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static shadows

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static shadows last won the day on May 28 2021

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About static shadows

  • Birthday 01/11/1986

Personal Information

  • Biography
    Mark is a leafy gent, who leaves a trail of bracken across the beds of the world. It is for this very reason that he is known as 'Foliage Man, the Master of Woods.' He drinks chlorophyll through a pocket straw, and always keeps small owls in his hair. This is why others name him 'Masked Mark, Keeper of Owls', and present him with small alcoholic beakers via tiny, elaborate dancing steps. It is a ritual said to resemble a butterfly force-fed it's own body weight in vodka spirits. He grows ample moss on his own knees, and for this he is famously known as 'The Mossy Marauder, Weaver of Maps,' for Mark spins this moss into cartographical charts, and sells them to squirrels for five nuts apiece. He goes hither and thither and whenceforth about the land, giving birth to many names. This is why some call him 'Mark the Multiparous.' Others call him 'Schizophrenic Bubonic Bitch-Boy,' but these are unkind people, who possess tiny eyes, and enormous ears which would soon as swallow as hear a man.
  • Location
  • Interests
    Cats purring, pursuing ducks on pedalos, eccentric chimney pots, hugs, incense smoke writhing in candlelight, writhing in candlelight, neon lights in rain, old photographs of strangers, the smell of fog, drinking wine by moonlight, petrol swirling colourfully in puddles, ruined castles, steaming tea, ancient ivy, sunlight splintering through tree branches, hearing bats squeak, dead trees, sundials, the feeling of grass beneath your toes, ancient books that crumble as you touch them, fireflies, old cobbled paths, storms by the sea.
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  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    2003 - Wembley Arena, 2004 - Earls Court, 2006 - Lowlands Festival, 2006 - Cardiff, 2007 - Open'er Festival, 2007 - Wembley Stadium, 2009 - Birmingham NIA
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  1. :eek: in your very home? wow that sounds like something straight out of an Enid Blyton book! (read far too many of them as a kid, guess that's where all my British stereotypes come from.) but no srsly, that's really awesome. what are they though? like a little shed full of gnomes and pixies? naaw. :happy:

    i guess coming from HongKong, where there aren't many heritage buildings still around with majority pulled down in the name of progress, and Singapore, with only 44 years of independence. most of our buildings are what my architect friend calls 'desperation buildings' - built solely with the aims of speed and cost, hence having little aesthetic and cultural value - everything else seems pretty cool to me! (: haha some parts of Singapore's beautiful, but some of the government-built housings are really terrible, they look as if they were painted by the colourblind! :rolleyes: i've begun to really appreciate the place after living in Aussie though. that's probably one of the best things to come out of my studying overseas. :happy:


    :eek: you've been to almost half the world! yes university is the best time to travel aye? when we're all still young and carefree and have months of holidays a year. it'll give us something to look back on when we enter the rat race (: i've got a friend who took a gap year to backpack around New Zealand alone, working to support herself along the way. she's one of the bravest and most inspiring people i've known! :happy: where do you intend to go next? (:

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