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Everything posted by Noodles

  1. I DO, bitch. I've only just woken up though :( Even though my sleeping patterns have been normal lately too. RUBBISH.


    I've forgotten about that, but I remembered something I was going to say, I might not be able to do the music course <_> I'll have to go to the college to check. It's £500+ plus squid too.


    ALSO I'm being charged 50 notes for having an overdraft... FUCK OFF >:|

  2. Just back from the flick? :D

  3. No problemo.


    It was my pleasure. Check out the dancing otter on my profile! :D He's so happy.

  4. Lucky fell asleep on me. :)

  5. Up to 583 now.


    I'll go if I can tomorrow, and buy you some scrummy munch. No promises though :(

    Yeah, I registered mine the other day, I meant to remind you to, but forgot :facepalm:

  6. This IS the delete all, it's up to 245 now.

    If I was doing it individually it would take YEARS O_O

  7. It's on all week, babe!


    If you don't want to wait for me though, I don't mind if you want to go with one of yo' girlfriends :)

  8. To free up space I'm deleting 1439 sent text messages at a rate of one a second :facepalm: up to 38

  9. Soooo not as much as me then? :p

    You're allowed chocolate, just NOT MUCH! >:( You're lucky I wasn't there, would've whooped your ass.

    I don't know about tomorrow, but we deffo will soon. We have to see Bruno, innit?

  10. Good thing too, because this phone fixing is going nowhere FAST... stupid PC interface >:(


    What did you eat?


    I've had, soup and 6 slices of break, slimfast shake, protein shake, huge plate of mash and veg. I bet I win :p

  11. Eugh, phone is 'sploding, I'm trying to sort it out, that's why I haven't replied.


    Well I haven't even been able to see what you said yet, in fact.

  12. Awww, sleep well :)

    I'll do my best, only for you though. :yesey:

  13. What's the matter baby cakes? :(

  14. I know, that's why I can't ever stay here for long. I'm pretty big down there and after a while the blood loss makes me feel faint. :(


    Ahhh, that's good. I like my laydees like I like my frosties. :D

    It's better this way, it means you'll sleep like a baby when you go to bed... what happened with the tree?

    We have a huge tree in our garden, it's always threatening to come down. :supersad:


    I'm okay, bit of a weird day ... half away, half asleep. Taking a day off from exercise today, let my aching body rest. Back to it tomorrow though, gotta look good fo' mah ho'.

  15. It took me a while to get how that could be dirty. :chuckle:


    I'm always like that around you though :awesome:

    How YOU doin'?

  16. Sup baby gurl? :D

  17. Say whuuuut? O_O

  18. You're super :)

  19. I have to, but I'll be back later. :yesey:

  20. Ooh, I think I know what you mean. *hugs*


    *ties you up and slaps you down*

  22. Aw thanks.

    Seriously, never worry about me. I don't like the fact I always seem to be complaining now :noey:

    Just assume I'm always happy. :D

  23. I could never dump you, I'd be too sad. :(


    Wait! I MEAN... BITCH I could dump yo ass if I wanted, but yo so fine, so I'll keep yo 'round, FO NOW. :phu:

  24. You'd better have.

    Yo' ass is mine FO KEEPS, too sexy to turn you loose :phu:

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