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Posts posted by ADAM

  1. I'll have to post pics of my setup, I've dome something a little different that is kind of in between the two settings...


    havent you just got the same as dom - one up - two down - one biggun on your left?

  2. Some companies if you ask nicely will mark your items as gift so you don't have to pay import tax :)


    really! :eek:


    Right! im doing that from now on!




    why doesnt EVERYone do that automatically!


    hahaha :LOL:

  3. And the shipping...


    The shipping is $90, and the fuel surcharge is 1/3 of it... :LOL: Fucking high gas prices...


    all the stuf ive imported from america the import tax has been higher than the shipping


    Alright, any advice for taming a stupid foot? ;) Difficulties getting power with my bass drum foot. suggestions? i.e. heel down/achored? heel up? how do you guys use/place your foot on the bass drum pedal? how does dom do it? cheers!


    Dom uses heel up and for the faster stuff he uses heel-toe method.


    I use the sliding technique - again heel up.


    I only use heel down for quieter beats - so not very often haha

  4. My advice is never use tabs. Because you'll always be relying on someone cleverer than you to make them.


    good advice... if you can work stuff out.. you should definitely try for a few hours to work something out before turning to tabs.. and i find drums the easiest instrument to work stuff out for


    Im the opposite - when i was starting - yeah i would pick up most of it by ear and play it - but then there were the complex bits that I had no idea what was being played and so relied on someone else's tab to learn it.


    A tgreat example is QOTSA no one knows....


    99% is easy and distingusihable....theres just these few fills that I needed to see what was being played and so used Rhythm's tab for it to nail it.


    NOWADAYS, I would probably be able to hear what is being played...but that comes with experience.


    So yeah - to the new guy - try and learn it on your own...but dont be afraid to use tabs...thats what theyre there for! :D

  5. Surely it must be more difficult to read from a tabulature then to actually depict whats being played in the song, especially sunburn.


    yeah i think that


    use your ears! :D


    Thats what I do hehe :LOL:

  6. Is that what I tabbed? :stunned:


    ah yeah my bad - not used to seeing flams like that lol :p


    Go to ADAMs site.


    Havent got sunburn yet - but there might be someone on that message board who could help. :)

  7. News Update: Dom now endorses Pro-Mark sticks (Modern Drummer June 2008)


    thats old news he's been playing pro-marks for the whole of the B+R tour lol


    and the last fill in assassin is swiss triplets

  8. I now ownz a 22" A Zildjian medium ride from the 50s. If you're like me and ridiculously warm, complex, dark, expressive rides are something you'll brake for, this cymbal will have you falling over yourself. I seriously stood with my ear half an inch above its surface for a full minute absorbing all the undertones coming out of it as it decayed. The bell sounds exactly like the very last stroke in Ruled By Secrecy. The bough sounds exactly like the ride JT used to record The Widow. I am aroused.


    There will be pictures when my phone is back from the repairer.


    sexual! :D


    Has it been used for 50 years or has it been played a bit and then kept in storage.


    a cymbal thats lasted for 50 years is something i want :(:LOL:

  9. Flippin gong bass looks like a world war two searchlight stuck up there. Would have looked at home on the HAARP tour stage methinks !!

    Hahaha yes it does! :LOL::LOL:

  10. £500 ish? Nothing to expensive as I'm only going to be recording with them to add drum tracks to my stuff :happy:


    woah! you can buy quite a decent kit with that! haha :LOL:

  11. I'm stuck with a shitty mapex kit :$ Anyone want to point me in the direction of a better kit? No not like Doms :rolleyes: I'm mainly a guitarist so all your technical terms confuse me :$ be nice please :p


    price range? :D

  12. I believe it's "bubinga", and it's African. :LOL:


    AHAHAHA! That's where Im going wrong!


    I've always pronounced it BuLbinga! hahahaha :LOL:


    I've never read it properly :$ How embarrasing! But rather funny! :LOL::LOL:


    And please, everyone just STFU about double bass...


    I've been saying this for the past few pages but it KEEPS coming up :(:rolleyes:


    Then don't say anything stupid


    Well I havent been doing so thus far..... :rolleyes:


    Only the bulbinga thing was stupid. :p


    Still, doesn't work for the sake of this argument.


    Yes it does. :stunned: How does it not?!


    Its a piece of hardware that allows you to play something that you "apparently" couldnt usually do before.


    A tambourine allows you to make jingly noises that you couldnt do before.


    A gong bass allows you to make those deep thuddy noises that you couldnt do before.


    A hi hat clutch allows you to close the hi hats with your stick that you couldnt do before.


    A double pedal allows you to do faster hits on the bass drum that you couldnt do before.


    You know all this already!


    And in all those cases, an alternative is just as good! I'll play slightly open hi-hats to get a slooshy sound instead of a tambourine. I'll hit the floor tom to get those deep noises as opposed to a gong bass. I'll use my foot to close the hi hats :eek:. And ill use different techniques as well as a combination of bass and floor tom to get those fast hits on the bass drum.


    Which we've discussed in thorough detail over the past million pages.


    And if you're coming from the "oh but its a whole different technique" argument, then it still applies to those different percussive instruments as there will be a technique applied when playing the gong bass - there will be a technique applied when playing a tambourine theres certainly a different technique using a hi hat clutch etc etc etc....


    Rototoms, octobans, gongs, zil-bels, wood blocks, chimes, xylophones all have different techniques and different sounds. Are you going to get them all or are you going to "limit yourself?"


    Cuz I'm not. And I'm not.


    Now surely this is the end as I feel I'm repeating myself every 10 posts and it's not going in.


    It's not that hard to understand the angle I'm coming from surely?


    I've said in the past that if you want to use double bass then do it. Ive got no problem with that as every drummer is different and every configuration is different.


    But me, personally, am not going to get one as I dont feel the need. In much the same way that Im not going to buy an oriental 40" gong. Sure, I can't play the same sound, and I'm "limiting myself as a drummer by not playing the oriental style" but thats my choice as no music I'm going to play will need it.

  13. I'll let this go, but youd better believe its coming back up the next time someone bashes double bass.


    oh i cannot wait :rolleyes:


    Besides, the analogy of the tremolo doesn't make sense - completely different situation.


    Ok then - gong bass drum. I dont own one nor want one but can still play MOTP.


    "oh but youre limiting yourself by not having one" No.


    A double pedal is just an extra piece of hardware. As is a gong bass. A piccolo snare. A tambourine. A Cowbell. A Ribbon crasher. (And a tremolo)


    Its not limiting because you don't play double bass, its limiting because you dismiss double bass in any context.


    Yeah i dont see the point in it.


    None of the extra stuff you can do with it appeals to me.







    The word bulbinga confuses me! :LOL:


    I dont trust it!


    Im sure it sounds great tho! haha


    It's just the word "bulbinga" :LOL:

  14. That's a crazy tom angle!


    Booked my Tama Superstar EFX Hyperdrive kit today! ::D:D should arrive within the month


    yeah i was gonna say that.....do you find it easy to play, alyssa?! :confused:

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