a letter to KLIA when I met Switchfoot... My friend later told me I went so well prepared - almost overboard and I wasn't even sure if I would meet them! Wasn't it nerve-wrecking to wait for Muse to come out through the arrival halls? I was actually supposed to go with my sister, but her boss called up that morning and asked her to go to work :-/ So as you can imagine, my hands were extremely full when I met them! They had to help me carry a few things when I wanted to take a certain thing out from my backpack... So embarrassing :$ If only I brought an acoustic guitar along.. Lol, then I could ask Jon (lead singer) to do a mini show for me (He's well known to play for the fans after shows) while they were waiting for the van to arrive!


    Yipes. I haven't been following football very often too.. Anyway, I'm not sure if it was just me, but I found myself flipping to the closing ceremony more than I did for the Valencia race. Which is really awkward because I rarely allow myself to miss an F1 GP. Maybe I'm just getting a bit ... tired with the front runners...



    aww i wanna visit std negara too! lol just to feel a bit nostalgic again, and try and absorb muse's gig's essence. or whatever that's left of it anyway. i dunno if i wanna spend so much cash on avril la. i dont like her new songs at all. i just like her older emo deep stuff, before she was all pink and blonde. dunno if i should go.. dunno if i should go. sigh.

    Oh dear. Now I feel like dropping by std negara on Friday.



    omg. do you read my blog or something? i was just at my friend's house warming party, he has a new wii and we were playing it practically all night! my right arm still hurts a bit from all the batting i've been doing (baseball lol) :p roadtrips are gonna be quite hard what with all the petrol prices and whatnot. we've talked about going to penang to eat our hearts out, and maybe to KL to have a glamourous night or something, even if all we do is just window shop and ACT like as if we're rich. my friend even suggested we practice our fake british accents :LOL:

    Lol I've read your blog once, but not recently. I should start a blog and add you to my blogroll. Heh. Just very good timing I suppose. Haha. I love playing wii! That's how I get to pretend to be Matt and rock out to KOC for Guitar Hero XD

  16. HEY, my mum has Dom coloured pants! And she doesn't even know him! Like seriously, she's got all the colours, yellow, blue, green, purple, pink..cept fer Spider pants. :D

    How cool is your mom?! :D


    I saw a Spidey outfit once (for kids) and I was sooo tempted to buy it for my nephew just so I could picture him as Dom for a moment... I ended up getting the Batman outfit for him though in the end =p




    Omg yeah i know how you feel. Most of my close friends are leaving for Australia next year in like January, and in December i'll be having my STUDY BREAK for my exams on January! I wont be able to party so much as them since i have to get some major studying done as well.and whats worse is that in 2 years, practically all my friends are leaving me to study overseas whereas i'm stuck here in Malaysia :( so yeah, i know how you feel. even just thinking about it makes me feel damn emo. Sigh.

    My friends are leaving in September - that's hardly a month away. A few already left for Australia. :( You should party with them now Deb. Go on roadtrips! Unless you have less adventurous friends, then you might opt for a Nintendo Wii party instead ;] I don't think there's enough time left for me and my friends to go travelling together. Sigh.


    Will you be heading out of Malaysia to further your studies though once you finish A-Levels?




    Liz! wow that's a good story. i can tell that Jason Lo was very impressed to have u as a fan.i need to remember to bring you along if we have another chance to stalk muse at the airport so that u can help us to start a better conversation with 'em haha..and i agree, the first thing u need to do when meeting someone that you're obsessed with is just to introduce yrself and shake their hands. that's what i did when i first saw Dom before asking a picture with him. he has or had a firm shake, nice and warm, while i was doing the 'malay' handshake.. u know the one where u bring yr hand to yr heart. lol..


    good point, with the hand shaking bit. but how do you introduce yourself? "hi i'm debbie, i'm a fan!" or what? lol. i thought of something more er... smooth, like, "hey, are you *insertnamehere*?. i'm debbie i'm a fan/i'm a huge fan/i love your music". then he'll probably say "oh thank you" and then i dunno what to say from then onwards. lol.

    Lol, I doubt I left much of an impression though - I'm sure he has other people coming up to him to say that too. I hear Latte @ 8 is back again! I would definitely love to head to Sunway's Starbucks one of these Fridays to see how he's doing. On a random note, did I mention I saw him at the Muse concert last year?!


