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Yeah, I can imagine.


I had a lazy day today, apart from work - woke up at like 9 but stayed in bed until after 11. :LOL: Didn't bother going in to uni...the mini extensions they've given us gives me such a false sense of security.


I have to park in Ponsonby when I go to work because they won't let any non-executives park under the building until after 7. I managed to time it so my walk from Ponsonby to work and my walk back there to move my car in my break coincided with heavy rain. :indiff:

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Yeah, I can imagine.


I had a lazy day today, apart from work - woke up at like 9 but stayed in bed until after 11. :LOL: Didn't bother going in to uni...the mini extensions they've given us gives me such a false sense of security.


I have to park in Ponsonby when I go to work because they won't let any non-executives park under the building until after 7. I managed to time it so my walk from Ponsonby to work and my walk back there coincided with heavy rain. :indiff:


I hate when work places don't give you free parking! :mad:

At Alt, we had about 3 car parks designated to us in a parking lot, because other businesses shared the place, and so did people living in apartments near by. So it was first-come, first-served usually. Although because it was weekend work, we sometimes got to steal the Nickelodeon/MTV spaces :ninja:

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Posted this in Banter but reposting here simply for making conversation:


Do any of you guys get banner ads in your email etc for that 'Evony' internet game? Those ads are just getting more and more ridiculous


Yeah I get those :rolleyes: Never clicked on them and just try to ignore them now.

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That's a bit unpleasant. And annoying!


I have a story to tell about rats. When I was little, I got up early one morning, turned on the TV and knelt down on the floor in the middle of the lounge.


Out of the corner of my eye I saw something furry coming towards me. I was only half-awake, so I assumed it was our cat. I put my hand out to stroke it.


Turns out I was stroking a rat (that our cat had kindly brought in).

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That's a bit unpleasant. And annoying!


I have a story to tell about rats. When I was little, I got up early one morning, turned on the TV and knelt down on the floor in the middle of the lounge.


Out of the corner of my eye I saw something furry coming towards me. I was only half-awake, so I assumed it was our cat. I put my hand out to stroke it.


Turns out I was stroking a rat (that our cat had kindly brought in).



At least your cat brought it in (and it was presumably dead?) rather than just being a ballsy one.

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To change the subject, any plans for tomorrow?


I don't have uni, so probably not. My friends usually have a drinking day at Shadows so I might turn up if I can be bothered going in on the bus. I have to pick up my mum from the mechanics at 11 and drop her back later though. I was looking forward to a sleep in.

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Nothing beats a sleep in.


I'll be going out with friends tomorrow night and was thinking of suggesting Shadows, but then I remembered that I don't much like the Friday DJ and the strobe light thingies are ARGHH BLINDING!


So we'll go somewhere else I think.

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Nothing beats a sleep in.


I'll be going out with friends tomorrow night and was thinking of suggesting Shadows, but then I remembered that I don't much like the Friday DJ and the strobe light thingies are ARGHH BLINDING!


So we'll go somewhere else I think.


Nice, always good to try something different some times! Go to Cassette.

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