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Status Updates posted by Kuutar

  1. Yours? Awww... it's cute:happy:.


    And for you too:pimp:.

  2. Nothing new:LOL:, I guess...

    Aww... no problem:D. *hugs back supermassively*

  3. Hai...

    I'm adding your name on the card with the present. I'm not sure if you're participating but I guessing so:p.

  4. I can PM you her address... but she only promised deliver the birthday stuff.

  5. Yes... I should ask her.

    Do you need address?

  6. :kiss:


    They ship to UK address (at least that Wembleydrumcentre).

    Of course I could ask from Liz if she could fetch them from the post and wrap them nicely...

  7. Hey:).


    Yeah. Don't think we should get the Rainbow ones from the US.


    I tried to order the sticks from those UK sites, but they won't ship here:(.

  8. Hello... going well, thanks. You? :happy:



    Cool. I was googling sites at work too, but couldn't find anything good (I didn't tried with precise names though).

    Silver and leopard seems best ones:D (if we can't find rainbow ones).



    See you:kiss:

  9. Heip!

    Joo sopii.

    Huomaisn vasta, että olit lisännyt. Mulla ei oo se niin usein auki.

  10. Yeah. Gig was amazing although I didn't like how crowded that place was.

    I liked Lisbon too :).

  11. Awww... doesn't matter.

    I actually guessed what happened :p.

    See you:).

  12. Hello...


    I wrote a letter for you and I'm sending it tomorrow:happy:.

  13. Aww... doesn't matter.

    Goodnight :p. Maybe it's better to say goodafternoon now:D.

  14. I know :p


    (but I guess you knew that I knew:LOL:)

  15. Haha.

    Well... I don't believe anything though:p.

  16. Hey:)


    Awww... doesn't matter. I was thinking that happened:p:).

  17. Hey:)

    Thanks for the letter. Just got it today:happy:.

  18. Ok:). yeah, nice:d. Only just noticed this though cos it signed me out again...


    Well. Maybe these new versions are better alternative then.

  19. Lol...


  20. Promotion:erm::LOL:

  21. Joo, sehän se nimi oli.

    En muista tarkalleen, olen varmaan. (koska olen lukenut kirjatkin joskus, niin en ole varma muistanko filmin vai kirjan).

  22. Aaaa. Kai on se oikee Poirotti siinä. En nyt muista sen näyttelijän nimeä...

    Mutta joo, tykkään kanssa noista Poiroteista (mutta vaan oikeella näyttelijällä).

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