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Everything posted by haze015

  1. Always good to hear real music on this forum ^^^ Radiohead is very much all members, far from the Thom Yorke show. Also Johnny Greenwood 'solo' stuff is far weirder than anything put out by Radiohead, who are far from 'weird electronic music', more radio-friendly versions of Warp Records stuff at their weirdest.
  2. Who hates Craig David!? James Blunt is a loveable cunt though. The UK doesn't hate people who become famous, we tend to hate commercialisation and 'establishment', which sadly often goes hand in hand with success.
  3. There wasn't any Dubstep on that album, just elements of tacky commercial dance as they were jumping on the bandwagon, like everyone else was. Their teaser was probably the closest Muse have been to originality in a long time. If it had actually been full of that, it might have been half decent, at least interesting rather than yet another collection of weak pastiches of a variety of genres done far better by plenty of others.
  4. Because they turned shit years ago. How can anyone be racist against British people?
  5. If you've got to weigh up feel vs sound, then consider leaning towards feel, because MIDI/USB means you can control sound modules, samplers, VSTs etc.
  6. I'd be surprised if it was for low gain sounds, although it is weirdly cool to set the gain low on one, tone and low end right up, neck pickup for a fat as fuck, yet attacking tone. Either its for any of his Strats that might be thinner sounding or solos. It is a similar pedal to the MT2, just a different approach to tone/EQ.
  7. Oh its lovely. Its replacing an RV6, which is probably a better choice if all the options of the Big Sky aren't necessary in all honesty. Only issues I've had so far is that it doesn't seem to switch very cleanly* and I wish the gated reverb was trashier, but Lexicon have that nailed. *Though I'm intending to use it on an aux send on a mixer.
  8. Its a lighter version of the Phase 90. 2-stage rather than 4-stage. Good for more subtle uses. Its not all the options though, the Phase 100 differs from both. But decent idea idea for a pedal though. Just bought a Big Sky, so expect dodgy Shoegaze/Ambient from me from now on.
  9. Well yeah, but if someone has to ask... That's fair enough. If its something you'd like to do, then go for it. You can get the FCB1010 for £90. Might be a cheap way into this sort of setup: https://www.bax-shop.co.uk/foot-switch/behringer-fcb1010-midi-foot-switch?gclid=CNXN7_PwptACFfQK0wodQq8FVQ
  10. Do you really need to control a Whammy by MIDI? If you haven't got any other gear with MIDI, then it seems kind of pointless to worry about it as its very much a full on pro-thing anyway. Finely tuned-presets and immediate switching doesn't matter much in poor sounding small venues.
  11. Its worth doing! Angle the microphone based on where you listen to it from. Check the frequency response as well, if it has a bass roll-off to counteract proximity effect, then get it up close.
  12. No, basically setting it up on an aux channel and as I only have the one, record one side, then the other with the same settings. Although using a different delay pedal on the Dry/Reverb output could be interesting.
  13. Its more that its kinda addictive! Turn it on for a bit of ambience, then all a sudden its 6 hours later and you didn't do whatever it was you intended to do. Using it as a stereo delay is beyond gorgeous.
  14. Actually on the subject of impractical and expensive ways of doing things... Recreating Sweep Delay from the DL4 with hardware: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hM0Qgdg7eJw
  15. If they released it as software, that'd be awesome. From moving around a fair bit, it doesn't seem like a better option tbh. Might be good for cutting down a multiple amp setup or just as something to avoid taking expensive/collectable amps out, but really a good amp and a decent pedalboard is capable of any genre.
  16. Got the first one right, second wrong. Like with the second the Kemper sounded better and cleaned up nicer, the real thing sounded kind of horrible. Always done so well on their comparisons as well. Screw you Kemper!
  17. Plenty of broke musicians around today! Whether or not 60's musicians were screwed over had nothing to do with their success. The point about album releases is that it is artificially slow these days. Slowing it down further, especially with less material doesn't make much sense, as what has to be recouped from it has to be far greater (Or touring would have to be more intense to make up for it!). Labels don't want bands in studios night & day as its expensive, always been like that, but need them in there often enough to have something to sell, its about balance. Plenty of musicians could put out material at the sort of rate artists used to. Always loved this by Soulwax, as one of the members convinced PIAS to pay for them to record in a NY studio, just so he could visit his girlfriend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC91SVa5Ng4
  18. There is quite a lot wrong in this. We can't realistically compare the sixties to today, as how people consume music is very different now and has changed throughout the decades. The music industry didn't peak in the 60's at all. Your last paragraph is mostly nonsense, plenty of musicians are screwed over in all sorts of different ways. Large successful bands got away with more in the 60's & 70's than they do today. The bands who make a stand are the DIY/Indie types, not the Muse's or Radiohead's of this world (Regardless of however much Thom Yorke pretends)
  19. Well there was a bit more to it than that, between OOS and Absolution there was a change in the definition of what a 'single' was, forcing less B-sides, so the EP/Mini-album length releases that were common didn't count as singles anymore. So less recorded material was required for album cycles. The shift to downloads meant less was required as well.
  20. Another thing to consider is non-album singles/EPs and B-sides. The amount released during Showbiz & OOS is likely more than Muse have done in the last 10 years.
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