    I think "Hi, My name's Debbie" would be sufficient. :LOL: Wait for the reply then. Actually, I would get all toungue tied too by this time. Which is why usually I would write a long-ass letter thanking them first and pass said letter to them when I meet them :] That way, you get to say what you want, without really saying anything! Haha.


    Off topic: Faz, did you watch the Valencia F1 Grand Prix today? I was so torn between that, the Olympics closing ceremony and rhythmic gymnastics!







    Just curious, Liz, how old were u when you liked Jason Lo's Evening News (I'm not going to mention the year)? 12?


    Wow! U were already exposed to indie (at that time it was referred to as alternative) music so young! I was surpised you knew Ash. And Why Does It Always Rain on Me. You must be 15 then?


    Haha...you might be revealing your age now by answering my question..

    Aida! :happy: Lol, I think growing up with musically inclined sisters helped a lot. My eldest sister was very much into Oasis/Blur and that whole BritRock thing going on in the late 90s. She was the one that introduced me to Ewan McGregor at the tender age of ... 9 Lol. (the sister that you met @ SingFest is my third sister heh) The first time I heard of Ash was because they were featured in the soundtrack to Ewan's movie (alongside Cameron Diaz) in A Life Less Ordinary. I absolutely LOVE that song. Still do right now. A Life Less Ordinary also happens to be the first song Charlotte Heatherly played in. She was like a role model to me then. Lol. I was pretty heartbroken to hear that Charlotte now has gone her seperate ways from Ash. Doesn't stop me from loving their stuff though. I think when Free All Angels came out in 2001, at that time I could only afford a cassette of that album. It's not in the best of conditions now, I believe it's the most overplayed/used cassette that I have. Haha. So yeahh, it would definitely mean something to me to be able to catch Ash live in Singapore this October! I really wish I would be able to find some way to be there. If only it wasn't on Raya :( Then I could drag a few of my friends along, and you guys might be there too!


    I was hardly 17 when Why Does It Always Rain On Me was released! To hear it live after going through the turbulence of being 17... sigh. We've definitely come a long way huh? ;] Speaking of which, I was wondering if you could pretty please upload or send the videos that you took during that Travis show? I would love to hear the opening speech to each song. Heh. :]





    peeps, tomorrow is our anniversary! we had forgotten about it for the past few months.:noey:

    It's past 12 now, so ...


    Happy 18th month anniversaryyyy!!!

  17. Too many smileys..


    :LOL: I think either I'll sleep straight away or I'll much some maggi mee or munch some food as well :rolleyes::p:LOL:


    Anyway, have to go now cause tomorrow have to work, or else wouldn't have enough of sleep. Night Debbie and Liz. Sweet dreams :D:happy:



    I know Liz didn't post anything but she is lurking inside here lol:ninja:


    :LOL: lol yeah i noticed Liz lurking here too :LOL:

    g'nite! :)


    Lol, you guys <3. Actually the reason why it seems like I'm lurking is because I hit the reply button, but I never finish typing what I intend to post. I kinda drift(wood) off elsewhere for a moment (there are just tooo many things to catch up with when you're not online for a week!) and return about 30 minutes later to continue the post. Of course, 30 minutes later I would've forgot what I wanted to post.. haha, so I would refresh the thread again :p


    Yeah, I definitely suffer from short attention span.


    Oh and I ate a delicious supper just now. A slice of cheddar cheese + fried sausage on a bread. Microwaved. Yummm. I'm aware that's it's a lot more unhealthy compared to Debbie's ... cereal :stunned:;)


    Anyway, good night :D Sucks that you have to work on a Sunday, Joelyn :-/

  18. :LOL: Looks like quite a bunch of us haven't gone to the bed yet

    Sigh, I hate that I don't get internet connection at my college anymore.. Well, actually I did it to myself because I know if I do have the internet with me in my room - I would be sleeping late and skipping classes. Not that I'm not sleeping late thesedays lol but it would've been worse!


