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Black Mamba

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Everything posted by Black Mamba

  1. I sent you an email just now,email me back when you have time.



  2. Martin Thomas Byrne sucks.

  3. Nawww:happy:


    Ah man:( I have to go*hugs* I will probably email you,PM me your email ok?

  4. Pffft, I said Hi and you ignored me :(

  5. Do you ever check your loveboat?

  6. It's the lipstick eh?:LOL::D

  7. Bitch!


    Can you write my name in Hebrew letters?

  8. You deleted something :(

  9. What's your email again?

  10. Hello, still not feeling ok?


    It rained so much, I doubt I'd make it home dry lol

  11. Add me on LJ?

    I'm leptismagna.

  12. I will get to write the bloody email, some work stuff to do and then I will send it.



  13. I don't suck :phu:


    Just sent it to GMX.

  14. I can't access my emails:(

  15. Normally you would receive an email telling you to add me?


    You didn't?

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