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Impulse 101

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Posts posted by Impulse 101

  1. Glad to've seen them in 2003 / 2004. Best gig was 2004 for me.


    I saw them in a 12,000 seat venue from about 40 feet away. There were probably 7,000 people there and it was a great show.


    They're not playing Milwaukee on this tour but I'd go to Chicago to see them if they promised not to play anything from this last album.



  2. the atomic OD looks impressive... what was that digital looking overdrive you were talking about a while back? it had a bunch of lights on it, but i can't remember anything else about it :facepalm:




    almost wish i went with that instead of the MI crunch box


    also, just been cleaning off my shelf of junk, so i thought i'd take a picture of the peddles that never get used :facepalm: and the few that do...





    The soundbox pro multiwave distortion. It's a great bunch of weird in a pedal. Think Nine Inch Nails or old school weird Bellz sounds.


    I should do a little demo vid of it. (Pete already has one but I can do weird too.)



  3. Honestly, the Shiva drive is the weakest of the three. It's a tube screamer with a couple of options, it's good but on par with the other modded TS style cicuts test are out there. I got one cheap from a friend, it's in the rig for now but my Barber LTD will likely go back in that slot.


    The Koko boost is my favorite of their drives. The Riot is excellent too, but I prefer the Atomic OD from XTS. The Crunch is #3 in the Marshall in a box competition but they are so cheap that everyone should have one.



  4. These are from our new years rig. I'm getting back into the original music biz as of February and I need the power.


    There will also be some fun lo-fi stuff, I have a 1964 Ampeg and some cool pedals on the way for that stuff, the Ampeg is here and running but I don't have any pictures of it yet.








    And a still life image of a gig.


    And finally Drummer Pron:


    That's a DW Collectors series kit, Tama Iron Cobra hardware, Paiste Sig cymbals and internal mics in everything. Shures in the kicks, sennheisers in toms and snares.



  5. I really like them. The mode switching is a little strange, I can't remember if the MkII has the MIDI as an option or if they just made it part of the amp, (the Mk I had an optional MIDI card you had to buy.) but MIDI really makes it easier to navigate. The foot switch follows the MIDI in real time, which is great since changing tones can be a tap dance if you have any effects to change at the same time.


    Depending on what kind of tube you slam in each section they did the Fender/Marshall/Recto thing pretty well. I really liked the extra preamp boost function on each channel, a lot of guys used the first setting as their main and then made the boost the WAY MORE setting, but I found that it was useful to set the first gain down a bit on the two gain channels and use it for crunchy rhythm stuff and then make the second setting normal gain setting. It was a pretty trick way of using it for the band I was in at the time.


    You may find it a little 90's metal sounding compared to the classic modded Marshall stuff that you usually like. It will be as far away from an Orange as can be possible.



  6. The VG-8 was a cool piece, if I was to do a Nine Inch Nails kinda thing I might find one to abuse. I didn't realize that Matt used one back when but it makes sense that he'd gravitate towards one, he's not exactly a traditionalist.


    I don't think that he cares about how he did something on the album or whatever, he just goes with whatever works for that song as he wants to do it now.



    The rack that I posted is the start of my new stage and recording rack. I still have my 4 space grab and go rack, but this one is going to be built out over the next year or so with some good stuff to make strange sounds. There will be an RJM switcher and a bunch of new pedals, including a fuzz or two. I also mounted my Line 6 G50 wireless in it on a the second pedal tray, which also house my Axess GRX-4 switcher for the first pedal tray. I want a rack wah so I can get the signal path cleaned up a bit and avoid the cable run to my pedal board.



  7. Dave's stuff is awesome. That's a great sounding little 20 watter. I'm not a low wattage fan, they can sound great but I like the feel of a 50 or 100 watt head. I would love a Marsha or HBE but I don't really need it. I just got a nice raise but I don't have money to throw around right now so no new amps unless I want to find a new wife. :LOL:


    I managed to score a pair of Line 6 G50 wireless units for $300 ea, so my bassist and I are going wireless, hopefully tonight.



  8. James,

    Have fun with the 7 string. I had a Carvin a while ago. It took me forever to get comfortable with the low B and eventually I tuned it to A, which made all the difference for me. Then I sold it. :)


    How is the Strat? Is it seeing any use at all?


    I'm not buying another amp for a while but when I do, it will be a Rhodes Artemis. That thing is epic.



  9. Go off axis and away from the dust cap of the speaker.


    Here is a quick clip I recorded using my Teal Suhr, Guytron B channel, and a V30 loaded Mesa 2X12. Getting away from the cap and going off axis looses the fizz and ads depth to the sound.



  10. It's the angle of the first picture. The second one is more straight on and you can see the real position of the low E.


    The saddles are piezo but the entire bridge was made my Fishman. It's like a higher quality version of the American Standard bridge. Very solid and has a nice, even sounding tone with added sustain.


    Every paint chip and dent was lovingly deposited by my own carelessness. It was pretty when I bought it.



  11. d79b5b0c.jpg



    Shitty cell phone pics of my 1986 Fender '62 AVRI. The neck was refretted and a new nut was cut by Pete Skermetta, formerly of Tyler guitars. I installed a set of Suhr ML standard pickups. I've never owned a better playing or sounding Strat and I've owned a LOT of Strats...


    I'm loving having a passive 3 single coil strat for the first time in 20 years, it's been too long.



  12. Yep, my blue one. I'm even using the original pickguard and shielding plate. I'm probably more stoked about getting this guitar up and working than I was about my Suhr's. Pete's frets are flawless. He was the masterbuilder at Tyler guitars for seven years and everyone gushes about the Tyler necks, Pete's that good.


    The DSH+ is my dream humbucker in a Alder guitar. Basswood might be a little too "midrangy". The ML are the Mike Landau signature single coils. John's singles are amazing, even better than his humbuckers. His time at Fender made him a flat out savant with single coil pups. The reason that Jim Tyler now makes his own pickups is because so many of his customers were requesting Suhr pickups in their Tyler guitars that Jim finally got fed up with it and started winding his own. Most of those requests were for the Suhr singles.


    I have the V60LP in my teal Suhr and the ML's in my red one. I like them both, I've chosen the ML's because they have a touch more output and midrange, but it's a pretty subtle difference.



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