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Status Updates posted by Stu

  1. Stu

    Ooooh business cards! :D

    Yes it is quite tragic how my life revolves around football... its the Euro's soon though! Too bad Scotland got screwed over by the Czechs in qualifying :p

    I'm good thanks, just got back from seeing Devin Townsend in Bournemouth, support from the Anathema singer.

    Are you on Twitter? As I seem to check that more often than PageFace (as my mum calls it haha!)

    Oh & one more thing to say to you ... SLEEP! :p

  2. Stu

    I think Dave did an InMe song, Turbulence? when I saw him.

    Wow Uni nearly over! Whats your plans for after? :)

    Not much new with me, I'm still in same job & AFC bournemouth are still pretty average at best!

    I downloaded that Anathema album & i'm addicted to it, my album of the year so far.

    Hmmm what else, yeah I don't go on facebook much just have past/present workmates on there.

    Hope you are well :)

  3. Stu

    Also I would like to recommend a song that I think you might like! :)

    stream here + free legal download

  4. Stu

    Well hello there young lady! :)

    I'm ok thanks.

    I've seen Devin Townsend twice now. The second time was an acoustic set supported by the InMe frontman, decent stuff!

    Wow a whole year, must of been a good 12 months then i hope? :p

  5. Stu

    I'm good thank you. :)

    Going to see a gentleman named Devin Townsend live in Southampton a week today :D

    Looking forward to it.

    How were MCR? :p

  6. Stu

    MCR have been on the front of Kerrang 2 weeks in a row, with the Gerard guy's red hair very prominent. What an interesting factoid :)

    I know very little of big city life so Galashiels woulf probably be right up my street :p

    Only thing exciting is being on the Opeth DVD! :D My mate gets interviewed outside and we are in the background when another guy is talking!

    Hope you are well? :)

  7. Stu

    Hey hey you!

    Just realised I was last on here the day before your birthday & I didn't mention it! thats pretty bad! :( Hope it was great anyway!

    I'm good ta, nothing new apart from I now own an AFC Bournemouth season ticket! :D

    Also awaiting the Opeth Royal albert Hall DVD to come out in a couple of weeks to see if I'm on it!

    So hows life? :)

  8. Stu

    Yikes that sounds not good?!! :(

    Guess you are over it now as it was over a month ago! Not been on here in a while with the World Cup & all! :p

    The football season proper startes soon woooo!

    Hope ur well & all is good :)

  9. Stu

    hey hey you!

    this is a late thanks for birthday message :)

    hmmm apart from gigs just been working but now the World Cup is here! :D

    RATM were awesome on sunday but have nowt other gigs planned at all

    hope you are well & all is good!

  10. Stu

    never heard of them :p

    I'm good cheers, nowt new really!

    my next gig is the free Rage Against The Machine shindig in Finsbury Park :D

    what you been up to?

  11. Stu

    biff bash bosh!

    hello you :p

    how u doing?

    I'm still buzzing from last night seeing Opeth at THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL!

    was incredible!

    hope ur well :)

  12. Stu

    Well unfortunately I'm not really liking The Resistance all that much.

    Apart from MK Ultra, Unnatural Selection, and parts of Exogenesis, it doesn't do much for me personally. :(

    and IMO none of the above reach the heights of my favourities from their other albums. BUT saying that its still better than most music out there ;)

    New Porcupine Tree is not bad though! :D took me several listens to get into and it isn't actually one track at all!

  13. Stu

    Nopers I wasn't there, I was in Bournemouth for a retirement party at a place called Rubyz (which i won't go into, just google it!). Saw the popcorn cover on youtube which sounded awesome! :D

  14. Stu

    aww whats up with ur lappy toppy?

    my sister has probs too, hers overheats and the battery dies

    I heard USE on radio 1 when it was debuted but not heard any og Uprising

    USE reminds me of Queen SO muchand I'm liking it :)

  15. hey hey liz liz!

    how the devil are ya?

    I've totally lost track of Muse goings on in recent years but will go find out now ;)

  16. Stu

    cheers! :)

    i'm quite disappointed with the new Dredg album. Its not quite what I was expecting but has a few good tunes. ;)

    hope ur well :p

  17. Stu

    sounds like you had much fun then! :D

    where was that?

    by the way new Dredg out june 9th if u didn't know! the 2 songs I've heard sound pretty pop orientated but good all the same! :)

  18. Stu

    Yup going to see DT in June in Southampton. Tthey are doing it as a warm up for Download the day after. The new album is called "Black clouds & Silver Linings" out June 23rd.

  19. Stu

    Parabola is too difficult for me, infact they all are!

    I wasn't sure how to unlock Pull Me Under ... I'm going to see Dream Theater in June!

    When I attempted System of a Down-BYOB everyone was like what the fuck is this??!!!! :D

  20. Stu

    I like that game even though I'm terrible at it! The best thing is it has THREE Tool songs! I love playing bass on Vicarious! :D

    I want Guitar Hero Metallica when it comes out

  21. thats a relief :) although nothing wrong with a smidgen of evil now and again ;)

  22. Stu

    i likes ur vid! :D and I agree with the comments :)

    just go on the Amplifer myspace there are a few good'uns on there

    I need to invest in their albums!

  23. Stu

    I will have a butchers' on 'tube now infact!

    By the way what do you think of the band called Amplifier? :)

  24. hah I don't really go sailing its just a quote relating to a song but thanks for noticing :p

    by the way, are you twisted in a perverted or tangled sense? ;)

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