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Status Updates posted by Mandy_

  1. jonny, this asshole is reserved for lel cox only.:)

  2. jonny. just for one night? that's a high cost just for a lel anal penetration.

  3. jonny. i think that's an ok idea. i think we might both enjoy ourselves.

  4. AAAAND you got your braces put back on. :D


    you hottie.


    my profile page was missing you.

  5. YAY. christmas cat is back!

  6. you have like..2 weeks.



    tew weeks to ship yourself to me.





  8. no i don't.:erm:


    REMEMBER? you wouldn't give it to me.:supersad:



    probably because you're smart.


  9. nah dood. too bad.


    i'll obtain your address one way or another.:shifty:

  10. i can't think of any in particular..it does make me lol though when you OBVS have a strong dislikin' for certain individuals and they're still up your bum. d'awwww. lames.:happy::chuckle:


    yeah, apparently i'm a bitch too. forever.<3


    s'better to be like us than..like..er..'tards.:yesey:

  11. i just love reading your snarky posts. t'is all. :D

    i love it when you put a bitch on blast.


    you're one of the few who keep it real!:cool:


  12. oh sugar, it's a compliment.




  13. hello boyfriend. you should let me send you a bday gift.:D

  14. i love you, niamh. you bitch, you.

  15. aww.:supersad:

    when is the actual date of your birthday, promise i won't make ya a thread if you don't want one.=/

    sigh. everyone likes birthday threads.:awesome:


    nah dood, you needetheh not send me a bday pressie. why are we talking 'bout mine anyway, it's your bday month.:phu:



  16. p.s. be on the look out for a 5'7 package. i've mailed you a gift and i..i mean, it should be there any day now.;)

  17. aw sugar. let everyone wish you a happy birthday.


    you can have as many as you'd like.;)

    what's new with you, bb?

  18. happy belated birthday!:kiss:

  19. :eek::kiss:


    you sweetheart. i want to get married NOW though.

  20. when are we getting hitched?

  21. nooooice.:cool:


    i feel bad for saying the c word but i had to.

  22. where's my beebay at?

  23. oh yes i do.


    did he get an infraction for that?


    that cunt's always running her trap. even lately, i outta internet backhand her.

  24. i love you too, dunno what you're talking about though.:$

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