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Impulse 101

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Posts posted by Impulse 101

  1. It had two passive singles and a Dimarzio humbucker. I can't stand most Dimarzio's and all three of these sucked. Big time.


    The source audio stuff is cool as hell. Great pedals for the seeker of weird.




    PS here are my strats. I've posted this picture so many times I feel guilty throwing it up there again.




    The total list of mods to the Blue Strat is too long so here are the highlights.

    Warmoth Compound radius neck, 1 5/8 nut width, bone nut, 6105 frets. Maple/Rosewood

    Sperzel trim-loc tuners.

    EMG S-neck, SA-Middle, 89R-Bridge.

    EMG EXP Active EQ

    EMG SPC Active EQ

    Fishman Powerbridge Piezo Trem

    Fishman Powerchip Preamp

  2. Ohh at least tell us what it is!


    So you replaced the neck on that strat? What with?


    And I might be interested in that hot rod reissue when you decide to sell it. I was looking for one of those for a long time a while back. Is this one loaded with EMGs?


    Presently it has EMG's. I also have the original wiring harness. I'll e-mail you before it goes up for sale.


    The Pedal is the Soundblox Pro Multiwave Distortion.



    Check out Pete Thorn's demo on the Source Audio Website. It tells you everything that you need to know. I bought one a few weeks ago and I'm still playing with it. Put a wah in front of it or behind it and it's a blast.



  3. just about finished building the pedlol board






    just waiting for a few more cables.


    and here's the strat. I take it Tomexclamationpoint (and maybe IntellegentAl) is really the only strat fanboi around here.













    I still have three, for now. I will be getting rid of at least one of them in a few months when my new Suhr is ready to ship. I want to get a pick guard loaded up with Suhr V60LP's for the other strat (CAR) and then send it for a refret with 6105 SS somewhere.


    My old Hot Rod Reissue Japanese Strat will go but I will miss it, it's a great guitar and I love that it served as the prototype for the Iron Maiden Strats.


    I have a 62 Reissue that I bought new in 1984. It's been one of my main guitars since the day I bought it. It was my #1 for over 20 years and it looks it too. It have replaced every part except the body and the neck plate at least once. It presently has EMG's loaded in S/SA/89R config. Great guitars and worth keeping forever.


    I'll post some pics of my new recording set up soon, I also have some killer new pedals that you guys might dig. I've found the weirdest and coolest Distortion pedal ever. Far weirder and more innovative than the Fuzz Factory and able to go into crazy feedback style sounds, and it has MIDI control over programs and settings. Cool Stuff.




  4. Here's my cover band doing Under Pressure by Queen/David Bowie.


    There are no real amps on this recording. The Bass is a Musicman Stingray V into a POD and all of the guitars are done by me with my Suhr guitar and my AxeFX Ultra. I did two tracks with an AC30 sound and then laid and additional track of a Plexi (I call it Plex Luther) plus the solo, which was also the Plexi sound with the Midboost preamp on my Suhr engaged a little bit.






  5. Live Nation


    Where's your friend work? He does music production or film/tv stuff?


    He owns Station 22 edit and effects, His name is Noah. They do TV, DVD and web videos as well as audio. He actually wrote one of the tunes on High School Musical three. Really talented guy and fun to work with.



  6. :awesome:

    I play the drums in a metal band called Raivola.

    We "already" (for a young band) have recorded one demo at the famous Astia Studio in Finland, and we will soon record an EP.


    We are influenced by such bands as Sepultura, Machine Head, Slayer, Soulfy, Fear Factory, and so on...


    From our myspace you can check out the three songs from our demo-album entitled "#1".

    The songs are called I Hate, Free Doom Of Speech and R.F.J..


    Check us out! :)


    Raivola's myspace page.


    Seriously, a metal band from Scandanavia? Who'd a thunk it?:D



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