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Status Updates posted by mipanda

  1. genius! Thanks so much mister.

  2. Oh thank you for the suggestion, but I've read that numerous times too. =/ I'd better go edit my post, I forgot about that one.

  3. ahh didn't you see the wedding thread the other night? i'm always the bad guy :LOL:


    hope you and aurora make up though. :supersad:

  4. I don't even know how to do this visitor message thing, lol. But I just meant I wasn't gonna keep going on in the thread, since my attempts at making peace/being reasonable were pretty terrible. Not leaving the board, what would I do at work all day?!

  5. mipanda



    thanks for the book. its REALLY cute. in a morbid way. =] mum asked weird questions like am i planning to visit israel? blates thinks you must be my eboyfriend or something. ahahaha.


    did j00 get the cd? i cant even remember what i put on it.

  6. mipanda

    hey i wanna write you a letter. suggest music or something for me to send you with it. and your address cause i lost it. =] kthx.

  7. um. fun, expensive, stressful, i'll probably be homeless very soon, etc. :LOL: i'm loving it though.

  8. i'm here already silly !

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