    Anyway, doesn't it suck that two of your closest friends are leaving for UK to further their studies? They get to be in the same country as Muse! but yeah, the more important part is that they most probably won't return for another 4 years or so. The worst part is that I'm actually in the midst of my exams right now. Crucial (ACCA) internal exams I have to add.. I hate that after my finals I'll only have about a week left to spend with them :(:( I'm already missing out on a few roadtrips. Sigh..!



    miele, i get pretty star struck myself whenever i see any celebrity, big or small. i once saw JJ ((from hitz.fm) at IKEA with his wife and kids, i wanted to maybe ask for a pic or something but i was like.. damn shy. also i didnt wanna kacau him and his family day. once i also saw Joey G walking around in 1utama, and a few girls went up to him asking for photos! i wanted one so badly but i was just sooo scared la. i regretted not taking a pic with him because he's like so.. MIA now. even celebrity bloggers, i see them around, i wanna have a chat with them and maybe take a photo but i'm just too shy and scared to do it.


    aiyo why la whyyy am i so timiiid.

    I think it helps if you introduce yourself first and put your hand out for them to shake. It's actually pretty amazing with how people would respond and how tight their grips are when you shake their hands. A firm handshake from the other side says it all. Confident, friendly & warm :) You'll know then that you can really open up and talk about random stuff to them!


    Joey G? My reporter friend says he's one of the nicest celebrities she's met, so cool and friendly. Oh Jason Lo is nice as well, forgot that I've seen him actually.



    But when will we ever meet Muuuuuuse? (or meet them again for some lucky ppl).

    Jason Lo! Did you get to talk to him? lol I have a looonng history with him :$ confession time? Well, back in 1998/1999 - that's a good 9 years back - I was highly obsessive of him. :chuckle: ok, obsessed might be too strong a word to use, maybe interested would be a better word? lol. I think it was his voice that I fell in love with. Wayyy back before he ... became, well Malaysianised (before the mahs and lahs came in..) The first time I heard him was when he was interviewed by John Boy, the old Hitz fm DJ. I believe he just returned from England then or something like that. Don't remember too much - but I do remember him talking about his new single Evening News and I think he sang an acoustic version of U2's With or Without You. Fast forward 2004, I would beg my sister to take me to Sunway on thursday nights for Latte @ 8. Seeing that it's a school night, of course, my parents were not keen on that. Nothing much happened then as he became the DJ of Hitz.fm. Then came 2006, I managed to attend his (free!) gig @ Laundry Bar, The Curve towards the end of the year. That was one of my highlights for the year. To hear him play Raining Tuesday and Evening News ... absolutely surreal. Okay, this is getting really long winded, huh? I'll just cut it short then. I managed to catch him live another time and early this year, I finally got to talk to him :) Well, he was with his wife, shopping most likely at The Curve. My friends managed to convince me to talk to him personally (at long last after NINE years!) So I intruded them, shyly :p His wife understood immediately though and she walked a few steps faster, giving me time to Jason. Hahahah. That was when I gathered enough courage to tell him how Days Without Dawn (his first album) had played a part in shaping how I support local music etc. I think he was more surprised that I was talking to him about his 1999 music. We didn't talk long though because his wife was waiting at a side and I felt bad. I think if she wasn't around I would've asked for a hug. :$:LOL: I was wearing a Germany t-shirt then (in support of Germany for Euro 2008) and he actually complimented on it XD Haha.. All in all, it was a nice experience :D


    I really do hope we'll get a chance to meet Muse sooon!




    Camera Obscura - it's going to be at a private, small venue, the ministers won't notice. So, no need to worry there. Explosions in the Sky was held at a small venue..


    Anyways, I'll always prefer a small, intimate venue rather than a big stadium where u can only see a microdot of the band. (Oh OK, u can view the large screen, but it's not the same feeling)

    A private gig is definitely better. Because chances of you taking a picture like this up close the stage is much higher! ;]




    Ruums is definitely turning into a new prominent gig venue (though I believe it's more popular as a night club than... gig venue). It looks a tiny bit shabby on the outside, but it's really not too bad once you're in. The management definitely rocks though for getting EITS to play there :D

  19. I played Guitar Hero for the first time today. My cousin made me play KOC with the medium difficulty level. OMG Easy level also I'm already struggling like hell what more the medium mode! I managed to finish the song though, thankfully and didn't get boo-ed halfway through :LOL: Totally felt like a rockstar playing KOC! I was going through all the other songs - they use really really old songs like songs by The Who, Guns n Roses etc. I believe Muse and The Killers are the only two recent bands! It's so fun though, I can totally play Guitar Hero all day long!


