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Everything posted by Mona

  1. Vara: You teach me French, I teach you Swedish, capiche? Badcompany: DON'T STEAL OUR BLOODY TICKETS! Haha, the venue is huge and I recommend this link.
  2. He was. A thief as well. I'm le tired. Anyway, I'm stuffed with candy. I swear, flies gather around me since my blood is poisoned with sugar. Okay, no flies. Yet. I'm buying RED Cheap Mondays (skinnys Rhian) and hippie-sandals. So goood.
  3. Like, you're shit. HOBNOOOOOOOOOBS. *dies without them*
  4. I've lost my card. now I have to pay 150 kr for a new one. I've got 2 essays to write. I've to read about Gustav III. I need a new guitar. I'm not even worried about the national test in English I have on Tuesday. MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH.
  5. Rhiaaaaaan. I fookin' miss you. Come back. Yes, Pelle det var jag. Seg man kan vara,
  6. Pelle för fan. When're you coming? I've been spending time with Rhian and Vince Noir. Creepy. EDIT: Fun too. EDIT2: I said that because Rhian threatens to kill me.
  7. Swedes are invading this board. Save us. Judgement day is near. go see Main Muse.
  8. The question is not whether you could get me in or not, the question is whether mum and dad would allow me to even go to a pub. And to be honest, I'd rather not. I'd rather run around Södermalm all night then sit in a pub, walk out of there smelling like alcohol. I'd rathe rmeet you next morning, when you're hungover. I would soooooooooooooo increase your headache. *evil* Ash, you really should get your arse here. The more the merrier, I sometimes think.
  9. Creepy. The abuse of smileys in this thread.. I need a mental hospital.
  10. Ha. I almost read that as Christ on a bike with Muhammad. Wouldn't it be lovely?
  11. Haha yes you may, but I'm not so sure about the shisha. He quit quite a while ago.. And I'd rather he don't start. But you smoke the shisha, both can play backgammon and drink arabic coffee. Mmmmmsteak. Chicken smoothie?
  12. Arabic food is all vegetables. All meat and chicken too but you can cut it out. Whats this, everyone becoming veggies? My bassist became one a week ago too. Creepy.
  13. Fake ID. Maybe. Oooor I could simply go in with you. Doubt mum'd let me. We'll see I think she'll love you Rhian, IF she ever meets you that is. She probably will if you're eating arabic food at my place sometime.
  14. Exakt. Men för mig blir det från femte eftersom Evian kommer. Ska ju hinna hitta på något med henne.
  15. Ja, från fredagen efter att hon kommit. Så jag kommer skolka lite hyfsat.
  16. Pelle: Indeed. Yep, I guess. Är så extremtjävlaförbannat trött. Kommer du till Stockholm när Rhian är här? Rhian: 1. That soap shop, yes it was Lush. 2. *scratches prostitute of list* So it's psychoanalysist or aerospace engineerer or something lousy. I have all the hope in the world in the future, but none at all. Now how does that work?
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