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Posts posted by haze015

  1. like the review haze haha, 15 seconds of drums, either really pretentious or a joke on the bands part :LOL:


    hehe, there's a few little 'jokes' throughout the whole thing :)


    'cos if that little 15secs is pretentious, fuck knows what some of the stuff we've done would be :LOL:

  2. anyone after an EP, check out my band's profile and send me money :)


    also, gigs of any sort would be nice. also may be venturing off into europe next year, any germans out there (or possibly anyone from a french speaking country) who would like to do something with us, then send me a PM or something.

  3. a fresh start reminds me of the knife and you really need to learn to use delays and reverbs, would make it sound alot better and the drums need to be more powerful. and lol at 3rd storey chemist being in your influences.


    if you wanted me to have at mixing it, then i'd be more than happy to :D

  4. http://www.myspace.com/andrewcrosbymusic


    new song up called "onetwospitedance"


    listen (i know nearly noone probably actually will listen, but i want you to :p) and please give me some constructive feedback :)




    had a listen :)


    well, as you want constructive feedback.....i thought the work in progress one seemed interesting, definately heard the muse influence, but that's no bad thing, if you got a proper drummer in and structured it alot better, you could have a cool lightning bolt meets white stripes thing going on there if you don't get a bassist in, i imagine it would run the risk of becoming too muse sounding if you did have a bassist involved though.


    the other two songs, didn't feel there was enough coherence (?) between the various instruments, didn't feel like they gelled. thought the drum beat on onetwospitedance was cool, just need to vary it up so it's not the same beat over and over.



    oh and a bit of reverb or delay on a piano goes a long way.....

  5. dude, thats the kinda shit i would fuckin go mad for on a alternative night club, its really good shit! lovin the distortion, if your selling the cd, id take one off your hands!


    cheers, that's the angle i was going for with a couple of the songs :)


    unfortunately the cd may take a few more days than originally planned, had a gig tuesday and we weren't as prepared for it as we probably thought, so our time got put into that. but otherwise, anyone is more than welcome to one :)

  6. yeah i know what you mean, maybe he uses the sustainer for it (i'm 99% sure he doesn't haha)

    maybe it's set up to compensate for the drop C or maybe he just likes the guitar and wants to use it. he does tend to use that one for a lot of songs which don't involve the KP


    yeah, k&ter's to have a habit of reading too far into things, as far as i'm aware, starlight is the only song from bh&r that isn't played on a guitar built for this tour...and don't think he uses a few of the others anymore, maybe he just likes that guitars, or the pickups give him whatever sound he wants for that songs....

  7. Well either way the Maggie's Farm riff is played in drop C, definately not E.


    but does it really matter? it's not even a muse riff and it works perfectly fine in E and might do in C.


    and as far as i'm aware, it's possible to play motp in standard.

  8. though, thinking about it, it may not be pitchshifting, what could be happening is that matt is playing the notes, the synth involved could be appregiating between them, rather than pitchshifting.....if that makes any sense.


    the places where there is no pitchsifting, i can't really hear the guitar at all, never really have done, could be playing anything.

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