    Have fun at the Pesta Malam Indonesia guys! Pray it doesnt rain when Hujan plays, like in Sunburst!


    This might cause the green monster that is envy to unleash:





    Grrrr, that's TWENTY TWO songs on the setlist! My friend Andy got lucky again and he managed to get his album booklet signed by them. A smashing picture of a skinny Ben Gibbord (he doesn't look too chubby anymore like in the music video clips!):




    and a video to follow.




    That looks like an amazing gig! If you have the time, do watch Andy's video of I Will Follow You Into The Dark. Totally gave me goosepimples watching it! The live version is so romantic. Wish they could've played in Malaysia instead :'(



    Then again, nothing beats the envy that I feel for the people heading to the V 2008 Festival right now!


    Edit: Oh and Nut, I love how your work's inspired my Muse! ;) Nicely done!


    Edit #2: Miele, you mentioned you're currently working at Putrajaya? Had a chance to catch the spectacular fireworks display yet? :)

  20. I love how Muse did not interact with the crowd actually. They came to rock our socks off on stage and that's exactly what they did. I love it that way. Heh.


    Speaking of interractions with the crowd, oh my goodness. Ian Watkins (Lostprophets' [sEXY] lead singer) is extremely arrogant. I still love him though because with hands like that, oh dear - it's impossible to hate! He totally made fun of the other acts playing for SingFest notably Alicia Keys. I think he said somewhere along the lines of, "She only had that one good song, no? Sorry love! But it's only my opinion." XD He can be very sarcastic too. A girl screamed "I LOVE YOUUU" and he replied, "I love you too! I don't think your mom would approve of me though" and I guess the girl said yes, she would approve but Ian replied bluntly by saying, "LIES!" :LOL: Sigh, it's too bad he had his hair ... curled up a bit though that night. It made him look ... like a girl. Lol. A pretty girl nonetheless. With very sexy hands! =p


    Right right... anyway, I wanted to post this.


    Have you guys seen Stephenie Meyer's playlist for Breaking Dawn?


    That woman is so in love with Muse! Would you look at that... a whole string of Muse songs! I love that Incubus' Earth to Bella made it to that list too :happy:

  21. aww i wanna hear that speech! i really love that song. its my favourite Travis one so far haha. Closer is my second, i think :) aww he sounds sweet. thats so cool, befriending someone from a gig.


    lol cool shirt :D i saw lotsa Joker shirts at the DC shop. SO expensive though. 90 bucks for a shirt! no way :noey: but the shirts were really cool. i love the Joker! aghh.


    haha were they have auditions for the Nutcracker ballet or something?




    omg you stole the car?! ahhaha what's wrong with just asking? :LOL: haha yeah i know i should be 'living' life more, but its hard to do that when you cant drive, and when you're broke :( thats why i'm considering getting a part-time job while doing my A levels. its gonna be REALLY hard though, what with my homework piling up more and more lately. sigh. stupid second semester! :mad:


    wow Panic was everywhere huh!? they did an interview witih Hitz.fm, Fly.fm and even Traxx.fm :eek: i only listened to a bit of the Hitz.fm one and the Fly.fm one. forgot what they said though :$ man i suck ahha.


    did he mention the reason for his Hibiscus tattoo? woooh Malaysian flower! *proud*

    I recorded that speech actually, using my cellphone but it's in really really bad audio quality - I can't even make out fully what he said :S I can send it over to you if you want, or you could wait a few more days and I'm sure someone would have the vid up on youtube ;)


    Turn has got to be my favourite Travis track. There's just nothing like singing "I want to live in a world where I belong" loud and clear like you meant every word of it.


    Ooh, I bought it at a DC shop in sg. The shirt was kindaaa pricey, but it came with a HUGEE very intimidating Batman poster!! So it's totally worth it! :D:happy:


    lol that's what I thought too when I first saw the Nutcracker auditions :LOL:


    I figured I would explain better after I returned the car home the next day. Lol. I needed the car because if my parents said no I would regret not being able to attend. I was quite sure they would say no too because .. well let's just say after working hours at Jalan Sultan Ismail, it's not exactly a place where parents would want their kids to be. Anyway it all turned out well though - the gig was awesome and I got the car plus myself back in one piece XD


    The first thing Brendon said in response to that question was, "the BUNGA RAYA!" lol. I think he said everyone in the hotel was telling him about the bunga raya so he kinda memorized the BM name for it already. He did mention why he got a hibiscus tattoo. Somewhere along the lines of ... actually I'm not very sure what he said exactly because I think I may have tuned out for a moment... lol.


