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Status Updates posted by Althea

  1. Aw, thanks Sven! It has been a total yummy food fest so far.. I can't believe how old I am :$ .....but never mind, there's cake to be eaten!


    Congrats to you, btw, on being 'best male'. I concur! :)

  2. Yes, a very relaxing holiday, but now it's all crazy again with work... *sigh* How about you? How were your holidays..?

  3. Happy New Year! :)

  4. Happy New Year! :)

  5. Sounds great, I would come up there if I can! Yeah, the seven proposals....major LOL. :p

    I have moved a lot in the past two years as well, and it really gets to be a drag after awhile, for sure! Traveling is one thing, but completely moving house all the time is another....it's not fun.

  6. :LOL: You nosy girl! :p Yeah, I'm trying to come over there this summer to do an acupuncture seminar. It would be in the Dorset area. Then I'd go visit peeps in Brighton and my good friend who lives in a northern suburb of London.

    At one point, I think there were like seven marriage proposals, including one from a woman! :LOL:

    I thought I remembered your profession correctly! :) So how've you been? Anything exciting in your life recently..?

  7. :LOL: Aw, that's not the case at all! I like British men way better than macho yahoo American men any day! You should come to SF! It's a great place to visit! Portland is awesome too! I've been there a few times, including to see Muse. Aw, thanks for the vote of confidence that I'll be back in the UK! Just got word from the clinic I was working in in Brighton and they're having financial probs so I don't know, really, if I'll get to go back, but I'm planning on visiting England this coming summer, even if not moving back there.

    So what part of the UK are you in now? As I remember, you have moved around a lot due to your work. You work in environmental conservation, right?

  8. Right now I can't get a new visa, procedure is too costly. I'm SO broke... When I was there, I had a few different opportunities to marry a Brit, but just couldn't bring myself to do it. I had a Brit boyfriend and I just couldn't marry him.... I've met quite a few Brits here in San Francisco, so I might try from this end...we'll see.........

  9. Oh, it's never hot in San Francisco....


    Someone broke into your house?!! That sucks! I hope you're ok and that they didn't get much. Sorry to hear you're ill, too. Other than that, sounds like me, I moved a ton of times in 2010, including moving back to California from England. I have a few jobs, none of which make me much money....I'm trying to get my acupuncture practice going again so I can make a good salary like I used to...... Didn't want to leave England, but visa ran out....:(

  10. Sun and warmth..? I wouldn't know....I live in Northern California and it's been super cold here lately. We've had sun, but we've also had a lot of rain this winter....urgh, I'm freezing too! Brrr!


    Glad to know you've been well!! What's new in your life...? :)

  11. Hey there! Long time, gal! How are ya..? Happy New Year! x

  12. Aw thanks! Glad you liked them! I'm new to England from California so the snow was exciting for me! :)

  13. Ah! To unwind.....I'd love to have a chance to do that! I'm in the midst of moving house and I've been sick, as well, so no drinkies for me right now. :( Once I get to my destination, maybe..... I have been jones-ing having a little gin and tonic! ;)

    Glad you're ok! That's the gift of youth.....you can withstand the hangover, or not even get one in the first place! Alcohol just hammers me now, in a way it never did when I was young....

    I hope you're faring well in the long dark cold winter there in the Great White North, my friend! :)

  14. Thanks! Back atcha! :)

  15. Hi hun,

    Having a wild night...? Noticed you posting about the place and saw your drunkeness confession in yer thread.....:chuckle: .....what's up?

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