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Swiss Musers Thread


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Nun, die Band ist gegenwärtig auch gerade damit beschäftigt, sich selber abzuschaffen. Habe ehrlich gesagt keine grosse Lust mehr diese Musik zu hören. Zumindest nicht die neuen Songs. Und somit verbringe ich auch immer weniger Zeit in Foren um mich mit anderen darüber auszutauschen.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi Musers:musesign:

I'm desperately looking for a picture that shows Matt pointing at someone in the crowd at the end of the gig, because that someone was me! He recognized that I was wearing a Spiderman suit when he held out the microphone to the crowd during Starlight, and it seems that he liked it :dance:

It doesn't even matter if I'm on the picture aswell, Matt pointing at the crowd would already make me happy! Thanks in anticipation :\mm/:



PS: Sali Türknauf :D

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Hi Musers:musesign:

I'm desperately looking for a picture that shows Matt pointing at someone in the crowd at the end of the gig, because that someone was me! He recognized that I was wearing a Spiderman suit when he held out the microphone to the crowd during Starlight, and it seems that he liked it :dance:

It doesn't even matter if I'm on the picture aswell, Matt pointing at the crowd would already make me happy! Thanks in anticipation :\mm/:



PS: Sali Türknauf :D


Hey, hesches doch nach Jahre no do häre gschaft :p Sehr erfreut.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi guys!

I'm a french muser and I've got to tell you that last night was one of my best gig!!! And believe me I really mean it since I've already seen Muse live like around 20 times! You guys were just so perfect, nice people all around, singing, jumping, responding to our heroes great shape in a devoted but controlled way that I've appreciated beyond words! I was at the barrier as most of the time and I've never been peaceful that way before, no one trying to steal my spot or pushing me if not necessary ( I mean it's a Muse gig so it's very ok if people are shaky :D but most of the time people are pushing the limits! ), and in this context I had the best time of my muser life on songs like Stockholm Syndrom or Bliss by example! I wish we could be that disciplined and respectfull in France, unfortunetly we're not and I'm so sorry for that and for those of you who have already experienced (or will next week end at Stade de France) our bad behaviours! :facepalm:


Unintended was a magic moment with all lights in the stadium, the sing along especially on Starlight and PIB touched me a lot and you guys rocked so much more than the english audience in London, we could hear you from the pitt!!! I think also that the sound was better that's why it renders that well but anyway you were perfect! I really thank you and will come back in Switzerland for sure! :)


Great setlist, great audience and our 3 guys at the top!!!

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Another Swiss Muser over here! Well, actually I'm German but I live in Switzerland for four years now.. so I just consider myself as a Swiss Muser. :)

Last Saturday I was finally able to go to my first concert of Muse ever. I waited for about five years for this moment. When they were in Switzerland during the last few years I could never make it... So now I finally made it and it was awesome! I loved the show, the performance, the stage, the effects... just wow! although it was sometimes a bit TOO much for me, sometimes I simply didn't know where to look at :D

I was really lucky, I was standing at the barrier of the B-stage. During Blackout Matt was lying exactly in front of me and Chris also played several times in front of me. And during I had the chance that all three of them clapped my hand and Matt was even giving real handshakes. So yeah, my first Muse concert went WAY better than expected!

However I thought that the audience wasn't always 100% there. i realised that often people were just standing there doing nothing (not all the time) even during some songs where I simply couldn't stand still. Is this just me or was it really like that? I mean Tiro was amazing and also koc was quite good but there were also so many songs where people didn't move at all. Or was it just an illusion and I simply expected too much?


Well, so now I'm waiting with impatience for my next concert of Muse. Whenever that'll be :D Anyways, it was great with you guys in Bern!

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Hey! Is anyone going to the gig in Turin on Saturday 29th? I'm looking for someone who'd be willing to take me in their car, we'd share the costs of course :) I live close to Lausanne/Montreux, but could take the train for a bit and meet closer to Turin if necessary. That would only be to go there, I have the return journey sorted already. Let me know!

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