    Anyway, they did an

    too :] I think P!ATD weren't in the studio though, it sounded like a recorded event from a press conference..


    Quite similar but of course a little different. =D Yah, the crowd is quite pushy and when they scream, it can really screech your ear. Lol... the worse part is when the crew start throwing stuff to the crowd and everyone push here and there. And I did fall because of that The only thing that the crew throw that I would want will be the drumstick.Hehe.... And when they threw off the towel PATD use, the only think I was thinking off, I am getting outta here before I got squashed!


    They did so many interview?!!!! Aww.... I didn't even heard one of them =(((((

    Aww.... Nevermind lo. They did say they will come back to Malaysia so cross your finger and hope


    9 in the afternoon, the current song (forgot title =P ), I write sins not tragedy, but it's better if you do and another one I think I heard it once or twice but dunno the title


    Haha.... Brandon is cute and he is looking at me a few times :eyebrows:


    :LOL:I am being perasan


    At least you got to see them live though! I'm sure the interviews would pop up on the internet soon too. Heh.


    Oooh and Mr Urie looked at you! :happy: I can't believe he's only 21!

  22. ^ omg guilt_stricken, the envy that am feeling rite now!! lol..wow. thanks for the report and the picture. tell us more! i thought FCP is quite hilly that Von almost died during muse concert there. were u guys at the top of the hill or rite in front of the stage during Travis?

    I was totally expecting to die too, you know when the mosh pit gets crazy and everything.. reading from Von's experience. Which was why during NFG's gig I was a little skeptical because I figured I might die if I joined in the crowd. During Lostprophets' gig though... I just had to move forward. Listening to Rooftops and Last Train Home live...I never thought I would live to see that day! So I thought it would be a good risk to take..haha. My sister sat that one out, but I joined in the crowd upfront. It wasn't tooo bad I have to say! As for Travis, right after the crowd dispersed for Simple Plan, me, my sister, a friend and weresodisco ran up front to get good spots. Although it wasn't too front, but we still had quite an awesome view :D




    omg 20 songs! thats awesome! did they play Closer? and Why Does It Always Rain On

    Me? and er... Love Will Come Through? i love love will come through! :happy:

    They played all the above songs! sigh, Fran gave the most uplifting speech for Love Will Come Through. "this next song is about waiting for something that's worth waiting for" I can't remember in full what he said, but i know he mentioned something about love and companionship ... and that there are other bullshit that you shouldn't wait for lol hmmm I dunno haha but hopefully weresodisco managed to film the beginning of that song?!



    Omg who is this Andy dude? he went for the Stereophonics and James Blunt and Switchfoot both in S'pore and KL and MCR and others. sounds like some crazy hardcore gigger :eek: i wanna marry him lol! :LOL: kidding.

    As for Andy, I met him at the Switchfoot KL show. He's super tall and he takes amazing videos. Lol. I loved that he went to Stereophonics to take videos for me and other Switchfooters. Super nice guy in general! Damn my phone had to go bonkers and I wasn't able to call him through his StarHub line :(



    What was his screenname doing there?? lol.





    i wanna see the tee! =D

    Ok, it definitely looks better on the mannequin than me:P lol.





    Woah syiok pictures!! nice! LOL you guys were reading during NFG's set!! Were there lcoal bands at the other stages?

    Yeah, but there were local bands. but we weren't really ... aware of them lol.


    Actually Deb, this is the time for u you to experience life and really go for the gig experience. *Nostalgia alert* I still remember being 17 and going to gigs almost every weekend, it was hardcore fun I tell you. But maybe it had something to do with being @ University and far2 away from parents. So I understand your situation Deb, maybe can la try slowly earn their trust.

    I hardly ran around like this when I was 17.. I think I started only when I was 18. It started with a Jason Lo gig. Which...my parents didn't know about :X Muse was next I believe. but my parents eventually understood my need for going to concerts though. I don't ask them for gig money lol but yeah eventhough sometimes they don't exactly agree on what I do (stealing the car for the Explosions in the Sky gig!), I love them to bits for understanding ... most of the time. Haha, but yeah miele is right - you should just drop, abandon and ignore certain things that are .. "normal" in life and experience life through the gig experience!


