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Everything posted by Niamh

  1. Nah, it's okay. It's honestly not somewhere you want to go.

    It's just full of chavs and stuff. Like...FULL.

  2. Probably about 5, because it starts at 6 (or 6.30, I don't remember...I'll call them and ask) and the earlier you get there, the earlier you get seen to. There's a lot of waiting around...:erm:

    Nah, it's okay. I'll just go on my own. :yesey:


    I wanna go SWIMMING DAMNIT tonight though. Stupid family planning clinic. :mad:

  3. Erm...I'm not sure I'd feel entirely comfortable taking a power tool to your skull.

    ...I mean...I could give it a shot *shrug* But I can't promise any desirable results.


    You need to make some new memories for Autumn and Winter. :yesey:


    I just don't want to have to open my legs to a strange woman so she can shove a pair of pliers up there and yank out a coil.



    Eh. :(


    ...Do you think you'd be able to come with me? If not, it's okay.I've done it on my own twice before. :awesome::LOL: I'm practically a pro now.

  4. :( Why? Autumn and Winter are the best months!


    :( *hugs*

  5. Yeah, last night was really good! :yesey:

    And I'm going out in a minute to feed the ducks in West Kirby with a couple of friends so that should be fun.

    Nothing like some good old regression! :awesome:


    ...I have to go to the hospital tonight. :'( I DON'T WANNA.

  6. Teehee, you were in my dream lat night. But I don't remember what happened.




    I wanna hang out tooo.

    I'll harrass Noodles. :yesey:


    It's funny, because we were driving somewhere (I don't remember exactly WHERE now, but anyway) we drove past this place-sign and Tom goes 'WE COULD GO AND VISIT BLEE!' (I assume it was a sign to where you live? I dunno!). I was like 'YEEAAAAH!', but then we realised we didn't have time. :( Sad times.

  8. Yeah, but people who USE the term 'plus size' are using it as a euphamism! DUH.


    Nah, a night out in Liverpool would be WELL fun.

    We could get absolutely hammered. :awesome:

  9. Yay! Lucky!

    Love him!

  10. HOURS? What?! Have you been rolling in mud or something? WHY WOULD IT TAKE SO LONG?! :eek:


    I wish 24 hour tesco was open. FRIGGING TESCO. I'M HUNGRY GOSHDARNIT.


    :chuckle: THAT'S GOOD! Well done, I'm proud of you. Clearly, Pizza is NO GOOD.

  11. I wanna go for a walk in the rain tonizzle. :(


    Omg Tom, I'm so insanely hungry. :supersad: I've not ate anything proper today. :noey:

  12. It more impresses me than disgusts me. That's a LOT of vodka you got through :eek:


    I wanna go for a walk in the rain. WITH MY BRELLY!

    I would probably take equally long to get ready. I need to scrub this SHIT all off my grill.

  13. CULTURE DAY! YEARGH! Hehe. (Can we get the ferry over? :supersad: I really enjoyed the ferry).


    What you need to do is settle down with some hot chocolate to make you sleepy.

    OR drink so much that you pass out in a drunken heap. :awesome::yesey:


    Urgh, all this make-up is irritating my eye now. :(

  14. Har har. :p


    Work was alright like. Was sent down to lingerie. FOR THE WHOLE DAY. It was so boring. I was on the till for 5 hours straight. :(


    I can't believe you've ONLY JUST woke up! How are we meant to hang out and have fun times tomorrow if you're ASLEEP! (Oh yeah...wanna hang out and have fun times tomorrow? I forgot to ask :p)



  15. Hello,I just did make-up that makes me look like a cross between a vampire and a whore.




    How are you?

  16. But that spells beeth curtain, not beeFFFF.



  17. Yeah, I said sorry and then she made me watch Twilight. PUNISHMENT ENOUGH, I FEEL.


    Hey man, let's move this shit to PM. :awesome: I'll PM you now, hang on.

  18. My dad had taken a SHIT TONNE of crap out of one of the kitchen draws.

    Screws, screw-drivers, nails, drawing pins, door-knobs. And just left it on the side in the kitchen. So it all kept rolling off.


    I stood on a nail in my bare feet. THEN a screw. Didn't complain at all.


    Then a fucking big doorknob rolled off the edge and landed on my foot. It hurt so much. It still hurts now.


    So, naturally, I went proper fucking mental like, threw the doorknob at the wall, accidently (honestly, it was) knocked over a pint of milk, threw the now half empty pint bottle into the sink, all the while, shouting and cursing like a lunatic.


    So my sister told me off, so I told her to fuck off. (I mean...it's her birthday, wtf? I'm so horrible).


    URGH,bad times.


    But that's not even why I'm feeling shit! JESUS.

  19. Hah, our argument before was about me throwing a total paddy. Insanity. Hello, I'm a moody bitch. :)


    URGH. I DUNNO WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME TODAY. But I feel really crap. And I just want to scream at people.

    Eh eh eh.

  20. Nah, no more arguments! Haha, this house is insane sometimes with all our arguing.


    Dunno, just feeling a bit crap. I'll be fine tomorrow probably like. Just...disgusting. Hah.



  21. Hello.



    Feeling proper shit atm, mate. :(



    I need to have a shower, wash my hair, make myself look pretty (honestly...I'm not going to bother...I'm probably just style my hair) and get changed, and then I'm going to GET IN MY CAR AND COME AND VISIT.


    You have no choice in the matter, sorry. :phu::)


    Shush, velour trackie bottoms are FIT. I used to have a REALLY nice pair, from M&S. Pyjama ones. But I have NO idea where they've gone. :supersad:

    I need to get trackie's for tomorrow night anyway. I'm no way wearing my uniform!

  23. Er, what's happened to your avatar?


    And also, just hanging out is fun!

    I dunno what we could do though. Just have a drive and maybe go and visit that pretty place by the town hall just for a bit? I really like it there.


    Because my current one is nearing an end, I fear. And I quite want some velour trackie bottoms, as well as my usual £4 Primark ones...

    Is that wrong? :unsure:

  24. Ooooh, I dunno. Something fun, maaan.


    I say 'up all night'. I mean until about 5am maybe?


    Then sleep in until about 1 or 2pm, then get up, nip into BEEEERKKKKKAN'ED LAAAA to get some trackie bottoms (URGENCY), then go and get ready for work?


    Sound good?



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