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Status Updates posted by Stu

  1. Stu

    My fave song is probably Amputee at the mo.

    Think I've only ever heard 1 InMe song!

    Yup still at WHS .. make of that what you will ;)

  2. Stu

    Yeah I've had a couple of songs on my old PC for ages thanks to you, but only recently acquired the albums. :) Got Effloresce this week which is a stunning album :) EIP is quality too, but Frames isn't that great in comparison. Isis are indeed quite heavy most of the time ;)

    Not been up to much, nothing new at least :p

  3. Stu

    ooopsy my bad!

    I'm good ta :)

    Just found out the new Isis album is out the day before my birthday and I'm bloody excited about it! :D

    By the way, I'm now big into Oceansize but need to get their 1st album still ...

    more importantly how the devil are you? :p

  4. hey hey!

    I'm not sure if I know you but thanks for the friend request! :D

  5. hey hey you!

    I'm fine thanks & yeah it was good ta, hope yours was too! :)

    what you been up to?

  6. Stu

    *does not poke face but shakes hand* :p

  7. I'm fine ta. Not a lot really, still in same job as always.

  8. cheers I'm sure I will!

  9. well not much new really, still in same job as I had back in the times of old chat and always had for that matter!

    although I'm going to see Maiden next month and can't fucking wait :D

  10. hah! you been up to no good?

  11. hey hey Sput!

    yeah I'm good ta u?

  12. Yeah there must be someway of getting some to your location :D

  13. Stu

    Well hello!

    No more ilmbster!

    I will continue this on myspace :p

  14. Yeah I'm still around :)

    I'll add you when I'm next on .. which isn't that often at the mo!

    So hows u?

  15. Jelly Babies are terrific!

    You must invest in some at all costs .. you won't regret it! :p

    What u been up to lately?

  16. well hello!

    long time no communicate! :-P

    how the devil are ya?

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