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Status Updates posted by Tracybs

  1. Sorry, missed this! Sure, go ahead! :)

  2. Oi! Add me, you fool! x

  3. I'm lost in Cliff's beard. Please send help.

  4. You, lady, are incorrigable. I love it.

  5. Awww, fanks hon! *snogs* Love you too!

  6. Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, think I'll go eat worms...

  7. Oh, look at the cooool mommy! \m/><\m/

    I love you hon.


  8. Hey hon, got my card :D thank you! Loving the use of the word 'spaffiest'. Thank you for not putting random dude on it... :LOL:

    Yours will be in the post once the ink has dried... har har! :kiss:

    PS: email me the pic you used on the front, pwease? ;) And yes... I would. More than once.

  9. Happy birthday petal! :party:

  10. From one of my mates on the League of Gents forum made me this...




    *puts on tinfoil hat, and removes everything else*


  11. Hey, cheers both of you! :D


    Georgy! Yes; a little OLD perv now, haahaa! ;)

  12. Thanks Nic! I will! :)

  13. Haha, here's the birthday card my mam made me... I know it's not till tomorrow but I had to open it in the pub 'cos she wanted me to see it...




    She crazy lady. :LOL:

  14. Hey hey! Happy birthday! Glad you liked the card :LOL::D.



  15. Happy birthday! :D

  16. Oi Bells, you managed to open that Japanese puzzle box yet? :chuckle

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