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Status Updates posted by A_Muser

  1. Liiiiissssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  2. Lisa where are you??????????????????????

  3. Hey Penny

    How's you?

    Heard you are going to Leeds too!!!!

    Can't wait!!!


  4. lisa where are yoooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu??????????????????

  5. you still not fancying matt??????

  6. where are you??????????????

  7. yep I was on the two stoey bus too!

    where were you sitting - up or downstairs?

  8. Hi

    where you on the green KingsFerry coach from London???

    I was on it & thought everyone was very quiet

  9. I'm still here!!!!

    Had a bad week but hopefully Saturday will make up for that!!!

    I will text you

  10. Hey Mary - Happy Birthday!!!!

  11. I just can't stay away from MUSE or alcohol - oh dear!!!!!

    The party's over now though - back at work - how crap is that!!!!

  12. hey lush

    in stoke on trent

    v drunk

    2 bottels of wine, a few glasses, some cider......

    big mess

    MUSE tomorrow

    Wish you where here!!!!


  13. where they hell are you?????

    You oing to V???

  14. where the hell are you?????

    abducted by aliens?

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