    Lol I sound like a really bad influence... but of course, don't abandon studies and all that ;)



    I don't understand why your friends say Panic suck live, I think they did good for a young band with relatively few albums out.


    As for the gig itself, Panic and the venue was okay, shame about 60% of the crowd. Kayu betul, they didnt even clap after each song ended, just stood there. Faz and I were slightly annoyed and we're not even real Panic fans! The immobile crowd just sucked the life of any concert atmosphere.


    We had an aweesome centrestage view from the seating area, the crowd there were better than some in the rockzone. Ok I'll stop complaining it's just that malu la if they think Malaysians are lazy concertgoers based on this gig.


    I quite like the performance itself especially the newer songs as they were drenched with Beatles-esque sounds. Very Sgt Pepper / White Album.

    I heard a short interview with Panic on Traxx FM this morning! They sounded pleasantly nice. Brendon has a hibiscus tattoo! Anyway, sucks that the crowd wasn't ... really into it? Which is odd! I thought the young Panic! fans would be more .. enthusiastic.


    I would've went if I had enough cash after Singfest... I wonder how did Joelyn enjoyed the concert?





    I just got back from a workshop since Monday....bleh...I didn't concentrate at all !


    Anyways, here is the Travis Singfest setlist :


    1. Selfish Jean

    2. Eyes Wide Open

    3. Writing to Reach You

    4. Pipe Dreams

    5. Beautiful Occupation

    6. Side

    7. Love Will Come Through

    8. Closer

    9. Sing

    10. J Smith

    11. Something Anything

    12. Long Way Down

    13. Song to Self

    14. As U Are

    15. Driftwood

    16. All I Wanna Do Is Rock

    17. Turn



    18. Flowers in the Window

    19. Slide Show

    20. Why Does It Always Rain On Me? Pogo style lol

    Thanks for the set list! :D I totally understand about the not being able to concentrate thing. I'm having Travis withdrawal right nowww!

  23. weresodisco, it was a pleasure meeting you! :D Glad you got back safely too ;] Sorry the whole meeting Travis at the airport thing didn't work out for you.. but... GUESS WHAT!! My friend, Andy (fellow Switchfooter - whom I was supposed to meet up, but he ended up being wayy too front near the barriers during Lostprophets! I figured if did go through that crowd to meet up with him I would've died when they moshed!) said he managed to catch the Travis bus when they left Fort Canning! WAHHHH. He took pictures with Fran and all!!! *$@&!*($ :eek: Why didn't we think of thhhhaaatt?!


    Oooh, do post pictures! and videos, I know you took plenty of them. Hehe ;) but yeahh let's not post pictures of ourselves though haha. Just Travis! Here's the one and only non-shaking pic from my camera. Lol.




    The rest all turned out to look like this :




    Safe to say, I'll leave concert photo-taking to the professionals next time. Haha. Anyway, the whooollee event rocked - Travis was really the cream of the crop (or bun..? lol wait, how does that proverb go again?)! All the other bands playing before them, were seriously just a warm up for Travis!


    Can't wait to hear the studio version of this song! [vid taken by my friend ANDY :( ]



    Travis oh Travis. Fran and his sarcastic Scottish accent! Certainly worth every penny spent =]


    It's my first time at Fort Canning Park and I have to say, I kinda like that place. Maybe because even when you're seated at the top of the hill you still get a good view of the stage. My sister and I literally camped there before Travis played. (we arrived at about 5pm or so, Travis hit the last note close to 1am?) Reading magazines during New Found Glory's set...eating cheese nachos while Simple Plan played etc. :LOL: Overall it was a fun trip though! Exhausting, for sure...but it certainly rocked :)


    Oh and Nut, we seriously thought you made it in because we saw your screen name plastered all over the Main House! (Too bad I can't transfer the picture now - so that you can understand, but hopefully weresodisco can help out a bit in this part? ;) )




    MAA! I can't wait to watch the repeat. How was the Jared Leto/Karen Mok hosts combo? YAY for Muse winning! Thanks for the youtube link :LOL:




    Has anyone finished reading Breaking Dawn yet? :O!




    Boy, wasn't that an eventful weekend?


    Oh, and I managed to buy a cute little Batman/The Dark Knight tee from Singapore!



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