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Status Updates posted by ScottishMuse

  1. Looooong time since I've been on here.....you still about? ;) xx

  2. Hmm I dunno likes. Its not gonna be cheap for travel given that im a million miles away lol

    I just had a work weekend thing in glasgow. Got talked at for 2 days about technology.lol. xxxx

  3. As they should lol :p

    Hows things? I am damn sore. Rather physical game of footie tonight. Plans for the weekend? xxxx

  4. Dunno if I'm a regular enough member of the group to make an appearance...lol. I shall see what i can do though. Have to organise time off work etc....

    I was at a couple of big dance events in england last weekend and then was at a thing in Aberdeen on friday. Was sooooo drunk. 2 hours late for work the next day haha. You? x

  5. There is no excuse needed to wear a cape! lol

    Although I only don a skirt on special occasions lmao ;)

    You are very unsportified indeed not to have heard of celtic and rangers. lol

    Worlds most heated football derby. Like I say, we won so its all gooood.xx

  6. You get a day off school for that? lol :p

    I know, I'm terrible.lol

    What did you do for Comic Relief?

    I'm fine thanks. Celtic beat Rangers today :D xx

  7. Yooo how are ya?

    I've had a couple of mad weekends in a row. Much wreckedness.lol. xxx

  8. Ooooh I dunno whats all the details? I'm a bit poor at the mo.

    I've had a mad couple of weekends so gonna take it easy for a bit methinks lol xxxx

  9. I'm fine fine fine ta :D

    Any news? Plans for the weekend? xx

  10. I'm fiiiiine ta. You up to much this weekend?

    I'm playing footie tonight then off to engerlund for raving :D xx

  11. Haaaaaaanah

    Hows things? x

  12. Bry Bry Bry.

    How are ya? :) x

  13. Hey. Hows it going?

  14. I don't really fancy that I have to say lol

    Going to the cinema on Friday night. Might go see My Bloody Valentine 3D for a laugh.lol

    I've just been working all day. Pretty boring.

    You? xx

  15. Hanananananananananananananananananananananah :D


    I'm alright thanks, how you doing? x

  16. Heeeeeeyyyy Brrryyyyyy

    Hows you? :) x

  17. Hey.

    How are ya?

  18. Hiya

    Hows it going? :)

  19. Merry Christmas! Hope all is well. :) x

  20. Hey :)

    Merry Christmas. Hope you've had a good day x

  21. I work for Tesco. Its ok.lol


  22. I'm fine thanks.

    A bit tired after work but ok :)

  23. Thanks for that :D

    Hows things?

  24. I'm alright ta. Having a very lazy day cause I was rather drunk last night :D

    You had a good weekend? x

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